What time to Line up for Wii?

Left to Target at 3. Got there around 3:11. Played Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Another car drove up about 2 hours later. Guy got out, tapped on my window. Said I was waiting for a Wii. He was also. Another car appeared shortly after that.

Around 6:15, someone went to the front of the store to stand, so we all followed. Roughly 20 people at that time. Ended up with some ...gee, I want to say 80 people when the store opened. They passed out vouchers at roughly 7:30, and the guy had a huge stack of them.

Got system, came home, typed this. Need warmth.

It was a bitch to type this because my hands are still dead.
I did the line wait at launch. Got there around 6:30 PM the night before, if memory serves, and was at the exact halfway point of Wiis. Saw people lining up last night at the same Target around 8:30, I really hope they get them.
well I just came back from the fairfax, VA CC..

Got there around 7:45am. There was atleast a dozen people all talking shit. One chick was telling the new comers they already sold out of the wii. I got in my place and then a few minutes later this older guy comes out the parking lot and tries to cut infront of me. So I moved infront of him to show him who's in the line.

Then this big guy named TODD comes out of the store and tells everyone the bad news... the registers are down and we might have to wait longer til they are up. One lady gets smart and says, well can't you let us in so we can shop around while they get it up and running? He says he will try and goes back in.
This guy driving the Mystery Machine van (I forgot the name of the van, it escapes me atm) comes in and gets everyone's attention.. He comes out wearing a hat and everyone tells him there are no more Wii's and he walks away...what a bunch of assholes.

Finally TODD lets us in 5 minutes after the store suppose to open and told everyone who wants the Wii, follow him. So everyone follows him and he takes them in a , get this.... a TOUR GUIDE fashion! :p He starts talking about the wii and how great it is and the accessories you need to get, including another controller, nunchuck, then starts talking about the VC Classic controller which you need to play old nintendo games, sega games, Atari games (Oh really TODD???) and so on. He brags how he plays Tecmo Superbowl all the time.

Where was I while TODD was wrapping those idiot customers around his fat fingers buying everything he told them to buy?? In the 360 section holding back my laughter. Before todd even started to talk, i grabbed 1 of the last 2 Red Steel games that was on sale and headed over to the 360 section to see what I can get on clearance.

I grabbed a few other games and went to the camera section to ask for a price check on some titles and wanted to ring them up here instead of waiting in line for the Wii crowd to get checked out because there system was down (Before it came up, TODD said he was going to HANDWRITE the tickets). This other guy in the camera section (some Asian dude) said I will have to wait with the rest of the crowd and instead of saying bullshit, I said "Even if I am going to buy a camera too?"....that caused him to open the register so I faked him out so I could be rung up faster and out of there.

So I picked up NBA 2k7 360 for 17 bucks and Red Steel for 8. Glad I picked it up this early because there was NO WAY CC was going to have enough for today given the fact they only had 2 to start with.

I can't believe how dumb people are... most people are just buying it because it's popular.
Well I got it. Went at 3 and I was number 9 in line they only had 12. Was a bit worried for a while but if the assholes wouldn't be buying them to just resell at a rediculous markup then there wouldn't have been half the people in line. All is well and I am getting ready to start playing now
Thanks guys for the heads up about the shipments today.

My gf's family wanted one pretty badly, so I headed to ToysRUs this morning around 6:30am. Already close to 10 people in line (ToysRUs opens at 8am, BB opens at 10am) and as I drove by the BB on my way, I saw a much deeper line there. Not sure why peopel count out TRU as having Wiis.

Got in line by 6:45, got voucher by 7am, went back and sat in car until 8am. Place was friggin nuts. They had a good size shipment, I'd guess slightly more than 30. Lots of Wii Plays (smart of them to get those and the Blasters out).

Home by 8:30am, warming back up. It's friggin cold out there.

