What kind of loser would vote for Hillary or Mccain?


Same kind of moron that would waste a vote on G.W. or John Kerry.
Why do people even join the Republican, Independant or Democratic party?
It just doesn't make sense.
People who think Obama is lacking experience....thats who

(in case you are wondering....I'm undecided)
I don't like the colored folks. No sir. Not one bit.

I'm voting for McCain because outside of his war stance every issue he stands for I support. Even the war stance isn't that bad. But I voted for Romney in the Primary if that's any consolidation.

Anyways OP; your ignorance is showing. Calling people losers because you disagree with them is the tactful move of a 13 year old. This is why I wish we'd up the voting age to 25.
I'm Canadian, voting is pointless here. "From a moron to another" should've been our devise. Damn Canadian governement...

Anyway my vote would go to Obama. He looks like a man of change, but as the campaign goes on, he tends to look more and more of a guru or something. Anything but Hillary!
Nonpartisan is the only way to go, unless you want to feel like a sheep being led to the slaughter. If Hilary or mccain win I am leaving the country; because I will have lost all hope for this country, my friends.
[quote name='HuppSav']Nonpartisan is the only way to go, unless you want to feel like a sheep being led to the slaughter. If Hilary or mccain win I am leaving the country; because I will have lost all hope for this country, my friends.[/quote]

What makes Obama such a saint? Don't give me any bullcrap speech about change. You can cite change all you want if you back it with fact.
He is the only candidate I have seen that I believe has no hidden agendas.
You look into his eyes and you know he is something different, something special.
Hillary is the defenition of a politician and that is not a good thing. I look at her smurk and listen to her comments, and it is enough to make me vomit. Mccain is about equal to Bush in terms of smarts, nuff said.
[quote name='HuppSav']Nonpartisan is the only way to go, unless you want to feel like a sheep being led to the slaughter. If Hilary or mccain win I am leaving the country; because I will have lost all hope for this country, my friends.[/quote]

Ah, but where will you go?

I watched the round table discussion on Real Time with Bill Maher. They bring up a valid point: what is Obama's stance on the 180,000 contractors in Iraq? Some are Blackwater, others are truck drivers and other are bricklayers.
[quote name='Magehart']This is why I wish we'd up the voting age to 25.[/quote]

There are still a bunch of idiots over 25 years old(such as the people blabbing about how Obama is working for "teh terroristz"). Something like an IQ Test just to make sure you aren't brain-dead would be cool, though.

By the way OP, I too would like to know why people join the Independent Party. :dunce:
What kind of loser would even vote?

We all know it's a big Jewish, corporate conspiracy and that none of our votes count anyways!
[quote name='evanft']This thread kinda fails.[/quote]
Maybe, but only because of comments like that.
I'm non-affiliated as well. Romney was the only guy that I thought was a possibility, that was a front-runner.

I'll probably have to sit this election out. The other three candidates churn my stomach in different directions.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I'm non-affiliated as well. Romney was the only guy that I thought was a possibility, that was a front-runner.

I'll probably have to sit this election out. The other three candidates churn my stomach in different directions.[/QUOTE]

Romney and Paul were the two worst candidates, IMO.

The three front runners are all much better than our choices in 2004 -- the only way we won't have win-win tickets is if Romney is McCain's running mate.
Man, McCain and Clinton could save a lot of money campaigning if they just had the OP as Obama's main PR man. He'd be out like *that*.

Seriously, bud, calling someone a "loser" because he doesn't necessarily get on board with your candidate choice is kind of a one-finger-point-with-three-pointing-back-at-you scenario. Besides, there's already a lengthy and established Obama thread. Why not just post there?
Vote or die!
I'm with...well, the bulk of this thread. Calling someone a loser because of their voting choice is ridiculous. I was a big Thompson guy up until he dropped out, but I like McCain's practical approach to create conservative solutions to problems.

Obama's just like any other politician, the difference being he's able to invoke a sense of hope in people and has less federal experience. He's still got some skeletons in his closet, I'm sure of it -- especially when people start discussing his connections with ]Rezko. Once he's fully vetted like Clinton and McCain, people will begin to say -- hmm, he too has done something that I may view as shifty and begin to actually take him for what he is -- a candidate for President who has views that they should look into and decide based on that.
[quote name='t0llenz']He's still got some skeletons in his closet, I'm sure of it -- especially when people start discussing his connections with ]Rezko.[/quote]

Yeah, I saw Head of State, too. Obama received money from assholes. What of it?
[quote name='Koggit']Romney and Paul were the two worst candidates, IMO.

