Whats a good mmorpg?

I've been hearing that World of Warcraft is really good. Haven't played it myself though so I couldn't tell you for sure.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I've been hearing that World of Warcraft is really good. Haven't played it myself though so I couldn't tell you for sure.[/quote]

Agreed WOW looks like a great mmorpg, Guild Wars also looks promising.
[quote name='WilleyStyle']what about ff 11 is that any good?[/quote]

That's been on a very steep decline lately. Personally, I didn't like it for the 2 days I played it. Also, World of Warcraft makes it really easy for beginners, FF 11 on the other hand, good luck trying to figure everything out.
I've played a few mmorpg's and I can say at the moment WoW is the best that I've seen.
EQ is just a grind fest and to me was always boring and hard to catch on to.
As far as EQ2 goes, haven't played but have heard more of the same
SWG sadly just fell apart and game play just isn't what it should
FFXI is alot of fun, but i never really felt at home with it
WoW is easy to pick up, it pushes you to move beyond your starting area, to areas that are equal to what lvl you are at the time. And the community is great.
I played FFXI for about 7-8 months, it was pretty fun but leveling takes at least a few hours at a time once you get higher. I got tired of the level grind past 60. Quests were fun but most of the rewards were useless.
Confirmed, WoW is a great MMO. I actually had to quit because I was too addicted. I believe 10 - 14 hour sessions constitutes addiction. I was in a guild of 100+ and when I joined, our highest level warrior was at about lvl 27 or so. By the time I quit, I was the 2nd highest level warrior, 3 or 4 levels below him. I logged on a little more than 10 playing days within the span of 3 weeks. Thats ten of 21 real life days devoted to a game.

And I loved every minute of it.

If you decide to play, I suggest Uther realm. If you're Alliance, look for Ring of Valor. They're good kids. Tell 'em Goodlovin sent ya.
World of Warcraft
Everquest 2
Guild Wars
Final Fantasy XI
Ragnarok Online
Maple Story (ugh)

The most popular ones right now.
I love FFXI... considering going back. My first MMORPG and it's fun, I just don't like the party dependant leveling system, but that's typical of most MMORPGs.
I played World of Warcraft for a month when it first came out, but then I got bored because the quests are repetitive and most of the time just grinding is quicker than run and fetch quests. =/

If you're going to get an MMORPG, get World of Warcraft. Or Guild Wars... that looks promising, but the lack of ANY grind sounds dissapointing. From what I've heard, you can get to the max level in one day. =/ That's just not fun. There's no sense of reward. I'll still be getting it though.
I used to love Ragnarok Online when it was in Beta testing... I don't know if that game is still on.

FF 11 is decent... RO was way more fun for some reason, I guess it's the slower pace of ff.
[quote name='Greetard'][quote name='CrashSpyro123']Anarchy Online=Free, can't beat that kind of deal.[/quote]

Isn't guild wars free too?[/quote]

It's a one time buy. AO is completely free.
One that hasn't been mentioned yet is Conquer Online. Pretty fun, it has guild wars and what not.... typical MMORPG stuff, only it has more of a Diablo feel to it. On the plus side its free!
I played City of Heroes from the day it came out until about a week ago when I bought WoW and it does so many things right but there just isn't enough "stuff". Leveling is also boring. If they had more involved leveling/, skills, and equipment systems and more stuff to do CoH would have been unbelievable. Oh well, maybe in the sequel. I'm really enjoying WoW right now but it hasn't totally sucked me in for 10 hour sessions or anything like that.
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