what the hell is up with all the non-paying bidders?!?!!?!?


I have had 4 non paying bidders in the last 2 months.All but one(one had 1 feedback) had 0 feedback.and they all joined ebay in april.They bid then never contact me.

I now have to inforce my new rule of bidder with feedback lower then 5 must contact me THEN bid....and some idiot STILL bid on the auction even though his feedback was 0.Anyone else see a surge in NPB's recently?
Not really but then I make it clear in my auctions bidder have two weeks to pay or I give a negative. Besides i've had guys with feedback in the hundreds not pay before, one guy gave the excuse he bid on the wrong thing, another said he was broke, both got negatives =)
i've had people with zero feedback bid on my stuff quite a bit, and they've even won a few times. most paid me pretty quickly, but there was only one person who never paid. the interesting thing is that after a week or so, their feedback changed to -1, so i checked out what it was. sure enough, they had actually purchased the same item from me AND someone else, and then never paid either of us. this person gets a gold star.
That's why I refuse business from people with zero or negative feedback. I will cancel their bids on them if they bid and clearly state that I will do so in the auction details. Ebay should allow sellers to set a rule preventing people with less than 5 or 10 feedback from bidding on their items. Either that or force those people to setup accounts similarly to a prepaid credit card. They will only be able to bid on items that they can afford to purchase. That way sellers can't get screwed.
But if noone ever allows a person with 0 feedback to bid then they can never get feedback. It is something of a terrible cycle.
These people never even email me.I haven't heard from any of em..its like a conspirecy.lol.I have given them warning after warning but they just dont care.....Got my final fee thingy back on one...waitin a few days for it on the other ones.
Yah that happens a lot with 0-1,2 feedback bidders.

I usually put up the (you must have +5 or higher feedback to bid on this auction) After a Zero bidder bid on it and didnt pay. Relist the item for free and add that to the auction.

I dont put it on every auction to start though.
I usually require immedieate payment required on all buy it now auctions and buy it now listings. It really cut down my amount of non paying bidders.

New buyers think Ebay is a game and you can just bid for fun and not pay
I had sold a BRAND NEW NES SP system with free stickers for $95 ($101 shipped). Lady is refusing to pay now because she thought the stickers were games (even though my auction says STICKERS all over them). Damn newbies.
They thought the stickers were games? What an idiot buyer. Report them as a non paying bidder and get your listing and final value fees back.
I know the feeling, whats worse is you don't wanna leave them negative feedback because you fear they will do the same for you...
Which is why the feedback system is so flawed. There should be a rule that if a bidder does not pay and you file a non paying bidder report on them, they are not allowed to leave you feedback.
Been there, done that. Ebayers that don't pay waste my time, both in the email hassling, the relisting, and the further waiting for payment of the item...
I have had about 50 auctions in the past 6 years, 5 of which were non-paying bidders. Ten percent is a little high :)

The last non-payer bid on my laptop, then told me that mommy wouldn't give her the money. She offered to pay me the auction fees but of course I never heard from her again.
This kind of stuff happens, and it's an annoyance....you can offer a second chance to someone else, or relist the item for free I believe if the first person doesn't pay (you may have to pay the 2nd time and then request a credit). I tell ya what's a lot worse is when people try to scam you, especially if it's the seller.

I have a beef with bid retractions also. Someone retracted early on in one of my recent auctions...wasn't a big deal....he listed "bid wrong amount" even though my opening bid was like $5...just for kicks I checked him out....# of bid retractions in the past 6 months.....75! I sent ebay a notice about this but I'm sure the'll do nothing...
I think you can request money back for the final value fees as well as relist the item for free if someone doesn't pay.

[quote name='bfg9k']I have had about 50 auctions in the past 6 years, 5 of which were non-paying bidders. Ten percent is a little high :)

The last non-payer bid on my laptop, then told me that mommy wouldn't give her the money. She offered to pay me the auction fees but of course I never heard from her again.[/quote]
I checked out eBays page for requesting Insertion Fee Credit and Final Value Fee credit and was wondering what order should I do it.
eBay's Explanation:

Can I file a non paying alert, file for a Final Value Fee credit, and relist all at once? Or do I really have to wait 10 days after the alart, and then file for a final value fee credit and then relist?

I mentioned on my auction 10 days to pay..took them 3 days just to contact me, then lied straight into me face saying they would pay...10 days later here I am..
I hate those people. i list up about 10-20auctions a week, and i usually average 1 non paying bidder a week which is a pain. you have to file a complaint inorder to get your money back which takes like 2 weeks. ebay needs to do something
To toocool17: yeah, and my luck that my ONLY auction (not a power seller) ended in a NPB. Sent a alert, I'll wait for the Final fee credit first I guess. thanks for the help, I'll remember to relist with a ban on 5 or less feedback next time.

EDIT: 12 days later still no reply or payment from bidder so I filed a NPB alert. It's odd how I don't even have a reply from ebay that I filed one >
That is why i feel so special that all my feedback is "AMAZINGLY FAST PAYMENT OMG TEH ZERGUSH A++++++++++++++++x9" type of stuff, with over 600+, all %100 positive. Yeah, and the newbie who think they can just change their mind later, etc. are morons. I make it a personal rule that if I don't have the HARD CASH IN MY HAND enough to pay for an auction, i sure as hell am not bidding.
I've only had one non-paying bidder and the asshole actually left me a negative on top of it, i want to slice his throat.
I have considered trying to put together a team of lawyers that would allow you to utilize their services for a small fee per auction (whether you needed them or not).

They would send out warnings and file complaints - not necessarily take people to court for $1.32, but at the very least make the people think twice about whether it's worth the risk to back out.

If it were "officially" sponsored by Ebay, you could put something like "My auctions protected by Ebay Legal Services" and people would know not to jack with you.

The counter-argument is that "Nobody is going to pay xyz thousands of dollars to take someone to court over $25." What I say to that is not case-by-case, but when people see that others on Ebay are getting their credit ruined and getting hauled to court, they will shape up. Then the lawyers "win" because their threats will be heeded, and we "win" because non-payers start disappearing (and the ones that remain get their just desserts).

Normally I don't give my "brainstorms" away, but truly I would be happy to see anybody implement this process. This cold dish of revenge would be sweet indeed.
My auctions say payment due within 10 days..on that 10th day, i send reminders, if i get no reply within the next two days, i nail with the neg, then go file npb..sad thing was, the guy that won my superman xbox game lives roughly one hour away and didnt send payment.go figure.
I try to wait as long as possible before leaving neg. I have had a few bidders who left town and forgot about it until they got back, or had emergencies come up. Maybe those were just excuses, but they ended up paying in the end. I really think getting the legal side involved would clean up a lot of these headaches though.
I recently ran close to 100 auctions over the last month....I had a total of 3 non-paying bidders....very frustrating, but I guess that isn't so bad considering how many things I sold.

One person claimed to have forgotten, then told me they sent a payment (on the 17th day...)...day 24 came and still no money.....so I finally did final step in non-paying...

One person said after about 2 weeks that they ran into money troubles, and that they would be able to pay me on the 17th of June....well it came and they didn't....so I emailed them...."I am in the red with paypal...so I need a few more days."
I didn't know you could even get in the red with paypal......so I finally said NO MORE...and got my fees refunded...

The other person just never emailed me or anything...I will be able to get my refund tomorrow....what a pain.
can you file mail fraud against non paying bidders? or just against sellers? it usually works with non paying sellers. the threat of not receiving anymore mail from anybody usuallys works.
bread's done