Thanks again for the original poster. This was a much needed gift.
It depends on your location, weather and how many units that store will receive. Two weeks in row, (today and last week) I waited less then hour and half at Bestbuy in Noho and still manage to get some Wii as Christmas gifts. That Bestbuy have over 100+ pieces both days. Perhaps, the weather played a big role as well. Weather conditions was horrendous, a mixture of snow and rain. I know that New York City have lots of video game store, I won't dare waiting in line in popular areas in midtown, rockfeller or union square.
[quote name='fatbeer']It depends on your location, weather and how many units that store will receive. Two weeks in row, (today and last week) I waited less then hour and half at Bestbuy in Noho and still manage to get some Wii as Christmas gifts. That Bestbuy have over 100+ pieces both days. Perhaps, the weather played a big role as well. Weather conditions was horrendous, a mixture of snow and rain. I know that New York City have lots of video game store, I won't dare waiting in line in popular areas in midtown, rockfeller or union square.[/quote]

And by "Christmas gifts" you mean eBay fodder. Its okay, we understand.

... Please don't hurt me.

I decided to step out to 1) Use a Target giftcard I got for my birthday and 2) get some flowers for The Wife.

I figured I'd check in at Target. I step into Target at 8: 15am.

... They got 70 Wiis this morning. 70. I just walked right in and bought one. There were stacks of them. Just sitting there.

No waiting in the cold. No waiting at all. No line at the checker even.

It happened pretty much the way I was expecting it to happen. I didn't have to support scalpers, which indirectly makes things harder for gamers who want these things.
I got out this morning to try and snag the flippable 360 games at CC. I spoke with a few of the people waiting in line for the Wii of course. It was funny because several of them were either pulling the "tag-team" method taking shifts waiting and warming up in the car (it was about 17 degrees out this morning) or they had the husband waiting at BB and sister/brother waiting at Target to make sure they got a Wii. They would get calls on their cell phones with status updates.

CC of course only got like 7 systems but the Target stores in our area got 50+ and BB got over 100! That is a shit load for stores in KC.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I DARE SOMEONE to take their empty Wii box, stuff it with news papers, pass by the crowd of people waiting in line and TOSS the box out of the window! Either the fools will think it's an empty box OR they will actually jump out of line and rush to it thinking someone dropped a free Wii.

Now that's YouTube Material.[/QUOTE]

I still have my box...

I also have a camera...

Maybe next week :D
If some kind soul is going to be visiting any of these stores today and spots a Wii, could you please purchase it for me and send it to my house? I will pay for all expense's and could even give a little tip if you want. This would be greatly appreciated.
[quote name='Gourd']... Please don't hurt me.

I decided to step out to 1) Use a Target giftcard I got for my birthday and 2) get some flowers for The Wife.

I figured I'd check in at Target. I step into Target at 8: 15am.

... They got 70 Wiis this morning. 70. I just walked right in and bought one. There were stacks of them. Just sitting there.

No waiting in the cold. No waiting at all. No line at the checker even.

It happened pretty much the way I was expecting it to happen. I didn't have to support scalpers, which indirectly makes things harder for gamers who want these things.[/quote]

off with your head!!
congrats i did the same thing also except in the middle of november
I went to TRU at 4am and there was one car, but by 630 we were all standing outside waiting in the freezing cold. They told us they were not allowed to say how many, but they ended up having over 30. Which means that all the people I was waiting with including myself could have waited comfortably in the car until open, but owell. Im just glad to have a Wii. Now I just need to get some games.
I got in line @ 3:30 and got my voucher @ C.C. (but not my Wii-see my thread in this forum). If I had been in line any later than 5 I would have missed out.

ETA- sub 40 degrees in N.Cali (population 85K w/ B.B., Shopko & Target all selling on the 16th) to help guage the market.
[quote name='xokxtrunks']I still have my box...

I also have a camera...

Maybe next week :D[/QUOTE]

now got to be careful on this one.

I just thought about the what if...

what if instead of what you plan the following happens:

Either they just ignore it and a cop just HAPPENS to see you littering and gives you a ticket for it.

or the fuckers take you tag numbers and call 911 reporting the incident to the police.

