what tv show series are u waiting to come out on blu-ray in boxset

Transformers G1 and Beastwars
Lost seasons 1 and 2
Heroes, so i can see what the big deal is about the show.
they've probably already been said but...

The Shield
Young Indiana Jones
Rescue Me

I have all of the Shield and Rescue Me so far on dvd, and I sold all of my X-files slim packs recently for straight up what I paid for them. X-files in HD would be the best one for me though.
[quote name='dfo']King of Queens? How in the name of God did that make it onto your list?[/QUOTE]

I'm wondering the same thing myself. I don't know which show I find more annoying:

- Everybody Loves Raymond
- King Of Queens
- Two And An Half Men
- Grey Anatomy
[quote name='dfo']King of Queens? How in the name of God did that make it onto your list?[/quote]

because some people like the show
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Fresh Prince of Bel-Air baby! whoooooo!

I know it'll never happen ;)[/QUOTE]

I second that.
Probably just Lost - The Complete Series Box Set and even then I wouldn't want to pay more than $130 for it.

Unless Blu-Ray prices come down considerably, most of the TV Shows that I like (i.e. The Shield, Alias, Dexter, The Wire etc.) just aren't worth the premium surcharge of Blu-Ray over DVD, especially when purchased on a season by season basis.
This is an ancient thread, but since I never threw in my .02, I'll do so now that it's back. ;)

I'd say my top 3 series I'd like to see on blu-ray are probably Sopranos, Stargate SG-1 & Stargate Atlantis. The 2 SG-1 movies are getting blu-ray treatment, but no word on the actual series yet afaik. I was honestly a little surprised to see that huge Sopranos set hit with no blu-ray version along side it.

Tho the blu-ray premiums in general need to go away, they're ridiculous. Maybe then we'll see more of this stuff show up on it.
i said other but mine would be ALL seasons of X-files and Battlestar Galactica. I would definitely repurchase them if they did.
Lost. Have seasons 1-3 on DVD, but just gave them to my girlfriend to watch and then sell on her eBay account for me (I've never sold anything).

I'll probably rebuy the complete series on Blu Ray down the road, but in general I've not buying many more TV series anymore. I tend to just watch them once and never touch them again and they take up a lot of space on the shelf and I have space issues with having 300+ dvds/brs as is. Just gave my 24 seaons 1-6 to my parents (may sell those after they watch them) and gave away Heroes Season 1 & 2 to a friend. Trying to free up space and get rid of crap before I move this summer.

ALl I have now are the 3 seasons of Arrested Development, Boomtown Season 1, and all 6 seasons of Scrubs. I'll hold on to all of those. Need to get back to watch scrubs, but them all for $20 a season nearly a year ago and have only watched Season 1.
I went with Yes Dear, because it doesn't even have a DVD set out yet, and the rest I won't double dip on if I own them on DVD already.
[quote name='lawdood']Any word on the first two seasons of Lost coming to BD?[/quote]

Nope. I'm thinking it might be wise to hold off on Lost blurays until the series has ended. There's a good chance the show will get an entire set treatment like with Alias.
If you don't say "The Wonder Years", you are a terrible person. I'd be happy with ANY sort of set for that.
I don't know if this was mentioned but didn't see either show in the poll. I'd love to get ALL of dexter on blu-ray (season 1 is on blu-ray tomorrow) don't know what if any features improvements compared to the dvd sets (heard of BD-Live) I'd also like to get Trueblood on blu-ray but i highly doubt that seeing as it seems band of brothers and sopranos only have gotten that treatment from HBO. Oh well...other than that i'm content.
flatliner, I wish the other Dexters were out now too. At least S2, like how Heroes put out S1 and S2 on the same day. My Dex S1 shipped. Can't wait for that. The SD broadcasts had phenominal image quality so I'm anxious to see how much better 1080p is going to look. The show is perfect for HD with all those sunny daytime scenes and bright colors.
Let's see:

Battlestar Galactica
Gilmore Girls
Gossip Girl
Smallville (previous seasons)
Ugly Betty
Veronica Mars
Unless the show was shot in HD when it was originally aired, then I am going to stick to SD-DVD. I known Enterprise was shot in HD, so that would benefit from the BR release. DS9 and TNG would need some remaster work before a BR release, VOY can go to hell!!
[quote name='ITDEFX']Unless the show was shot in HD when it was originally aired, then I am going to stick to SD-DVD. I known Enterprise was shot in HD, so that would benefit from the BR release. DS9 and TNG would need some remaster work before a BR release, VOY can go to hell!![/quote]

Most shows are actually shot on film. In fact, wasn't the first season of Enterprise shot on film, then they went to HD cameras the rest of the run? Film is of substantially higher quality than HD because the film grains are smaller than pixels. It just depends on the quality of the film, the way it was kept in storage, and the quality of the transfer.

It also helps if the show was brightly lit, as the film grain (and even some of the HD cams they use in TV) don't like low light. Shows like LOST have excellent quality on Blu-Ray in 1080p because they're bright. Other shows, like Rescue Me are darker in the majority of their scenes and end up looking like they were filmed on sand.

Of course, it'll also depend on whether the studio used DSP on the HD release....which is what we got on the Blu-Ray of Band of Brothers to reduce the grain in darker shots.

As for my list....I'm desperately awaiting The Venture Brothers S3 on Blu.
The Wire, Battlestar, Burn Notice, Star Wars Boxset, Indiana Jones Boxset, Babylon 5, Lost, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia for tons of extras, Rescue Me, Star Trek TOS...
[quote name='blueweltall']It's a long shot but...

X-Men 90's TV shows
Spider-man 90's TV shows

They even can't give it to us on DVD!:bomb::bomb::bomb:[/QUOTE]

Those would be instant buys for me...even if they came out on DVD
bread's done