What we didn't notice then.


Since finding chasethechuckwagon.com I went on a bit of a spending spree of old games. Especially since I just adopted my 7 year old sister who I don't think should be joining me in my Gears of War 2 battle or GTA4 and she isn't nearly good enough to play me in Madden 09 and have any fun being that there isn't a Melbourne/Orlando Florida tournament I haven't won this year.

So I broke out all my old consoles - Genesis, SNES, Gamecube, Atari etc as well as picking up other consoles at garage sales like the N64 and Dreamcast etc. and letting her go through and see what games she is really into.

So I found a great seller on ctcw who had games for every system I owned and let her pick up some she thought she'd be interested in or ones that I just had to replay and see what the hype was about them when I was young. For example MK1 - after using the blood code and all the fatalities I realized it wasn't really that great of a game after all haha. But it was a corner stone.

Well I got insanely off topic and love to write so forgive me haha. But among those games the one she has enjoyed the most after we beat Donkey Kong and Sonic 2 today was Toe Jam and Earl 2. And I don't know if it's just me and I'm not hating on it at all because it was one of my favorite psychodelic games of my childhood if you know what I mean haha. But that game seems to be quite racist. For example - level 2 - Homey Town where all the kids just happen to be black haha. I'm caucasion and even if I weren't I wouldn't take offense to it.

But the point I was trying to make about my post is just like cartoons. Going back and playing all of these games I did as a kid I'm definatly noticing a lot of "messages" in these games I didn't notice back then. Any other games you can think of like that? Because I've been wracking my brain trying to think of some more to chuckle at.
Toe Jam & Earl games are magical.. esp for kids I like all of them.

During the last gen my wifes family was over for some holiday/bday i dont remember now (pre 360). The kids always want to be in my game room of course.. out of the probabaly 100+ games one of them picked tj&e III for xbox and it became a favorite among all my games (shit even mario). Reminded me of playing tj & e1 on genesis w/ my cousin when I was 8,9, 10 yrs old (hell i dont know).
bread's done