Whats better? The Silent Hill series or the Fatal Frame series


I have unopened Xbox copies of SH2 and FF1 and FF2. I'm trying to decide which I should place first.

Recommendations please.
Fatal Frame two is AMAZING. Eerie, freaky and frightening. Play it late at night, with all lights out, and have plenty of paper towels close by. You might wet yourself.

In all seriousness, it is a great game.

Silent Hill 2 (the XBOX version) is the only Silent Hill game in the series I've played, and I thought it was a POS. If you think running around a foggy town full of handicapped people trying to vomit on you is scary, then this is your game. Otherwise, MEH.

Fatal Frame on the other hand, is probably my favorite horror series aside from RE. Honestly, these games will scare the hell out of you. After playing the first one a few years ago, I was afraid to use a camera! Haha.
Silent Hill 2 is one of the greatest horror games of all time. Since its plot doesn't revolve around the SH cult, it makes for a dramatic and involving story with a twist you won't (or maybe you will) expect at the end. It will also make you question a few things.
I agree about what was said about SH2. I personally think SH3 and 4 (mainly 4) are not that great.

Fatal Frame has always been consistent throughout the years. I'm currently playing part 3 now. Between the two series, I would go with FF(but only on the Xbox).
I've played through all the Silent Hill games and the first 2 Fatal Frames. I've definitely enjoyed the Silent Hill series the most. The best overall game in the series is the XBOX version of SH2, but all the SH games are very good and worth playing IMO.
Having played both series' to completion I would say Silent hill is better. IT does of course depend upon your tastes.. If you're looking for "jump out and go boo" type scares and great combat/action sequences check out Fatal Frame. If you're looking for an eery atmospheric psychological thriller with more emphasis on story than combat (but still strong combat elements) play Silent Hill.

Just as a final word - both are great. You can't go wrong with either.
Silent Hill 2 is one of the most haunting games I've played, but as a franchise SH is weaker than Fatal Frame IMHO. Fatal frame has more legitimate scares and when FF2 came out it was all I ate, slept or breathed for a long time.
Silent Hill series is more like poking a bloated corpse. Its disgusting for obvious reasons and you mildly enjoy yourself.

Fatal Frame is sorta like having an annoying ghost trapped in your house. You know its there, but since you can't see it...it still scares you with the old "floating plate" gag.

I liked Silent Hill a little bit more, just because I don't like dealing with the camera crap.
I liked fatal frame much better. the voice acting in Silent hill is too "high school drama club" for my tastes. Fatal Frame kept the scares coming and only got scarier and more distrubing as the game went on, as you discover more about the rituals and see some of them take place. that goes for 1 and 2 (haven't played 3 yet.)

plus, the camera shooting system is a million times more engaging and fun than the archaic combat in Silent Hill. i know, i know, that makes it more realistic...but that doesn't mean the combat isn't boring as hell.
It amazes me how much this comes and how little people search. Once again, for the fourth time, Fatal Frame as a series is much tighter then SH. All the stories are deeply connected, where as in Silent Hill its about the Town not the Characters, except for some vague references in SH4 to a plot in SH 1.
Sh2 is one of my favorite games ever!(the story and character immersion is incredible) SH3 & 4 were ok.Ive only played FF2 but I diddnt like(couldnt get into rather) the whole camera thing. The spooky atmosphere is great, probably beter that the SH franchise as a hole though.
Thanks for all the feedback! The funny thing is I snagged a copy of SH4 at the circuit city sale.

I think I will start with FF1 first then SH2 and so on.
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