What was the biggest E3 news for you, in regards to the 360?

[quote name='rabbitt']Have you played the remake of Bad Fur Day, Live & Reloaded? I think Rare's biggest mistake was making the graphics so pretty, creating a huge disparity in quality from both the muddy gameplay and outdated jokes. Don't get me wrong, Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of my all-time favorites (there's just something enjoyable about playing an adult game on the Nintendo 64), but timeless it is not.[/quote]

No, I haven't got a chance to play the remake yet. When it came out all I had was PS2. My friend told me that the online was a lot of fun for it though. I'll play it one of these days. I still think Conker on the N64 is a great game. Maybe it's part nostalgia, but damn I love it. I wish there would be sequel or something.
The only problem I had with Reloaded was the stupid fucking hoverboarding level was still annoying as fuck, and they removed the great N64 multiplayer in favor of generic shooter shit.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Uh...what? They are going to buy a $300 console so they can stream less-than-DVD quality movies from Netflix, when they could just get actual DVD's from Netflix and watch them in a DVD player they already own?[/quote]

at a post press briefing, uncle gamer or 1up was told that the video quality is slightly better then dvd right now. With netflix partnering exclusively with msft, netflix will get help in setting up an infastructure and networking code to enable hd video content as DLC on there instant viewing option. MSFT already has proven to be able to handle sizable amount of HD dl, and they shouldnt' have a problem helping out netflix to enable it on netflix back end.

Besides being able to DL the movies to your 360, assuming you have the 2 discs out at a time or higher option you will be able to DL/stream the movies on your xbox as well as have 2 movies mailed to you.
1. XBLA Portal
2. Rock Band 2 (pretty much everything about it)
3. XBLA Geometry Wars 2
4. GH compatibility
5. XBLA Galaga Legions
6. XBLA Banjo

Damn. That's a lot of MS points.
[quote name='KillJoi99']Anone see on inside XBOX how they let Trixie build a Xii? How shes going through and is like "I think Im an average build." In the end her Xii ends up being a little skinny Xii and looks nothing like her.[/QUOTE]
Yeaa.. that was not pleasant. I bet whoever edits these videos did it on purpose to get some lulz. Man that bitch is ugly.
For me, it was a tie for Banjo Kazooie coming to XBLA and revealing the full playlist of Rock Band 2 + all those bonus and old songs.
The footage of the new Prince of Persia was a highlight for me. Even before E3, I already figured I'd be picking the game up at some point, but now I'm thinking it may be one of those Day One purchases.

Also, the XBLA stuff- specifically Galaga Legions, Portal: Still Alive, and Geometry Wars 2.
by far the answer should be for everyone Banjo Kazooie 1 on XBLA which means somewhere down the line we should get Banjo Tooie... oh and FF13 i guess
If Lips works well I'd probably call it my pick of Microsoft's E3 conference this year, although that's only because I'm someone who's bought a lot of Singstar tracks - adding my own music for free sounds good (and cheap!).

As for the FFXIII news, all it means for me is that there's another 1000 points I could be adding to my gamerscore. Given that the PS3 is the lead platform I'll probably skip it on the 360.
Wasen't all that impressed with anything. The new dashboard was pretty big news though. I would have said Fallout 3 but it was kinda disappointing. Not very exciting at all.
The Netflix streaming. Already a member but don't use it much as I hate watching movies on a PC/laptop.

More into movies than gaming these days so that's the big announcement for me.
[quote name='bigdsinferno']there is no instant gratification from getting the DVD's from netflix. It sounds like netflix will be moving towards delivering HD content in the future. Also, here is also many other things that MS is doing to appeal to a more casual market.. i just thing netflix is a huge push towards acquiring more "casual" gamers.[/quote]I think it's more a push towards creating the "multimedia box" for everyone's living room that Microsoft covets.
To me it was Final Fantasy XIII.

This nuclear 9000-megaton bomb Microsoft dropped on Sony, wasn't just about a major game coming to both consoles. This game, FFXIII, was considered by many (including myself) to be the predominant reason to own a PS3. Many wouldn't get one until this game came out. Microsoft (along with Square Enix) convinced those who were on the fence deciding whether to buy a PS3 "Keep your money!"

Don't mean to sound fanboyish, but Microsoft "Hiroshima'd" Sony, and judging by the Sony E3 press conference, it practically went unanswered.
I was excited by everything discussed during the conference before the movie/lips/guitarhero/rockband stuff. So Fallout 3, RE5, Gears 2, etc; the new dashboard; party system with 8 person chat; and netflix stuff. I'm also excited about Star Ocean now that I've seen some gameplay video.
Gears of War 2 'Horde' Multiplayer Co-Op Mode. Defending off swarms of locusts that get increaseingly difficult. Sounds awesome.
bread's done