what to do when the secret service knock on your door


I made 3 20's on the scanner. I scanned one bill and made 3 copies of a 20. I only copied the front side of the bill in color. to trick my friends to think the found 60 dollars. I woke up today to find the secret service knocking on the door . 2 months later asking what when and how I did them. my only intention was to play a trick on one of my friends the fakes disappear after the joke and I never thought about it and passed it out of my mind. well today I found out that one of my "friends" put them in their pocket and tried to pass the one sided bill off at the firework store. and they got in trouble but passed it off like oh I did not know so there were let off of the hook.
then the local gov't came to there house and my "friend" told them I did it on my scanner not that they found them but that I made them on the scanner
now I am faceing charges I have to go to the federal buliding tomorrow and I might be prosecuted all the way from a felony down to a misdeameaner of crimnal mischeif.

what should I do?

I am 19 and live in ohio.
dude that sucks, hopefully they arent too rough on you, i mean youre not running some crime rings you were playing a joke on a friend
damn dude just face the music if you have a good record they proably will give it to you easy probation, a month in jail, or even just the mischeif charge which would be a ticket for like 100 bucks or so. which state you live in.

The real question is...how old are you? If you are a minor, they probably aren't going to do shit to you but give you a slap on the wrist to scare you.
Did you actually try and spend it on something? If so, then your screwed. If your still a minor, just tell them you were messing around and never meant to use it, and hopefully they'll just give you the misdemeanor. BTW, the Secret Service came to you for that?
say it was an art project and you were making a collage or something and then they ended up missing. the only defense i could think is "hey, at least i didn't copy the other side!"

otherwise, get a good criminal lyer.
Just stick to your story and do not stray. They will ask the same question 20 different ways. Be consistant with your answers.
1st kick the shit out of your "friend" you are already in trouble so why not.
2nd just plead no contest when or if you do go to court
3rd face it and go on with your life.
hopefully they will be easy on you.
Same thing happened to my friend, she made copies of a $100 bill to use as a bookmark. The Secret Service came. She ran away to the Philippines. :shock:

It also could've happened that the Secret Service let her off with a warning and that she moved there unrelatedly to do volunteer work 8 years later. But then again who knows?!
Why would secret service knock on your door? Arnt they suppose to protect the President(and Ex-presidents) and his family .. this should be the FBI's turf.. Anyway like supernothing said, just tell the truth and stick to it..unless they find a big time money factory in your room you prolly get away with a slap on the wrist.
[quote name='"6669"']the Secret Service came to you for that?[/quote]

yes I am 19 years old just got of high school just started a job and I thought everything was going good for me. but some dumb ass mistake. I wish i could'va changed that day i would stayed inside all day and played games and slept.
[quote name='FlipSide']Why would secret service knock on your door? Arnt they suppose to protect the President(and Ex-presidents) and his family .. this should be the FBI's turf.. Anyway like supernothing said, just tell the truth and stick to it..unless they find a big time money factory in your room you prolly get away with a slap on the wrist.[/quote]

The Secret Service also handle counterfit money investigations.
I agree...the truth is your best and only option.
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. ;)
[quote name='daddiebigbig'][quote name='6669']the Secret Service came to you for that?[/quote]

yes I am 19 years old just got of high school just started a job and I thought everything was going good for me. but some dumb ass mistake. I wish i could'va changed that day i would stayed inside all day and played games and slept.[/quote]

Damn, that sucks. Why would your friend do that to you? Did you give it to your friend as a payment of some kind? If so, then your probably screwed :( . I still say it shouldn't be too bad if you never tried to use them. They can't prove that was your intention unless you actually did it.
[quote name='FlipSide']Why would secret service knock on your door? Arnt they suppose to protect the President(and Ex-presidents) and his family .. this should be the FBI's turf.. Anyway like supernothing said, just tell the truth and stick to it..unless they find a big time money factory in your room you prolly get away with a slap on the wrist.[/quote]

The Secret Service is an extension of the Treasury Department. At the time it was created there was virtually nothing in terms of law enforcement at the federal level outside of that department so they got the task of guarding the President. The desing of our government makes it specifically undesirable to have the military do this so the personnel needed to be drawn from a different source.
new avatar I am just going to keep my head up and not fight this just go with the flow. I never tryed to use them we were in my "friends" front yard I live about 5 houses down I told them I would be right back i went made the one sided bills drop them by a tree and waited for someone to see as soon as he picked them up a few minutes later i said damn I had 60 on me to go get a game and he did not say anything then I said take out of your pocket and look at the back we were standing in a group he did we all started laughing and then we went and played b-ball and after the day I forgot it.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Go to Mexico ... NOW![/quote]

Ya. I would get the fuck out of dodge. Close out your bank accounts, and bounce.
Why would secret service knock on your door? Arnt they suppose to protect the President(and Ex-presidents) and his family .. this should be the FBI's turf

Without trying to sound like too much of a smart ass.... what the hell do they teach you kids in school these days?

If you're completely incapable of learning anything that doesn't come from a DVD or TV go rent "To Live and Die In LA". You'll learn something.
They don't play around with this.. period. You may very well do time (although not an excessive amount). However you won't be in Federal "ass-pounding" Prison. You'll do time in a minimum to medium security federal prison... if you have to do time, that's the way to do it. It's like a Club Med you just can't leave.