The three front runners are all much better than our choices in 2004 -- the only way we won't have win-win tickets is if Romney is McCain's running mate.[/QUOTE]

So I take it you love government and are all for more government and bigger taxes?
While I wouldn't call the people who are voting for the current runners as "losers", I certainly cannot see eye-to-eye politically.

Then again, the closest candidate that came even remotely close to my political positions was Ron Paul who completely lost my vote when he started jabbering about the Gold Standard... :roll:
[quote name='Koggit']Romney and Paul were the two worst candidates, IMO.

The three front runners are all much better than our choices in 2004 -- the only way we won't have win-win tickets is if Romney is McCain's running mate.[/QUOTE]

Ok I can see Romney but with Paul I believe you're deluded. Paul all the way for me. I consider Obama, McCain and Clinton all Globalist pigs who want to help flush our country down the toilet.
If they get elected and pull out of Iraq and start to push heavy on getting Electric cars out there or one's with a REAL gas mileage that makes gas prices tolerable THEN I'll believe they're about something. If this happens or starts to most likely they'll be shot however.
People that did vote for Romney, Hillary, and Mccaine should be shot.
Just like that murderer G.W.:fridge:Conservative this, left wing that, shut the f up, grow a pair and be your own person. I hate these stupid political clicks, they just don't cut it anymore.
[quote name='HuppSav']People that did vote for Romney, Hillary, and Mccaine should be shot.
Just like that murderer G.W.:fridge:Conservative this, left wing that, shut the f up, grow a pair and be your own person. I hate these stupid political clicks, they just don't cut it anymore.[/QUOTE]

You want to see some real issues start to be addressed? We need 3rd parties to get elected in Congress and pass "Runoff voting" for Congress and especially the Presidency.
Realize that the Democrats and Republicans you see in Congress right now are two sides of the same coin. They support free trade, Israel and other things with no question. Also if you bitch anything about the foreign policy of Israel expect to be labeled an Anti-Semite immediately. If you bitch about Saudi Arabia, Iraq or any of these countries are you labeled anti-Arab? If you bitch about Japan are you anti-Japanese?
[quote name='Magehart']I don't like the colored folks. No sir. Not one bit.

I'm voting for McCain because outside of his war stance every issue he stands for I support. Even the war stance isn't that bad. But I voted for Romney in the Primary if that's any consolidation.

Anyways OP; your ignorance is showing. Calling people losers because you disagree with them is the tactful move of a 13 year old. This is why I wish we'd up the voting age to 25.[/quote]

I think your first line already proves exactly why this country is hated by the world. Good luck with that whole McCain thing.
[quote name='TheL1T1G4T0R']I think your first line already proves exactly why this country is hated by the world. Good luck with that whole McCain thing.[/quote]

And your attitude toward my post is why political correctness has run a muck in this country. Anyways you think racism is why other countries hate us so much? We are one of the most tolerant on the planet. After all we're so hated by many other countries because we're "Americans". You even said so in your own post. Isn't that no better than my so called "evil" comment. Go back to your sandbox now.

OP your ignorance towards other peoples opinions is astounding. You see the glamour of one guy and you'll rail anyone who doesn't get a long with your opinion. You listen to way too much CNN. Every candidate has their Pros and Cons. There is no perfect one. You choose the lesser of the evils. G.W. in the 2000 election was definitely the lesser. If it wasn't for Iraq I think he would've been downright tolerable.

Anyways OP you'll never win votes for Obama here. In fact you'll probably turn them away from Obama just so the other voters can't be associated with you.
Israel is just another American base right now. Yeah i know people can sterotype you as a conservative or what not but don't go parading around saying you are such. :drool: We whine and complain about the most insignificant things it makes me want to go to a better country. All we need to do is start taking care of the earth and everything on it. We want to colonize freaking mars because we are so f-ed up my friends. I wonder how many terrorists the US has created while ignoring education, transportation, and global warming?:applause:No my freinds, lets go stick our finger or better yet fist, up the rest of the worlds ass. We are so powerful yet so sickeningly weak.:cry:
[quote name='Magehart']And your attitude toward my post is why political correctness has run a muck in this country.[/QUOTE]

Your use of "amuck" reminds me of Ron Burgundy's use of "when in Rome"
[quote name='HuppSav']Israel is just another American base right now. Yeah i know people can stereotype you as a conservative or what not but don't go parading around saying you are such. :drool: We whine and complain about the most insignificant things it makes me want to go to a better country. [/quote]

Name one better country. Then please promptly go there. You people that hate our country so much, yet have to stay here and try to change the way it was originally set up, are the biggest problems we have. Just leave already.

