What was the WORST game you ever paid the MOST money for?

I thought the Mischief Makers guys were going to win, but then the Superman 64 guy came in and took it for worst ever. Enter the Matrix guy is an honorable mention though. And the guy who bought this>
http://www.ultragames101.com/images/GC_Universal Studios Theme Park Adventure.jpg
You get what you get with a cover like that.

Anyway, I found the .Hack games on Ebay in a complete set for like $100, plus it came with 2 .Hack Sign DVDS. Was not overly expensive, but did not care much for the first one so I did not really even bother with the other 3. I got to the last boss on the first one, he killed me a couple times, then I just though "I'm done with this". It was decent enough game, but really short for an RPG. Neat ideas in the game though. Just the fact that I bought all 4, and only played through the first one.

Boy and his Blob is real close on the list as well. Don't remember how much it cost, but that game was pretty horrible. I wanted it for a long time as well(I was like 8-10 years old, so no money)

Roger Clemen's Baseball is there as well. Worst baseball game ever, and my brother got it for his birthday. My brother and I used to play that game where the winner was the one who was actually able to hit the ball. That game was hard as hell just to hit.

Magna Carta is close as well. Just like the main character says over and over and over "It was over before it started", it ended for my fun factor of the game. The battle system is one of the worst I have ever played. Have to stand still and take an ass whoopin to be able to attack again. And the fact that the other 2 characters on the team just stand still and jerk off while I do all the work.

I think the one for me though is the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles irritated me as well. I loved TMNT when I was younger and got the game for my birthday. So psyched for this game, and it turned out to be gay. Just did not like it at all. Part of it may have been because I was a lot younger, and it was too hard, but I think I only got past the first board once.

These games are not on the list just because they are dumb, but because a good amount of money was spent on them.
I'm surprised at all the Mischief Makers hate in this thread. Granted, I was pretty young when I played it, but I thought it was a damn fine game. Debating on buying it again at the local game shop for $7.

Anyway, uh, The Saga of Ryzom is my pick. $50. MMORPG. It sounded promising, and it looked pretty decent, so I bought it. What a horrible game. Haven't heard a thing about it since release, except when I found a shelf full of ~7 unopened copies at a nearby EBgames, $9.99 each. I guess that means the servers are still around (God knows how it's still surviving, but it is.)

And, like the OP, I'm also starting to wonder if Metal Saga was worth the $50 I spent on it. Maybe I just need to give it more time...
[quote name='Metal Boss']I thought red faction kicked ass, the single player was pretty challenging and I played multiplayer on that game for hours[/QUOTE]

Yup same with part 2..MP was the best for parties...sooo many levels for MP in pt.2

For me its Kabuki Warriors...even renting it was not worth anything over 1 cent
[quote name='Capt Dirty Jack']I'm surprised at all the Mischief Makers hate in this thread. Granted, I was pretty young when I played it, but I thought it was a damn fine game. Debating on buying it again at the local game shop for $7.[/quote] You have to remember the time it was out. Nintendo 64 was huge and Mario 64 dazzled everyone. 3D environments were more than a buzzword -- everything had to be 3D. But there weren't many titles for the N64 and they were all expensive. Many people shelled out $59.99 for Mischief Makers, and many of those bought it only because there were no other games. Most people were expecting an amazing "64 bit" 3D experience, and they get a strange game with even stranger characters that doesn't really look "next generation" at all. I love Mischief Makers, but of course I didn't pay $60 for it, and I did know what I was getting.
Enter The Matrix, $50 day one.

The game magazines were hyping it up to be an ultra-awesome Matrix game, which sounded pretty damn good to me. Plus I was excited for Reloaded.
Hmm.. I paid over 70 for Chrono Trigger when it came out.. but that was more than worth it.
I got Fighting Force for the PS1.. got it home and beat it in like an hour.. there went my hard earned $50!!
[quote name='Sancho1978']Hmm.. I paid over 70 for Chrono Trigger when it came out..[/quote]
If you hadn't finished that sentence, I would have murdered you through my telephone wire.
Not knowingly, but the worst ever was Sword of Sodan (genesis) for $50. It was so awful. And the thing is, at the store I was trying to decide between that and Gaires, which is a sweet game. If only I could send a message to myself back in time.

