What's a good price?


I found a Sega Dreamcast locally, 4 controllers, all with the video memory cards or whatever it is with the screen and button that slips into the controllers. 30 games and all the hook ups. He's asking 75.00 but would entertain offers. The games for the most part I don't believe are high ticket games but I don't know much about the Dreamcast games. He has 1/4 of them sports games, crazy taxi, a couple resident evils, jet grind radio, a couple of snk games etc. What would be a good offer to make for these? Because being the cheap gamer I am I'd like to buy them all and resell about half the games to pay for the system itself and the games I do decide to keep.
It really depends on the games. Last Blade & Mark of The Wolves are two SNK games to look out for. But if they're all common then I'd offer around $60.
I'd say talk him down on that. 75 doesn't seem completely unreasonable, but it does seem a tad high. See if you can get him to 50 or 60.
It's an ok price, but not a steal or anything. I would say a loose Sega Dreamcast is worth around $25 to $30 bucks. If the games aren't rare or anything, they're probably worth like $1 each. Try to lower the price to $60
Why are you even bidding/negotiating a price on the system if you don't know about the games? I know you came here for help but I'm starting to wonder about you.
No they aren't back ups I came across it at a garage sale they all have the case. But I wasn't about to pay 75.00 on it without knowing much about the dreamcast because that was a system that passed me by in my youth. I ended up going for $50.00 and getting it but it took him a day to finally accept my offer. The SNK games were SNK vs. Capcom which I guess might not even be an SNK game and King of the Fighters 2000, and The Last blade...

haha did I sense ANOTHER person calling me a troll in another forum? Must be from the PS3 forum.

But thanks guys I didn't want to over pay because he was insisting on 75.00 until about an hour ago (Which I was almost willing to pay but was conflicted about it). I guess after 2 days of running it on Craigslist and a garage sale he was willing to take his only offer.
Yea the garage sales here in Florida have been amazing for game systems. In NY I couldn't find anything. So far since I've been here this is the fourth older system I've found at a garage sale and passed up many xbox and PSX's for cheap. It's worth staying here Florida based on the massive amount of garage sales and on craigslist every weekend theres at least 2-3 garage sales listed with video games and system. It's been easy setting up my arcade room as well stand up arcade systems are a dime a dozen here. Unfortunatly I had to just sell my Street Fighter 2 CE last week on eBay to be able to afford 3 others game. But I'm sure I'll find one again.
Yeah they all had cases. Some weren't in amazing shape but a case is better than no case. I wish I had half the cases for my sega/snes games. So I'll settle for damaged cases.
late to the thread but @75 its well spent w/that many games... hell, esp being orig, even if burned it'd be a good price.. takes time to burn all those.. not that ive done that w/ dc games... (smiles akwardly and walks off abruptly.. trips on the way out)
The last time EB had them the system and a controller were $30, they couldn't keep them in the store (at least at the store nearby).

$75 doesn't sound too bad, but with that said I'd try offering him $50.

A few years back at a yard sale, I offered a dude $20 for his Mountain Dew X-Box and like 7 games (no controllers). He suprisingly took it. I was ready to get his phone number and buy it later, but I only had like $35-ish on me and needed smokes for the week yet.
bread's done