What popular sitcom do you hate?


6 (100%)
I would have to say mine is Home Improvent. Every fricking episode is exactly the same.

Tim grunts through the whole episode: "Aroooooo!"
Tim makes big new machine that breaks.
Tim and Al make fun of each other.
Tim or other star runs into comical/serious problem.
Talks to Wilson over fence.
Family and friends problems are solved!

End Episode!
[quote name='the3rdkey']I would have to say mine is Home Improvent. Every fricking episode is exactly the same.

Tim makes big new machine that breaks.
Tim and Al make fun of each other.
Tim or other star runs into comical/serious problem.
Talks to Wilson over fence.
Family and friends problems are solved!

End Episode![/QUOTE]

You forgot the grunting! :lol:


I hate Seinfeld... Almost anything on ABC is shit. I really liked Fraiser. Reality TV is what really pisses me off.

However, I watch about an hour of TV a week. A few minutes of cartoon network before I fall asleep is all I really see.
[quote name='Kayden']You forgot the grunting! :lol:


I hate Seinfeld... Almost anything on ABC is shit. I really liked Fraiser. Reality TV is what really pisses me off.

However, I watch about an hour of TV a week. A few minutes of cartoon network before I fall asleep is all I really see.[/QUOTE]

I added the grunt. I hate it so much I must of blocked it out.
Tool Time was fucking horrible.
Seinfeld was great. Frasier was great. Simpsons was great. Friends had its moments.

I've seen a few episodes of Raymond and King of Queesn that were funny, but on the whole I find the rest of the shows up there to be middling.
[quote name='evilmax17']Most anything Post-Seinfeld.

Everybody Loves Raymond.

King of Queens.


All horrible.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you there. I don't watch much TV anymore, and the last show I remember watching regularly was Seinfeld.

Family Guy is one of the few good shows left, and I just wait for the DVDs to watch it. The Simpsons was good up until about 5 or so years ago.
I detest friends and honestly think it makes the viewer stupid. It was so fucking stupid how people packed like 20+ people in thier dorm rooms to watch the finale and were screaming their heads off the whole time...
I voted for "Friends". I can't freaking stand Ross, but Rachel is always smokin' hot (and occasionally is cuttin' glass with those big knockers).
[quote name='Tromack']Tool Time was fucking horrible.
Seinfeld was great. Frasier was great. Simpsons was great. Friends had its moments.

I've seen a few episodes of Raymond and King of Queesn that were funny, but on the whole I find the rest of the shows up there to be middling.[/QUOTE]

Wrong, Tool Time was great... Nikki Nova and Pam Anderson, what more do you want?

Yes, I know Donna D'erico would have been nice.
I mostly hate Raymond and Friends.
Why is every season of Friends available on DVD but you can only get the first five of the Simpsons? Go to hell Matt Groening.:bomb:
I find it funny that there are even votes for Home Improvement. It is the cleanest and most famliy friendly show up there. You people probably just like dirty smut whore stuff.
Home Improvement
Everybody Loves Raymond
King of Queens

All horrible cookie cutter sitcoms. I voted for Raymond though. Can't stand Ray's nasal voice, which cuts through my nerves with every syllable.
[quote name='thisiswack']
Why is every season of Friends available on DVD but you can only get the first five of the Simpsons? Go to hell Matt Groening.:bomb:[/QUOTE]

Probably because after a while people will forget about Friends so in order to cash in on the fanfare they released all of the DVDs sets right away. The Simpsons likely have a much more devoted following and will anxiously await the release of the DVDs. Also having more time between releases gives more time for non-devoted fans to pick up the set and start to get into the series (then buy the next set on release). Why rush them out when you don't have to.