The most I ever paid for a game I was disappointed in was $90 for Phantasy Star III. It wasn't as bad as Sword of Sodan, but having played Phantasy Star II, I was really disappointed.

- Mike
[quote name='Z-Saber']If you hadn't finished that sentence, I would have murdered you through my telephone wire.[/QUOTE]

QFT. I was picking up the phone to call my hit-man friend when I finished reading that sentence. Be thankful his number isn`t on speed dial...
I wanna know why everyone hates mischeif makers... I love that game =/

Maybe it's just because I liked it when I first got it when I was like 10.

Anyways, I can't really think of any bad games that I've boughten... but I'm sure there have been some.
I dunno if this counts sinc eI didn't buy it, but my older brother traded in our copy of Sim City on Super NES (back in the day of SNES) and bought Ilusion of Gaia, and if you think other games are bad, you've obviously never played that game. Illusions of gaia is the biggest piece of crap that ever crapped on the crap that was thrown into a bag, the bag in a river, and the river into space. But, to top it all off the jackass paid 55$ (AFTER a 25$ credit for sim city) for the damn game. This being back when some places could get away with charging 70$-80$ for brand new SNES games.
Oh, and my second worst is paying 50 (or was it 40) for Final fantasy 8 the day it came out.
Galleon and Curse Eye of Isis. I knew the reviews were bad and as i was buying them the cashier told me not to because they stunk. I did it anyways. Oh well.
[quote name='levi333']The game that always comes to mind is some Tom and Jerry game for the GameGear. Bought it at TRU when i was about 9, and beat the freaking game on the drive home! Less than 45 minutes. I was pretty angry, since it cost $40 and that was a lot of money to me.

That and Superman 64 for $60 on launch day...[/quote]

I did the same with some stupid original Gameboy game. Can't remember what it was callled but it consisted of animals hitting balls back and forth on ice or some crap like that. Stupidest game ever.
Heres my craptastic full price list

Yoshi's touch and go ( wanted to like it)
Spiderman 2 DS (wanted to like it but was to bad)
WWF warzone ( was blinded by the wwf craze)
WWF attitude ( see above)
Pokemon Snap
Chaos Theory ds ( liked the game, just wish I hadnt spen $40 on it.)
Devil May Cry 2 ( bought into the hype, not worth $50)
Enter the Matrix ( see above)
Bought Raw 2 for XBox day of release. What a broken game in almost every aspect....although being able to create a Mexican guy with a greasy mustache and sombrero and actually having the ring announcer call him "Dirty Sanchez" during his entrance (while Spanish Flea played as his theme) was admittely a highlight of my gaming career.

Put it on Ebay that same week and fortunately only lost about 10 bucks.
[quote name='Gden']I dunno if this counts sinc eI didn't buy it, but my older brother traded in our copy of Sim City on Super NES (back in the day of SNES) and bought Ilusion of Gaia, and if you think other games are bad, you've obviously never played that game. Illusions of gaia is the biggest piece of crap that ever crapped on the crap that was thrown into a bag, the bag in a river, and the river into space. But, to top it all off the jackass paid 55$ (AFTER a 25$ credit for sim city) for the damn game. This being back when some places could get away with charging 70$-80$ for brand new SNES games.
Oh, and my second worst is paying 50 (or was it 40) for Final fantasy 8 the day it came out.[/quote]
Aww, I liked Illusion of Gaia.
[quote name='Z-Saber']Aww, I liked Illusion of Gaia.[/QUOTE]
okay, maybe it was the fact that he traded in one of my favorite games at the time to buy a game that I completely hated (without asking me).
1. State of Emergency, I loved GTA 3 and totally bought into the hype. Paid full price for it at launch. About 2 hours into playing it I was bored to death and kept thinking "Is this it??". If I had paid maybe 10$ for it, it would have been a decent purchase since just going around causing mayhem and killing people in that game is fun in stretchs of about 20 minutes before you become bored to tears.

