What should i buy?!


So this year, people are pitching in because my 360 red ringed. The deal is that I get a new 360 and $100 worth of games for christmas. I am of course buying these on Black Friday to save them some money, so I needed advice on what games to get. I am a huge fan of the assassins creed series, play cod on the daily, loved halo 3 (not so much reach), like racing games, FPS's are cool, have mass effect (havent finished) and same with FO 3. Played through Batman (both) and left with a meh feeling.

I am wondering what games I should buy... I was thinking about Gears 3, Forza 4, and maybe Skyrim? My issue is that I have never played any in these series', and I don't know if I will like them. Maybe I am missing something? Is battlefield 3 worth picking up? Will skyrim hold my interest for a full playthrough? I mean, I just need some suggestions. Thanks everyone!
Well everyone has said that all the flaws of the first games were fixed in the recents... that's why. I would consider getting the gears pack though.
bread's done