EDIT: I voted for Home Improvement, but I could have just as easily voted for Frasier, Drew Carey. Friends and King of Queens I can take or leave. I find some episodes of Raymond funny.
FRIENDS was an abomination against God and yes you are dumber for having watched it. The real poison on Tv is reality tv. Jesus whatever happened to the arts of storytelling and acting...Network executives must be in a golden age...instead of paying actors and writers they get to air dumb schmucks who would probably pay them to be on tv...And the sheep out there in viewer land lap it up! FELLOW CHEAPASSES!!! PLEASE JOIN ME IN JUST SAYING NO TO REALITY TV!!!!
[quote name='claydawg96']FRIENDS was an abomination against God and yes you are dumber for having watched it. The real poison on Tv is reality tv. Jesus whatever happened to the arts of storytelling and acting...Network executives must be in a golden age...instead of paying actors and writers they get to air dumb schmucks who would probably pay them to be on tv...And the sheep out there in viewer land lap it up! FELLOW CHEAPASSES!!! PLEASE JOIN ME IN JUST SAYING NO TO REALITY TV!!!![/QUOTE]

:lol: Amen brother!! My wife loves reality TV and every time she says she wants to watch something and I ask what, she says "You're not going to like it. You are gonna make fun of me." And it is always a new reality show.
Family Guy. I know it's popular and people generally think it's hilarious, but it usually doesn't make me laugh. It's just preference.

Also, any of the Simpsons made within the past few years. What a bunch of low-quality shit to bring down the good Simpsons name.
Oh God! You got one of those too? Me and the old lady have nothing in common on tv except pay per view porn...That kinda makes up for it..
The Show I HATE is Will & Grace punks dis my City Flint,MI(yeah i know it's hell, but our hell). Friends can kiss ass too...Living in NYC,I don't think their's 8 million white people there.Home Improvement = Richman's trailertrash show.Think about it........
Tim works @ Binford is "Richman" Joe(Example) works @ Autozone,Habor Freight etc. is
"Poorman". Ugly Wife and 3 Boys....ok on that note it's =.
[quote name='thisiswack']I mostly hate Raymond and Friends.
Why is every season of Friends available on DVD but you can only get the first five of the Simpsons? Go to hell Matt Groening.:bomb:[/QUOTE]

Ummmm...season six of Simpsons comes out next month; they've been releasing them about every 9-10 months now. Frankly, I'm glad they take their time and add commentary tracks to EVERY episode - I just wish John Schwartzwelder would talk more. And Family Guy is a terrible, terrible show with obnoxious voices.
Raymond is funny every now and again. What I loath is Friends, with a close second being Will & Grace. fuck, those are bad. Home Improvement is at least over, and has been for a while...if you're going to talk about terrible old sitcoms, might as well throw in Full House and Step By Step, both of which are terrible. One might suggest to throw in Family Matters as well, but that one would not be me, since Carl Winslow is the motherfucking man.
There are no good sitcoms left except for the Simpsons, King of the Hill, Two and a Half Men and Scrubs. Entourage is great too but it doesn't follow the sitcom format.
[quote name='claydawg96']Oh God! You got one of those too? Me and the old lady have nothing in common on tv except pay per view porn...That kinda makes up for it..[/QUOTE]

Same here.....my sig other watches all the "reality" crap, even after I have pointed out how it isn't reality if they have to do several takes.....

There was a documentary on "wife swap" where it showed them like doing 10 takes of the woman meeting the "new" family.......
[quote name='LordFungus']Same here.....my sig other watches all the "reality" crap, even after I have pointed out how it isn't reality if they have to do several takes.....

There was a documentary on "wife swap" where it showed them like doing 10 takes of the woman meeting the "new" family.......[/QUOTE]

Oh my God i know....so much of that shit is staged...and what happened to Mtv? All this real world road rules bull shit! do you remember when it stood for .....wait for it now....."MUSIC TELEVISION"! What a novel concept! Do you remember when Mtv was cool? Now it is nothing but reality tv and hip hop crap..
[quote name='javeryh']There are no good sitcoms left except for the Simpsons, King of the Hill, Two and a Half Men and Scrubs. Entourage is great too but it doesn't follow the sitcom format.[/QUOTE]

I can't believe I forgot about The Office and Arrested Development - god those shows are funny.
[quote name='javeryh']I can't believe I forgot about The Office and Arrested Development - god those shows are funny.[/QUOTE]