Although you should definitely kick the crap out of your buddy.
[quote name='daddiebigbig']I made 3 20's on the scanner. I scanned one bill and made 3 copies of a 20. I only copied the front side of the bill in color. to trick my friends to think the found 60 dollars. I woke up today to find the secret service knocking on the door . 2 months later asking what when and how I did them. my only intention was to play a trick on one of my friends the fakes disappear after the joke and I never thought about it and passed it out of my mind. well today I found out that one of my "friends" put them in their pocket and tried to pass the one sided bill off at the firework store. and they got in trouble but passed it off like oh I did not know so there were let off of the hook.
then the local gov't came to there house and my "friend" told them I did it on my scanner not that they found them but that I made them on the scanner
now I am faceing charges I have to go to the federal buliding tomorrow and I might be prosecuted all the way from a felony down to a misdeameaner of crimnal mischeif.

what should I do?

I am 19 and live in ohio.[/quote]

[quote name='Graystone']1st kick the shit out of your "friend" you are already in trouble so why not.
2nd just plead no contest when or if you do go to court
3rd face it and go on with your life.
hopefully they will be easy on you.[/quote]

2nd and 3rd should be "continue beating the crap out of said friend, then dress him up as you and be his best man at his wedding to bubba"
good luck man,i hope you get an easy judge. some judges are real jerks,the others can be okay. i would say to tell the truth,it has worked for me when i had to go to court.
I certainly hope when you write down your statement you use better grammar. I hear they like illiterate teens in the Federal prison system....REALLY like em.

I have good news and bad news. The bad news is they will likely throw the book at you. Counterfeiting is pretty serious.

The good news is your story made me laugh.
By the by.. your biggest problem was copying $20s.. thats pretty much the bill of choice for counterfeiting ($50s and $100s get checked out and are harder to move). If you had done $1s or $5s they'd have been more likely to just let it go and ignore what happened.

First, get a lawyer. Second, get a lawyer. Third, they'll probably plea-bargain you down to a misdemeanor (if they stick with a felony, your life is in trouble.. felonies don't go away), with luck you'll get something like 2 years in prison with a commuted sentence provided you don't do the same sort of error in the next however many years.

And I stand by my earlier comment, if you do time, it won't be terrible time, probably the best way you could do it.

Of course this is assuming you have no record, if not.. well you may as well sell your games now.. we wont be seeing you for a while.
lol... pretty bleak ending according to most of these people. I couldn't help but laugh about it, but I do wish you the best. I'm sure they have internet in federal prison, when you get there bump this thread and tell us what it's like.
It might not be the smartest thing to do, but if I were you, I would have denied it from the beginning. I would have burned the scanner, deleted any scanned material off my PC and said that my friend was a liar.

I would try to reverse it onto him, especially since he told on you. I would have said that he scanned it, and it was his idea.

Hey, he's the one that was caught with the money, so they would probably have believed you instead of him.
His friend did not "do" that to him, he did it to himself.

Tell the truth, plead guilty with extenuating (sp) circumstances (being that you are a stupid kid--no offense), and ask for leniency. Keep your cool--they are smarter, older, and more mature than you are, so don't think you can outsmart the law.

Suck it up and be a man--if you are old enough to pull a stunt like that, you are old enough to live with the results of your actions.

I wish you the best of luck, and I am not a lawyer.
Have you even talked to said "friend" since it happened? I totally agree with others, a major ass kicking is in order, sure it won't get you out of trouble but you'll just feel a slight bit better.

Best of luck with whatever happens.
Hmm, I'm suprised they haven't confiscated your computer by now to gather or look for evidence of counterfieting on it. I wouldn't be too shocked if they did eventually do that. Better lose any questionable porn that may be on there (if any, not saying you have any, but just a friendly warning)

Good luck man. Tell the truth, probably get off with a hefty fine and probation considering the circumstances.
GET A GOOD ATTORNEY NOW. If you don't have $$, you can probably get a local law school clinic or pro bono organization to help you (or you might be able to get a public defender). PM me if you need some leads--I might be able to help you find someone in your area.

But do not screw around--start looking to get an attorney ASAP, and don't talk about this situation with anyone until you've talked with your attorney first.
America must be REALLY stupid. They are doing this because you copied 3 twenties, in black and white? and you only did the top and not the bottom side, LMAO!

If you really were trying to do something wouldn't you at least copy the bottom, lol.

I hope everything turns out ok :(
Counterfeiting, intentionally or not is wrong, but spending a counterfeit money with intention to fraud (meaning knowing that the money is bogus) is as serious of a crime as counterfeiting itself. So, not only you, but your friend might get in trouble too.

My advice, if you do get into trouble, drag your friend together with you... he's a no good friend anyways, so what do you have to loose?
i read an article in wired about how the new version of photoshop and illustrator have code built into them so you couldnt scan or edit images of money to a certain size and color.

apparently, you were using an older version of it.
well, if you have a clear record up to that point and u stick to your story, i really doubt that they;ll waste their time prosecuting you. You aren't the one who tried to spend the money. They have bigger fish to fry then a silly person who tried to play a joke on a friend.
well, no he didnt try to spend it, but technically did distribute it, which may be seen as worse.

its bad enough if some dumbass makes it and tries to use it, but its totally another if he gives it out to friends to use. then you have the counterfeit money spread around.

im not calling you a dumbass... im just saying that the treasury department may view it that way.
Man that sucks, I really feel for you, but damn if that is not the funniest story that I have heard today. Good luck.
bread's done