What Multiplayer Game Types/Maps Would You Look Like to See More Of


I'm just curious. My friend and I were talking about this and, other than deathmatches or game modes that every game has (Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, etc), what were some of your favorite multiplayer modes in a game that you enjoyed?

I brought up in Counter-Strike, there was a map basically like a skeetshoot. One team had all snipers and stood in a building while the other team carried all knifes. They would get launched out like a sheet shoot and they had to kill each other. He brought up all grenades, dogeball pretty much. Or griffball in Halo.

Let's try to think up the greatest multiplayer game in history. Maybe some game developer will stumble across this thread and actually make it.
No more FPS, unless they actually try to innovate like Mirror's Edge.

Need more games like Anarchy Reigns, games that take entirely new approaches to the proven game styles (IE: death-match, team death-match, capture the flag.) Can we get a Final Fantasy title with online vs multiplayer? Just something new for fuck sake.
bread's done