What Xbox games take advantage of the the Xbox's customizable soundtrack feature



IMO, this is one feature that is rarely used by devopers and unexploited by the masses. I would like to see more games with this feature on them. I can only imagine, Rocking out to Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven while playing KOTOR or some other game.

The only game that I know of that utilizes this feature is Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball. Anybody know of any others?
I just read the list and I still can't believe that Stake has customizable soundtracks. I was in disbelief and went to check my box to see if it were true. And it is!! They don't give worthwhile games this feature but they give that little piece of crap the soundtracks I want.
Ya games that should have it don't
Sudeki should have had it
Fable should have had it
Dead or Alive 3 should have
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Halo 2
Marvel vs Capcom
Capcom vs SNK 2
SNK vs Capcom
Godzilla: Save the Earth (The first one had it!)

Every single Fighting game should have it
Most games don't and shouldn't have custom soundtrack support. It should be limited only to Fighting, Racing, and Sports games. It doesn't really make sense to have custom soundtracks in a game like Halo 2 when sound is so important to the gameplay. It would be kind of hard to hear where the sniper is shooting from if you were blasting White Zombie.
Games that have atmospheric music (Medal of Honor, Halo, CoD) will never support custom soundtracks.

The option is there, every game should support it. If I wanna play NIN while blasting away aliens, that's my choice.
This option works really cool in NBA 2K5. You can make clips of any song you want and have it played when the ball is being brought up court and during timeouts. I also dig it on the Tony Hawk games.
I can understand atmospheric music as per the reason why some developers don't use this feature, but still they should allow it. It's my choice if I want to listen to nirvanna while I'm playing instead of the game's theme music. All games should have this or at least fighitng, sports, racing, puzzle, etc. games.
[quote name='6669']This option works really cool in NBA 2K5. You can make clips of any song you want and have it played when the ball is being brought up court and during timeouts. I also dig it on the Tony Hawk games.[/quote]

Thank god THUG and THUG2 has the option, the original soundtrack sucks.
[quote name='Scorch']The option is there, every game should support it. If I wanna play NIN while blasting away aliens, that's my choice.[/quote]

You do have that option. Its called a stereo. OOOH TECHNOLOGY!
Burnout 3 does it and it is amazing. Oh man, I love it, I just did away with the default soundtrack and turned it into an ass-kicking lineup of Busta's greatest hits. Playing that game with my choice of music is just awesome, and then whenever my car crashes the music STOPS and the drama is just sweet.

I know that Fuzion Frenzy does it too but I haven't had a chance to play that one yet.

I can see why some developers wouldn't want to include the option. Perhaps they want the game to be experienced as a whole, the way it was originally intended. But I agree with the fighting/sports game theory. And basically any game with a licensed soundtrack needs to have the custom soundtrack feature.
I'll have to agree with the above poster. Burnout 3's custom ability makes it so much more fun of a game. The original tracklist is alright-- especially that Ordinary boys Tune.

But sometimes when busting cars up, you just need your own tunes- and it puts you so much more into the game. Its a beautiful thing- I wish the box did more of this.
the list is sorta incorrect, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 does not feature CS per se, but rather it's a glitch in the earlier vers, also you can't pick what playlista s it picks one automatically.

I know EA games afor the most part don't use CS cause they dish out tons of money for the EAtrack license.
What I did was hook up a pair of cheap speakers behind me while I play Halo 2 and I hook up my MP3 player to it. Works well, and isnt so loud that it stops me from hearing what the people are saying through my headset.
the best use of this feature in a game IMHO is on the grand theft auto games, its so sweet to cruise around to a little death cab for cutie :)
as long as we're ruining games, someone should create a DVD player with customizable soundtracks too- that way we can listen to Tupac during Saving Private Ryan or Eminem during Schindler's List- I mean, everyone should have the right to have no artistic sense or taste!
[quote name='sketch226']as long as we're ruining games, someone should create a DVD player with customizable soundtracks too- that way we can listen to Tupac during Saving Private Ryan or Eminem during Schindler's List- I mean, everyone should have the right to have no artistic sense or taste![/quote]

I agree with you in some parts. I mean, sure, in single player, you should listen to the music that the game provides. But, for example, in Burnout 3, I get sick and tired of the same damn punk rock song race after race. I hate punk rock to begin with, and hearing the same song over and over (even though they all sound like the same song) is horrible.
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