Now what would be even funnier is if you had a mini van with Wii like boxes stacked in the window, honk your horn as you passed by to get there attention and someone waves the real box and pointing at it screaming, I GOT MY WII'S BITCHES!!! and laugh at them.

Now that would be a better prank then the banana one that idiot did a few weeks ago.
I could not imagine standing outside in the weather we had today for this system, sub 20 degrees, massive pounding freezing rain and hail during the night which then turned into a massive blizzard snowstorm.
how come no one has posted pictures of what there area looked like during the snowfall up north. The news reports indicated it was really bad...yet they didn't report on the people waiting in line for the Wii..yet my local area news had like a full 5 minutes on the damn thing last night.

what good is the Wii if your fingers are frost bitten.
[quote name='Proto Man']I did the line wait at launch. Got there around 6:30 PM the night before, if memory serves, and was at the exact halfway point of Wiis. Saw people lining up last night at the same Target around 8:30, I really hope they get them.[/quote]

wow, that's thoughtful of you!

i wouldve driven by laughing maniac-ly, from the inside confines of my warm car with my wii safe and sound at home :)
They reported on the Wii last night here, mainly grandparents waiting to get it for their kids and not even dressed properly for the weather.... I quote one of them ... "My kids NEED a Wii this christmas".... stated as if they won't live if they don't get it.
[quote name='ITDEFX']well I just came back from the fairfax, VA CC..

Got there around 7:45am. There was atleast a dozen people all talking shit. One chick was telling the new comers they already sold out of the wii. I got in my place and then a few minutes later this older guy comes out the parking lot and tries to cut infront of me. So I moved infront of him to show him who's in the line.

Then this big guy named TODD comes out of the store and tells everyone the bad news... the registers are down and we might have to wait longer til they are up. One lady gets smart and says, well can't you let us in so we can shop around while they get it up and running? He says he will try and goes back in.
This guy driving the Mystery Machine van (I forgot the name of the van, it escapes me atm) comes in and gets everyone's attention.. He comes out wearing a hat and everyone tells him there are no more Wii's and he walks away...what a bunch of assholes.

Finally TODD lets us in 5 minutes after the store suppose to open and told everyone who wants the Wii, follow him. So everyone follows him and he takes them in a , get this.... a TOUR GUIDE fashion! :p He starts talking about the wii and how great it is and the accessories you need to get, including another controller, nunchuck, then starts talking about the VC Classic controller which you need to play old nintendo games, sega games, Atari games (Oh really TODD???) and so on. He brags how he plays Tecmo Superbowl all the time.

Where was I while TODD was wrapping those idiot customers around his fat fingers buying everything he told them to buy?? In the 360 section holding back my laughter. Before todd even started to talk, i grabbed 1 of the last 2 Red Steel games that was on sale and headed over to the 360 section to see what I can get on clearance.

I grabbed a few other games and went to the camera section to ask for a price check on some titles and wanted to ring them up here instead of waiting in line for the Wii crowd to get checked out because there system was down (Before it came up, TODD said he was going to HANDWRITE the tickets). This other guy in the camera section (some Asian dude) said I will have to wait with the rest of the crowd and instead of saying bullshit, I said "Even if I am going to buy a camera too?"....that caused him to open the register so I faked him out so I could be rung up faster and out of there.

So I picked up NBA 2k7 360 for 17 bucks and Red Steel for 8. Glad I picked it up this early because there was NO WAY CC was going to have enough for today given the fact they only had 2 to start with.

I can't believe how dumb people are... most people are just buying it because it's popular.[/QUOTE]

Was Todd wearing some sort of sport shirt/jersey? I went to Best Buy and that Circuit City shortly after they opened Sunday and there was a guy helping people pick out games who was a trip. (I was picking up an order I made for in-store pickup early that morning.)

