What is your number one favorite game of all time?

Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne

I've been playing it since the 9th grade so in terms of that then yes

Otherwise...its a hard choice!
As far as nostalgia goes, Dragon Warrior 1, I play through it pretty much every year.

For pure fun, I would go with Contra, or Turtles in Time.
Super Mario World.

I could play that game 24/7 and not get bored with it. And its one of those games that is every bit as good now as it was when it came out all those years ago.
That's a tough one. It's either Suikoden 2 or Warcraft 2. Suikoden 2 for having me beat a RPG so many times and being the best RPG to date, and Warcraft 2 for keeping me entertained on Kali for a very long time.
That's a hard question, SMB3 is a great choice, as is SMW and I love Guardian Heroes too.

But I am a Castlevania Symphony of the Night whore, and I completely love that game. I have the original PS1 and import Saturn versions of it, and I knew what items were on the Saturn version just by looking at the icons, since it's in Japanese. I've beaten SOTN about 15 times or so. So I'm going with that.

Honorable mention goes to Chrono Trigger.
I still gotta give the nod to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Man, I remember when I first played that game back in like 2000 (what? I was retarded and didn't buy it until then.) I didn't even like it. But then I tried that shit again a year later, and hot damn. Best game ever.
I haven't touched SotN since I got 200.?%.

If I had to pick one, all-time favorite it would be Zelda 3.

Honorable mentions go to Street Fighter II Turbo, Mega Man X2, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Wind Waker, Yoshi's Island, Mario 3, Mario World, Metroid 3, Smash Bros. Brawl.

I'm glad to see a lot of MM X fans in here though.
Tough choice between Sonic 3 and Knuckles or Star Ocean 2 but I'll go with Sonic 3&K because I can pick that game up any day and not set it down for another week or so.
[quote name='tiggerkiddo']Tough choice between Sonic 3 and Knuckles or Star Ocean 2 but I'll go with Sonic 3&K because I can pick that game up any day and not set it down for another week or so.[/quote]

Awesome choice, that is my favorite Sonic game. I should have included that on my list of honorable mentions.
whoo!! look what I got!!


should I play games tonite or go out and buy sum snacks???

I really want sum ice cream...
Super Metroid.

More recently Gears of War is high up there. Went through the campaign 5 times, and I seldom replay games.
seriously, this is ludacris! :) One game? Can't come to realization on this one, honorable mentions? Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy IV and VI, Secret of Mana, Super Metroid, Earthbound, Castlevania (any of them), Legend of Zelda LttP, Resident Evil 1 - ?, Chrono Cross, Metal Gear Solid, twin snakes, 2, Substance, 3, Subsistence, and 4! I love almost every zelda, so I should toss that out, Mario whatever, Sonic genesis gen, streets of rage, actraiser, soul blazer, soooooooo many games, too many memories to think through. Gaming is great!
Ghouls N' Ghosts - arcade version. I spent a year playing it nearly every day just so I could beat it with one credit. It's still so much fun for me. People think it's unfair but it really isn't, the learning curve is just retardedly steep.
If I were stuck on an island with only one game, I'd want that game to be Master of Magic.

Honorable mention goes to Master of Orion 2, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Diablo 2, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Mechwarrior 4 Merc, Dark Cloud 2, Culdcept, MGS3, M&M: World Of Xeen, Wizardry 7, Dune 2, Warhawk
Hmm. Most people would probably expect me to say either Starcraft or Fire Emblem 10 (or, to those with good memories, FE7). Most people, however, are wrong. Those two are definitely up there, along with KotOR, Mutant League Football, FFVI, VII, and Tactics, Deus Ex, No More Heroes, Shining Force 2, General Chaos, Metroid Prime 3, and Civilization 3.

But in the end, I'm still with The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. So much smoother than previous 3D Zeldas, not to mention the timeless graphics and holyshitthisisawesome final boss fight.
bread's done