All we need to do is start taking care of the earth and everything on it. We want to colonize freaking mars because we are so f-ed up my friends. I wonder how many terrorists the US has created while ignoring education, transportation, and global warming?:applause:No my freinds, lets go stick our finger or better yet fist, up the rest of the worlds ass. We are so powerful yet so sickeningly weak.:cry:

Huh? Ignoring Transportation created terrorists? ;)

So you are a member of the man-made global warming cult and love globalist agenda.... Well too each his own, but like I said above, go find a better country then. But before you do so, please explore my sig. If you don't have an hour to spend on it, just watch the last 10 minutes.

I hear a lot of Romney bashing in here, without anything to back it up. Someone please explain to me how he is worse than the front runners we have, on issues. Unless your argument is simply that the two party system does not work and both are ultimately puppets of the same masters, then I'd agree.
[quote name='Koggit']Your use of "amuck" reminds me of Ron Burgundy's use of "when in Rome"[/quote]

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[quote name='Magehart']Congratulations! You corrected my spellcheckers mistake. Do you feel smarter now?

If yes click here:

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It wasn't just the spelling, dude. Your use didn't make sense at all. His post is an example of why political correctness is running amuck? It's nonsense on a couple different levels.

Foremost, political correctness doesn't run amuck -- to run amuck is for craziness to go unchecked. Typically it would be like a convict escaping and killing innocents -- that'd be a convict running amuck in the city.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you simply meant that a fixation on political correctness is widespread in America, which may be a true statement, his post does not exemplify that, and is most certainly not "why", as you claimed it to be.

You could've saved face by not responding to my first post... you can still show a little dignity by not responding to this one...
[quote name='thrustbucket']You people that hate our country so much, yet have to stay here and try to change the way it was originally set up, are the biggest problems we have. Just leave already.[/QUOTE]

You and your ilk are the ones who have been ruining this country for years now.

You are being incredibly obtuse if you do not recognize that.
No, you moron, we breed terrorists because we have our fists so far up the worlds ass.
We just need to concentrate on doing some good and stop worrying about who is going to attack us.
Not really feeling Obama at the moment. All his supporters seem blind to me. When asked what they like, they always mention change. Change for change's sake might be awesome now, but this has to last for four years. I think he's riding by on his charisma and that's pretty much it.

Whether or not I like Hillary is up for debate. However, true change would be putting a woman in a position of power. Black or not, Obama is still a man.
[quote name='davo1224']
Whether or not I like Hillary is up for debate. However, true change would be putting a woman in a position of power. Black or not, Obama is still a man.[/quote]

Using that logic...can't you say "Woman or not, Hillary is still white"?
[quote name='Msut77']You and your ilk are the ones who have been ruining this country for years now.

You are being incredibly obtuse if you do not recognize that.[/QUOTE]

What is my ilk?

I simply happen to like the constitution. I like most of how the country was originally set up. I don't like how it's changed since the new deal. What's wrong with that?

Seriously, it makes no logical sense to stay here if you disagree. If you don't like how this country was founded, if you want to change the constitution rather than enforce it, then why not go to a "better" country? There are millions of people in the world that would love to trade places with a despondent America hating American.
[quote name='thrustbucket']What is my ilk?[/QUOTE]

The idiots who wish ruin this country to drag us back to a time that never actually existed.
Obamma is not just about change, he is about actually wanting to do something for the people. He is the only person I can trust to make decisions that actually matter. Mccain is too old and stupid to realize what we need to do. He says what he means, which is good, but he won't make the right decisions. Hillary has way too many agendas and does not understand how to do anything the right way, and she defiantely can't bring people together. The thought of her as commander in chief is scary. She is worse than rubbish and would be just terrible! She doesn't have all this experience she claims she does and it's really just funny and heartwrenching at the same time to listen to her speak to sheep at her events.
Bush was the lesser of two evils in 2000? What is so evil about Al Gore? Any shady dealings he may have are probably at least equaled by bush's own.
[quote name='thrustbucket']If you don't like how this country was founded, if you want to change the constitution rather than enforce it, then why not go to a "better" country? There are millions of people in the world that would love to trade places with a despondent America hating American.[/quote]

Funny, I thought our country was founded on change. Isn't that the reason we have the ability to amend the constitution, in case something needs changed? Our founders foresaw the fact that we would need change over the years. Why does everyone think being a patriot means blindly following the government. Some of the truest patriots want to change the country for the better.

It doesn't take a genius to see we're heading for some bad times right now and something does have to change. I'm not saying Obama or anyone else is the answer but at least it's a step in the right direction.
bread's done