What T.V. shows are you still waiting to show up on DVD?


........../are left to go out on DVD before they start re-releasing them as SE/SCE/CE/LE if they haven't already.

I'm hoping to see the old Fox Spiderman and Xmen come in DVD form just like Batman: The Animated series has. I would also like to see Aeon Flux finally be released and the rest of the Simpsons (if they ever will finish them). Titus would be nice to see on dvd. It might revive the show also like Family Guy has. There are a bunch of others that I know I'm waiting for, but I just can't seem to remember.

Edit: Remembered some more from the posters of the site and some on my own, The Tick (animated), Venture Bros., Tripping the Rift, The P.J.s.
I was just going to come in here and say Spiderman! I was just thinking about how great that show was earlier today. I'd love to see it on DVD.

[quote name='jlarlee']Night Court[/quote]
I'm pretty sure this one is coming out at some point.

I'm waiting for The Tick (animated), Mighty Max (animated), Venture Brothers, Pete + Pete, Hey Dude!, Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, Cosby Show.
The Tick (animated)
Samurai Pizza Cats
Pete and Pete
Salute your Shorts
Rocko's Modern Life
All of Reboot
The Maxx (from MTV's Oddities)
Dr. Katz
Home Movies (seasons 2, 3.... since 1 is out)

The child in me wants:
David the Gnome
Adventures of Roo-bear
MapleTown (forgot official title)
Grimm's Fairy Tailes

Ahh Nick Jr., you never failed me...

I'm sure there's a lot more I'm waiting for...
These may be out, but I don't think so. If they are, someone please tell me.

All in the Family
Yes Dear
Mel Brook's Robin Hood TV series, 'When Things Were Rotten.' Not to be confused with his later film 'Robin Hood: Men in Tights.'

Quark, a Star Trek satire from about the same era as above.

Getter Robo, one of the first great giant robot anime series and a direct inspiration for Transformers. There have been some hooribly mutilated compilations bringing the whole series down to feature film length but I'd like to see the subtitled originals again. There was a surreal and nasty revival series a few years ago.

UFO Diapolon, another great early anime series I watched on a UHF station in the 70's. The good guys giant robot was half gladiator, half NFL player and made for some weird moments when it became apparents the people behind the series didn't really understand American Football. This show had some cool elements, especially in regard to how the giant robot was control and the potential consequences. Unlike Getter Robo this didn't have subtitles but I was hooked. IMDB doesn't have any entry for the show but if you do a Google search you'll see it was apparently very popular in Italy for no reason I can find.
The Cosby Show, Roseanne, Rainbow Brite, old Nick shows like Pete & Pete and Salute Your Shorts, and of course Venture Bros. :)
I think it would be cool if WWE/WWF should come out with a giant box set of all monday night raws before 95 and every video made from the 80's and they would stick them on dvd that would be awesome.
I can't really remember what it was called (maybe the Alex Winter Show?). It was on MTV years ago and was a comedy sketch show starring Alex Winter (of Bill & Ted's Fame). Extremely funny (but short-lived).

EDIT: The Idiot Box is the title.
I'd love to see the Saturday Night Live seasons released, rather than the random sketch collections we have today, though the sheer number of episodes, and the length of each, might keep this dream from seeing the light of day.

Also, where the hell is the Sopranos Season 5?
[quote name='rebenns']I'd love to see the Saturday Night Live seasons released, rather than the random sketch collections we have today, though the sheer number of episodes, and the length of each, might keep this dream from seeing the light of day.

Also, where the hell is the Sopranos Season 5?[/quote]

I could definitely go for some Sopranos Season 5, but they are probably going to take their sweet-ass time with it since Season 6 won't begin until 2006 (last I heard).
Tom Goes To The Mayor
Pilot Season
David Cross: The Pride Is Back (HBO comedy special)
the rest of Upright Citizens Brigade
That's My Bush!
[quote name='Graystone']I think it would be cool if WWE/WWF should come out with a giant box set of all monday night raws before 95 and every video made from the 80's and they would stick them on dvd that would be awesome.[/quote]

That would be great.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers'][quote name='epobirs']An Aeon Flux collection came out long ago:

Hmm...I had never seen one in store anywhere. Hadn't known. Do you own it or if anyone does, how is it?[/quote]

I have it. It contains four 20ish minute episodes and shorts from the liquid television series. I have always liked Chungs style. The dvd is OOP however.

Anyhow some of the shows I am waiting for are:

the six million dollar man
the time tunnel
land of the giants
[quote name='Graystone']I think it would be cool if WWE/WWF should come out with a giant box set of all monday night raws before 95 and every video made from the 80's and they would stick them on dvd that would be awesome.[/quote]

awesome but wont happen..

i want the to release the original power rangers on dvd
[quote name='guyver2077'][quote name='Graystone']I think it would be cool if WWE/WWF should come out with a giant box set of all monday night raws before 95 and every video made from the 80's and they would stick them on dvd that would be awesome.[/quote]

awesome but wont happen..

i want the to release the original power rangers on dvd[/quote]

I wouldn't mind seeing a WWE/WCW set of 5 years worth of pay-per-view shows. Probably will never, eeeever (as Jericho would say) happen.
rude awakening (a showtime series on from, I think, 97-2001). I only have about 12 episodes of it (I taped 5, the rest on emmy consideration tapes). It's my favorite show, though I know it will never get released, and It's hard to find anything more than a passing reference to it when I type it in on google. Seriously, I'd pay $400+ for the 3 or 4 seasons it was on, though I know that unless I can pay a few million, at least, showtime will never make it.
The Bots Master
Rocko''s Modern Life
The Tick (animated)
Family Matters
Spiderman (90's animated)
Spiderman (Japanese live action series)
Power Rangers (any series)
VR Troopers
Captain N
Belle and Sebastian
David the Gnome
Eureka's Castle
Count Duckula
Dungeons and Dragons
Video Power
The Koalas
Salute Your Shorts
Hey Dude
You Can't Do That On Television
Pete and Pete

The list goes on. I'll name some more later.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the two greatest shows on tv now - Scare Tactics and Ghost Hunters.
Earthworm Jim
The Maxx
Bobbys World
Camp Anawana(sp?)

Ah early to late 90s had some great shows.
bread's done