2. Shadows of the Empire, bought it at full price for my N64 instead of Mario 64 because it was all the store had, I guess I was too stupid at the time to just go to another store, so I ended up missing out on Mario 64. Shadows wasn't horrible, I did like the Hoth level, but I'd have much rather gotten Mario 64 instead.

3. Yoshi's Touch and Go. Bought it so I'd have something to play on my DS while I was waiting for better games to come out. Luckily it wasn't too expensive, but I absolutely hated this game, it was just a glorified tech demo.

Honorable Mention: Sim Ant. I choose this game over Secret of Mana when I was younger. Luckily after about 2 hours of playing it I couldn't stand it and convinced my mom to take me back to the game store and exchange it for Secret of Mana. Best gaming decision evar.
[quote name='jimbodan']Honorable Mention: Sim Ant. I choose this game over Secret of Mana when I was younger. Luckily after about 2 hours of playing it I couldn't stand it and convinced my mom to take me back to the game store and exchange it for Secret of Mana. Best gaming decision evar.[/quote]

Best gaming decision I ever made was exchaning my Sega Menacer for Snatcher for Sega CD
Being a huge Robotech fan, I happily forked out $80 for the collector's edition of Robotech: Battlecry for PS2. The gamesucks pretty hard, but at least I got a nice t-shirt. :cool:
add me to the State of Emergency list! not only did that game suck, but it's one of the worst (for me) when it comes to motion-sickness.

also, 720 for the NES. i grew up skateboarding, and i liked this game alright in the arcade, so i asked for this for Christmas -- how could i go wrong? 720 different ways, apparently.
Tales of Symphonia for 30 bucks. What a dissapointment and retarded game...I loved RPGs before I played this.
$60 a piece for Perfect Dark Zero and Madden 06 for the 360. God those games were absolute garbage. If PDZ didn't have the "Perfect Dark" name in it, EVERYONE would treat it like the pile of monkey tits that it is.
I think the worst games I bought that full price I didn't like

I'm old so here we go with my money

Coleco Vision

Campaign '84 - no wonder there was a crash


Double Dragon - NES sucked only one player THANK GOD for the mail away 2 player version for the Sega Master System

Ninja Gaiden - NES love/hate relationship with this game, at the time I wanted the arcade version, I think its ok now

Jaws - I tortured myself playing this game , I had to kill the shark after he took my money

Renegade - NES loved the arcade one HATED the NES version


DJ Boy - oh that game sucked

Super Thunder Blade - Launch title sucked

Last Battle - Launch title

Sega CD

WWF Rage in the Cage - still wasn't as good as Pro Wrestling for the NES


Escape from Cyber City - I could never get the timing down on that piece of junk, it was unplayable


Dirty Larry: Renegade Cop - worst portable game I ever bought

PS One

Time Commando - Oh the horrors


Cannon Spike - I bought this game to complete my Capcom Dreamcast collection, for the money I played I was very disappointed
[quote name='wageslave']50 Bones for Mortal Kombat for Sega Genesis back in the day. Of course I didn't think it was a bad game at the timem I just had different tastes back in the day.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think I paid something like $55-60 for MKII on Genesis as well... and everyone else at the time was doing it as well, so eh, I can't fault myself too much for that... I CAN for Star Wars Arcade on 32X. That game stunk. Cosmic Carnage (32x) looked good to me compared to that...
[quote name='Sarang01']
As for BoF3 I don't hate the game but just remember renting it and what a pain in the ass it was for levels. Hopefully with this one on the PSP I'll get it done more and finish the game.[/quote]
You're right, leveling in that game took an obscene amount of time, I managed to beat it but I maxed out the clock at 99hr 59min (sad). Unfortunately, the story doesnt get any more interesting besides the characters just aging a little.

As for bad games I've paid full price for, I'd have to mention Gungrave. I thought just by the cover itd be badass, but it ended up being the most repetitive piece of crap I've played on my PS2. Just mash square to win.

Another game would have to be Phantasy Star Online Episode III C.A.R.D Revolution. Not horrible, but definitely not worth my $50.
bread's done