What sequels do you want from Nintendo?


I would like a sequel to Luigi's Mansion. I really liked that game and it would be really sweet to see another.:booty:
Mmm.. chicken pot pie.....

Since Zelda is coming out, I would have to say a New Smash Brothers would be great, especially if it came out for the DS, and online. :drool:
A new Kid Icarus (even for GBA) is LONG overdue. Don't they realize how many people have fond memories of that game?
An "EXCITEBIKE 64" sequel would be awesome "Jumpin Jim Rivers EATS DIRT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can hear it now.
StarTropics, Punch-Out (there might be one in the works though), Super Mario RPG/Paper Mario (either I like both), Super Smash Bros., Kid Icarus, those are all I can think of now.
A DS Yoshi's Story.....and a new Super Mario RPG(Now this would be the game that they should port god dammit, not that many ppl get to play it but damn nintendo is porting games that you can find everywhere for under 10$. )
[quote name='pigeonpickup']A new traditional styled Kirby game for the GC.[/QUOTE]
Well good news for you one is in the works for GC, and more sequels I would love to see would be another SSB,Earthbound, Super Mario Bros 4, and a good Starfox:booty:
Super Smash Bros. (but, I am sure we'll get that. SSBM was the GC's best selling game.)
Super Mario ------ (I want a new, original 2D Mario!)
Star Fox (Don't hand it to Namco this time...)
Mother 2 (I want it over here!)


Also, I don't think Nintendo could port Super Mario RPG, since Squaresoft helped out with that one. I'm sure they would need a license to do that, and Square may (I may be wrong) own some characters (Mallow, Geno, etc.) I think that's the only reason they haven't already brought it back...
I would love a Starfox 64 Part 2. haha Assualt was ok but not Starfox 64 great.

A new Bionic Commando swingfest would indeed be a whole lot of fun.

A new Kid Icarus would be awesome as well. I bought the Japanese famicom mini version for my GBA.

Punch-Out would be great but it would have to be in the style of Punch-Out and Super Punch-Out.

A Cube Castlevania would be nice.
Earthbound, Castlevania, and Shaq-Fu. Ha ha. That'd be great. i'd also like an immediate sequel to the new Zelda game.
I'd like another Pilotwings.

[quote name='atreyue']a 3d bionic commando swingfest[/quote]

Bionic Commando was from Capcom. And 3D?... :/
like others have said, punch out and Kid Icarus..but I would love for nintendo to get another baseball stars (still my favorite baseball game) and tecmo bowl
bread's done