What kind of a skateboard/skateboard mats do you use/have?


So yeah, I'm thinking about getting a skateboard again. It's been awhile since I've done any actual riding, so I'm probably rusty, but I was wondering what decks, bearings, etc. do all the CAGs out there use.
When I did skate I always liked Element decks, also most skate shops have a house brand that is a lot cheaper and just as good quality because they buy from the same people that make the more expensive named decks (at least mine did, Element board at that). I also like venture trucks, they are the last pair I bought and were my favorite. Spitfire wheels have always been good to me.

I haven't really skated besides travel in quite a while so I'm a bit out of the loop too.
I have a Habitat board. They're not as mainstream as Element, Girl, Absolute etc... but it's a great board for the price. Good quality wood.

However I don't ride a trick board anymore (since I can't do any tricks) I moved onto long boards and I love it. I have a nice park I got to and just ride around for a while. I own a Sector 9 (Goddess) board and that thing just glides.
Not a traditional skateboard or anything.. but I used to ride around campus on a stock Sector 9 short board with a bamboo deck. Not used for them fancy tricks or anything, just something to get from point a to point b without much to carry into lectures and such. I'd still ride if my stupid bitch of an ex didn't steal my Zoey. :cry:

Edit: Deck-wise.. I'm a big Enjoi guy. I personally cannot tell the difference between the better quality trucks, bearings, and all the mechanics, but you're gonna want to go with a quality brand (don't opt for generics to save cash). Depending how you'll be riding, choose your wheels based on the terrain!

Keep us updated with your build.
Guess there aren't as many skaters on CAG as I thought. I probably should have updated this thread, but my internet/schedule have been pretty sketchy as of late. I think I'm going to with an Alien Workshop board, as I used to ride one of those, and they just came out with these moonpop boards that look awesome (haven't seen too many good designs in a long time):


If not one of those, than I might try a Black Label board since I hear those are really good too. I'll have to find a store that carries them, though, since it seems skateshops are mostly carrying the popular stuff now a days, like Baker.

For bearings, I think I'll just go for some Bones Reds since I don't need to spend an arm and a leg on those really. I've used them before, and they really were fantastic.
If you can find some local pro's they have the best deals; the difference in parts is negligible unless you are buying parts from TRU or KBToys(they only sell completes anyway).
Do you preform tricks?

I only ask cause when I got back into skating I got a trick board and realized I don't want to do tricks. I just like riding, and found that long boards were much better suited for me.
[quote name='Rodimus']Do you preform tricks?

I only ask cause when I got back into skating I got a trick board and realized I don't want to do tricks. I just like riding, and found that long boards were much better suited for me.[/QUOTE]

I'm not heavy into tricks, and it's been a long time since I've done any so I'll be very rusty from that aspect, but yeah, I really do like to them. That's part of the reason why I'm looking for a trick board over a long board. I thought about just getting a long bard this time, but I still want to have the option/ability to do tricks if I want.
[quote name='Rodimus']^ I understand. I was just curious. Longboards generally cost more anyways.[/QUOTE]

Any idea what board/parts you would get?
I'm a little rusty when it comes to knowledge about trick board parts. When I bought mine I got it pre-assembled with the standard parts. There's no brand name on the wheels or trucks so I'm asuming they're lower grade parts.

I would suggest finding a local skate shop and asking them these questions. Depending on where you live this might be easy or hard. Most places will let you hop on the board to see if it fits your needs. I can suggest BC Skate/Surf & Sport. See if there's one by you:

This thread seems like a good place to ask....I've been thinking about investing in a skateboard for getting around campus, not for tricks or whatever. What would CAG Skating Thread recommend a 200-lb guy who hasn't rode except for a little bit when he was a kid?
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']This thread seems like a good place to ask....I've been thinking about investing in a skateboard for getting around campus, not for tricks or whatever. What would CAG Skating Thread recommend a 200-lb guy who hasn't rode except for a little bit when he was a kid?[/QUOTE]

You're looking for a Mini Longboard or a Campus Cruiser (I think they're pretty much the same thing.) They're about the size of a normal skateboard but you'll notice they have much bigger trucks and wheels. This makes them a bit more sturdy when going over bumps plus makes them faster. They're great for hidding under chairs or desks during class. If you're not used to skating it might take you some practice since these suckers turn on a dime. But once you get the hang of it they're very fun. I've even seen people do tricks on these.

Sector 9 makes some of the best longboards. Look into that brand. A good one will cost you around $120-$150. You'll be looking for a 26-27 incher. Go to the link I posted above & check em' out.
Here's the current setup I'm looking at. I was hoping for some Bones wheels, but this shop doesn't have any. What do you guys think?

Spitfire Big Head Black Wheels
Independent Haslam Stage 10 Truck
Bones Reds Bearings
Black Label Vertigo Deck - 7.75
As I said before, brand doesn't matter as they are all made using the same methods just have a different name and logo.

In terms of the best wheel, you should figure out the hardness/softness of the wheel and the size that your prefer.
[quote name='seen']As I said before, brand doesn't matter as they are all made using the same methods just have a different name and logo.

In terms of the best wheel, you should figure out the hardness/softness of the wheel and the size that your prefer.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, not really helpful.
[quote name='JJSP']CCS has a 20% off coupon on any order on the front page of their site - they've always carried just about everything. www.ccs.com[/QUOTE]

How often do they have that 20% off coupon/how is their shipping without a coupon?
I'm not up to date with any skateboard (never went back to it after I muffed my ankle) stuff but I rode a Mini Logo deck with Royal trucks and Spitfire bearings and Boom! wheels. I've always prefered bigger wheels, and the gelly material opposed to the normal (http://www.handsforeyes.com/images/wheel_skateboard.jpg)ones) though. If you have skater friends then ask to ride their board for a little bit and you'll probably know if the normal or gelly kinds are better for you. The normal ones for me were jsut too hard and I didn't ride them well an then I started riding the gelly kinds and instantly knew they were better for me. I spent about 50 bucks on it (mostly because I got another deck off someone and took the wheels, and found another in the trash and took the bearings and trucks off). I've always liked Mini Logo decks for thier nice pop and affordability/durability, and the Royals were pretty good at that time at least. The wheels were nice becaue they rode over bumpier ground a lot better than the others would. Trucks and bearings aren't as imortant uness you are a hardcore skater. Just gather up some money and ask the dude at the shop for the top couple ones in your price range. If you want a more pricey (not even than bad, it's jsut Mini Logos are very basic) go with an Element or Enjoi deck. I've like their stuff over the years.
Curious as to why you'd order online. If you head to a shop, they can tweak it as you need it and as long as you don't tell them to put the grip tape on for you or want some custom bearings/hardware, if you don't like how it rides, they can always take it apart. Shops I've been to have stock bearings or wheels or trucks or whatever to allow you to try parts you want to. You won't be able to go shred outside, but at least you can ride it around a bit. Local shops will also usually be willing to hook you up with a deal on some parts or give you some free stuff if you're going to be buying a number of parts for them. If you are hesitant to head to one of these shops I encourage you to find one for those reasons.

I know this thread is fairly old and you probably have your build all figured out now, but allowed me to list parts anyway. This would be the "perfect" board for me.

Deck: House brand (for aggressive riding) Alien Workshop (for technical)
Trucks: A Mid set of Tensors
Wheels: Bones, depends on what I'm doing, but STF most likely
Hardware: This is where I would talk to a shop owner and bring in my deck/trucks and see what they have to say about sizes
Tape: Whatevers cheap.
Bearings: Expensive ass Bones swiss
bread's done