I haven't watched The Office, but AD is definitely not a "sitcom" by normal standards.
[quote name='claydawg96']Oh God! You got one of those too? Me and the old lady have nothing in common on tv except pay per view porn...That kinda makes up for it..[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's the same with music. Zero in common. I don't know how we got together. :lol:

By the way, I don't have the porn luxury you do though. :sad:

EDIT: She hates movies too and I am a movie whore! :D
[quote name='Melhavic']The Show I HATE is Will & Grace punks dis my City Flint,MI(yeah i know it's hell, but our hell). Friends can kiss ass too...Living in NYC,I don't think their's 8 million white people there.Home Improvement = Richman's trailertrash show.Think about it........
Tim works @ Binford is "Richman" Joe(Example) works @ Autozone,Habor Freight etc. is
"Poorman". Ugly Wife and 3 Boys....ok on that note it's =.[/QUOTE]

Try having the first and last name of one of the characters on that show. And the gay one, nonethless. :bomb:

I voted for Drew Carrey, although it was a close tie between Carrey, Friends, Fraiser and Home Improvement. Carrey has always managed to get on my nerves. The show was never funny, and, like Home Improvement, predictable. I need not go into Home Improvement, as enough is said already.

The template for every Carrey show is this:
-Carrey goes to work. Trades insults with hideously fat bitch co-worker. Talk to boss, note how dumb boss is. Gay postman shows up, along with his buddy. Talk about the bar later that night. Trade more insults with repulsive co-worker. Go home. Flirt with pseudo-girlfriend. Go to bar. Hang out with pseudo girlfriend, gay friends, have a cold one after a hard day's work.

It got even worse when Carrey left his skidmark as a host on Who's Line Is it Anyway. As for Fraiser, I just never got into it, and Kelsey Grammar just seemed to bumble his way through the episode. And Friends had a character name 'Chandler'. I rest my case. Also, Seinfeld was before my time, and while I have seen a couple episodes, they just weren't funny enough to watch regularly.
Seinfeld, Yea I love a show that starts with the worst stand-up ever. I really enjoy some fat guy all pissy, paranoid, and yelling though the whole show.
[quote name='Graystone']Seinfeld, Yea I love a show that starts with the worst stand-up ever. I really enjoy some fat guy all pissy, paranoid, and yelling though the whole show.[/QUOTE]

Or, how about that disheveled tall guy who walks in, cracks a funny joke and/or contributes to the situation in an undeniably hilarious comedic fashion. I totally can't get enough of him.
[quote name='chickenhawk']Yeah, it's the same with music. Zero in common. I don't know how we got together. :lol:

By the way, I don't have the porn luxury you do though. :sad:

EDIT: She hates movies too and I am a movie whore! :D[/QUOTE]

Jesus.....that sounds exactly like my ex old lady.....look buddy....stop what you are doing right now....and run.....dont walk.....run as though your soul depends on it....BECAUSE BELIEVE ME IT DOES!!!
I know not everyone is going to like Seinfeld but I can't believe how many people say they don't care for it. I guess most of America really does want to watch the adventures some ugly guy about 40 pounds overweight, his impossibly hot wife and their "zany" kids complete with a laugh track and predictable jokes.
Friends has to be one of the worst television shows ever that was successful. I contend that if you removed the laugh track from Friends no one would know what is a joke and what is not. Seriously.... Ross screaming "I KNOOO-OOOOW" is not a joke, how is that a joke? Yet on every single episode it happens and everyone I know is cracking up.
I hated the hypocrisy of Everybody Loves Raymond. That show was held up as family entertainment, and yet it featured a horrible family who all seemingly hated each other and every episode had some sexual storyline. One episode was about Ray's mom taking up art and one of her sculptures was obviously a stylized vagina. Try explaining that to your kid.
I voted for Friends, although I would have voted for Drew Carrey post-Winford Lauder if I could, as the show went totally down hill after the Winford Lauder "saga."

I'm glad Yes Dear isn't up their, I like that show.
bread's done