What time to show up on BF at BB?


Pretty much this is going to be my first BF ever, I never really cared before. However I am in college now and need to get some hot deals on DVD-R's and some other stuff at BB. So to the BF Vet's out there what is the best time to show up at my BB. I was thinking Midnight. Thanks for the help.
It will vary from area to area somewhat, but if you're going for the big "door busters" such as TV's, computers, etc. you'll usually need to line up several hours in advance (lines have formed starting at 6 pm at some locations), even then, you're not guaranteed to be at the front of the line.

If all you're looking for are smaller ticket items (DVD's, games, etc.), in my general experience you don't need to be there when the doors open. Also, there's the possibility that those deals will be on their website; so if you don't plan on being there when the doors open it may be worthwhile to see what you can pick-up online first. You can beat a lot of crowds that way.

Also, for the past few years Wal-Mart has priced matched deals. One note on this - if you want to price match another door buster, you need to be getting it priced checked before noon. In the past Wal-Mart said that they will honor only as long as the other store's are still having the deal.

One thing that waiting in line, online listings (depending on the store), and price-checking have in common: YMMV.
Unless it's some just blindingly good deal, I usually take a pass on doorbuster stuff. Chances are DVD-R's are pretty low on the must have list of people out that morning. If you're in the market for the stupidly cheap electronics (the $300 laptop?) you need to be early, but you get what you pay for, and it ain't worth the time spent in line, IMO. It does make a great gift, so long as you don't see that person very often...

If you need stupidly cheap DVD-R's Fry's or Frys.com will be your best bet on BF morning. Frys.com has different specials than the instore ads, so take that as you will, but it's usually pretty identical. Fry's usually sells DVD-R's (I think they're 8X generic now) for like $9-10 for a spindle of 50.
Im planning on camping out the day before with some friends and family taking shifts.. This is my second BF and ive learned from my mistake last year (failed to snag a laptop after waiting hours in line).. As long as you get a good spot in line, your going to get what you want, because bestbuy will hand out tickets for all the doorbuster items on their front page ad.. First come first serve..

Once you got the ticket for your item, then you can go in and get the smaller items before you pick up your doorbuster..

And make sure you got ur game face on, because people are animals there, your going to get bumped around by those crazy more experienced BF people.. I was a newbie last year, and i wanted to kill at least a dozen people..
[quote name='mer71']9 days ahead should be enough. Like those guys in Burbank, CA at the BB.[/QUOTE]

I lol'ed.

Seriously though, grab a ticket for EVERY item- people will buy the TV/Laptop ones off you easily.

And if you guys say that's cheap, I get in line over 12 hours in advance, so it's like getting paid $1.75 an hour for waiting in line. Now, if you manage to sell 5 tickets, more power to you.
my bb said they would give a isngle voucher to each person, which really has me pissed since theres a couepl things i want.
I honestly don't think you'll have much trouble getting that stuff. Usually, people do gift shopping and most of that consists of stuff like cameras, mp3 players, and the like. CD/DVD media is usually fairly easy to find. You should be fine if you just walk in as they open. But your area has a lot to do with it too... usually, larger towns pack their BBs heavily unless there's more than one near by.

I'm eying those Memorex 20 LS DVD+Rs for $9. LS media is near impossible to get a deal on... Newegg just had 10 packs of LS media for $6 each shipped and I jumped on 4 of them! I didn't even think!
If you want to be first in line 10:30 pm the night before at the very least, otherwise if it is just dvd-r's I would go with midnight or possibly later since I don't think that will be a huge priority for gifts or reselling.
Thanks everyone for all the information. I really appreciate it. there are a couple of other items that I want to get but nothing front page really. Thanks
yea I remember last year bestbuy and CC at 4 am when I got there, I saw a line way outside the store. Stopped by approx 1 hr later got a chance to go into CC but there was litterally nowhere to move around. Plus it was raining not worthed.
bread's done