Anyone looking for a Wii in Fair Lakes was better off at the Best Buy. I asked how many they got at both and the kid at Best Buy said about 100. Guy at CC said 21. Plus that Best Buy is just run nicely and the CC is a bit shady in comparison. Two ladies were still there checking out with some games along with the Wii when we left and that guy (probably Todd) was hugging them saying see you at Christmas, etc. Did he do an under the table hook up? No idea but it seemed that way.
[quote name='ITDEFX']how come no one has posted pictures of what there area looked like during the snowfall up north. The news reports indicated it was really bad...yet they didn't report on the people waiting in line for the Wii..yet my local area news had like a full 5 minutes on the damn thing last night.

what good is the Wii if your fingers are frost bitten.[/quote]

Actually, where I'm from we got mainly ice at first, then a light coating of snow on TOP of that. I just tried cleaning it this morning and it's like a solid block. I have an ice chopping blade, but it's a teeny tiny one and it'd take 3 hours to loosen the ice/snow mix on my sidewalks and driveway enough to shovel it outta the way. So, I may just spread some snow/ice melt stuff on it later on and try again tomorrow maybe.
[quote name='wubb']Was Todd wearing some sort of sport shirt/jersey? I went to Best Buy and that Circuit City shortly after they opened Sunday and there was a guy helping people pick out games who was a trip. (I was picking up an order I made for in-store pickup early that morning.)

Anyone looking for a Wii in Fair Lakes was better off at the Best Buy. I asked how many they got at both and the kid at Best Buy said about 100. Guy at CC said 21. Plus that Best Buy is just run nicely and the CC is a bit shady in comparison. Two ladies were still there checking out with some games along with the Wii when we left and that guy (probably Todd) was hugging them saying see you at Christmas, etc. Did he do an under the table hook up? No idea but it seemed that way.[/QUOTE]

why yes he was wearing I *think* was a redskins jersey. I took some pics on my cell from the camera department. Anyways yea something was Shady about Todd as when everyone else was in the line waiting to be checked out, I saw him go back and grab a GH package and a few other items and took it back into the line. I think he gave some free stuff away. You would have to have been there to see the way he was handling the stuff, it looked very suspicious. If what you said is true, my guess is that the store had a few more in the back even after all the tickets were out and he hooked up some of his lady friends with a Wii. He just had this Shady look to him and he was just playing the crowd.

As for fairlakes, I went over there to ask the CSR a quick question about a GPS (the one I wanted for BF) and the Extended warranty plan, then asked about the Wii and the guy said people were camped out with tents since last night.
Al (the guy with the glasses and light beard) the manger is kinda cool, so is Samuel who either runs the register or the CSR area. Both of them know me so they are cool with me. Watch out for the short asian chick manager, shes a real bitch when it comes to using coupons.

I don't like there Digital Imaging department because you can't get any real help at all. There is this big fat Asian guy with glasses who profiles customers like crazy and doesn't want to help anyone unless he knows he's going to get a big sale out of them.

They still had Wii's around 10am?!??! even though they were out (the sign in the front)?

oh well i already got mine from Microcenter back in October.

I am actually starting to think they state they have a certain number, but in actuality they have +10 to +20 more for employees and *special guests*
[quote name='ITDEFX']

They still had Wii's around 10am?!??! even though they were out (the sign in the front)?[/QUOTE]

No they were sold out at both places when I got there and I assume everyone that got one was in line hours before open. (I was at Best Buy about 8:15AM and Circuit City about 8:40AM)

I just asked how many they had in.
[quote name='wubb']No they were sold out at both places when I got there and I assume everyone that got one was in line hours before open. (I was at Best Buy about 8:15AM and Circuit City about 8:40AM)

I just asked how many they had in.[/QUOTE]

wow, we must have just passed by each other without knowing it.
[quote name='ITDEFX']wow, we must have just passed by each other without knowing it.[/QUOTE]

That would be a sight to see.... a sad penguin and a smiley thumb walking by each other. :lol:
bread's done