What's everybody's gripe about the PS3?


2 (100%)
what is it that people who dislike the ps3 despise about it?

Is it just futile protestation towards Sony the company itself?
Or do people actually think that the machine itself won't be able to handle the double teaming from the 360 and the Wii?

IMO it's a very capable machine which has the potential to blow the 360 out of the way, yet it's also a very different machine from the Wii. The 360 itself is based of current technological architecture, the PS3 frickin created a new cpu that may change computer processing in the future, and the Wii has a very creative and innovative look at how to play games. Ultimately I think the 360 is going to be the loser in the long run, and the PS3 and Wii will be popular machines in the future. Sony and Nintendo had the balls to invest in new technology and thought out of the box to be able to create this stuff. Not that the 360 isn't unpopular though...although it cheated a little by releasing itself a year in advance lol. It would have been interesting to see how the 3 way battle goes if they had all been released close to each other. But even with Microsoft's advance release of their system, Sony and Nintendo will have a much easier time selling out systems because of their home soil. I believe the Xbox360 is consistently selling the lowest number units per week in Japan. Not even triple digits. Not even up to 30. Not even requiring the use of more than both hands to count perhaps. Week by week I think Sony and Nintendo will be able to catch up without difficulty in the timeframe that the 360 took to take an advanced lead.

Oh yea there's also a little thing called developer's ingenuity. The PS3 and Wii alone will open up new ways for developers to get creative and will be the way to create new and fresh ways to play (mostly cuz of their motion sensing equipment), in addition to making the most out of graphics and traditional gameplay. Maybe if the 360 developed some kind of controller to add an extra dimension of interactivity with their games, be it motion sensing or gyro control or whatever, they could perhaps do the same. Thanks to the Wii, gettin yourself into the game seems to be the thing to do for the next generation.

Regardless of whether or not people are griping about the system or the company itself or price or whatnot, look at the Playstation 2. It isn't the highest selling and most popular game console for its generation for no reason. People will want it.
I don't like the PS3 for two reasons:

1) The price and the arrogance about the price. First off, it's $600. For me, that's like, months of savings. In terms of arrogance, everytime someone at Sony starts yapping about how PS3 is God's Gift to Gamers and that it should be a million dollars or whatever, it makes me want to punch them in the face.

2) What's so great about it? Ya, it's HD, and it looks good. But newsflash: Not everyone has an HDTV. I don't, A PS3 is not going to look stunnig on my TV in my college apartment. Other than that, for the moment it's mostly re-releases of games that are already on the 360. Everytime someone tells me they want a PS3 I just scratch my head and wonder why. I really don't see anything special about the system, at this point in time. It could definately change as it gets some bigger releases, but right now it's pretty much eh.

I don't like to think of myself as a Nintendo fanboy, but as someone who doesn't have hours upon hours to play, a Wii and a DS are a lot more appealing to me than a PS3, both in terms of games and price.
I think most of the PS3's hate, stems from Sony's arrogant comments. You probably know all the weird claims they constantly make, and the way they make themselves sound. I really don't have a problem that the price is somewhat high, and that it was delayed. The thing that bugs me is the way the higher ups at Sony handle those situations. They claim that gamers will want to work more hours for the PS3. Or that Europe will not mind a delay. Stuff like that.

Anyway, even though I dislike the arrogance of certain individuals that work for Sony, it doesn't matter to me. When I am sitting here, playing my ps3, the last thing I think about is what ken kuturagi or kaz hirai said about it. All I care about is the games, and I think the PS3 will deliver on the games.
Well it has no good launch titles that I like, price is way too high, graphics aren't even the best yet, currently has fps issues in some games, froze at many kiosks went to, has no rumble in the controller plus the controller has gotten worse compared to ps2, and its ugly!
even though most people don't have HD, I think that Sony is thinking ahead for the future

It's expected that by 2010, most households in the US will have HD tvs and much of the world as well. Not only that, somewhere down the line most if not all content will be in HD. That might happen within the next 10, 20, or even 30 years who knows, and the ps3 will probably be old by then, but Sony is getting a head start in betting that hdtv will be the way to go, and will have a much better indication and knowledge of how they want to proceed with their future plans.

Given all this "future-proofing" Sony's put into their new console, it may be that while Microsoft is hard at work and spending R&D funds on the 3rd iteration of the Xbox, Sony will be sittin pretty watching the PS3 take full advantage of new technology

Judging first gen games for a next gen console isn't truly indicative of what the machine is really capable of. Sure there are expectations for the system judging from the specs and though I think it looks quite good already, I'm sure within the year or 2 or 3 years down the road people will have a better grasp of graphics programming on the system, and start to make good use of it. I don't think MGS3 would have looked nearly as good if it came out during the early stages of the ps2 as opposed to having been released 6 or 7 some odd years later.

[quote name='"daroga"']PS3 forum, bud. Read the sticky.[/quote]
sorry can a mod move this or something?
[quote name='imascrub']even though most people don't have HD, I think that Sony is thinking ahead for the future

It's expected that by 2010, most households in the US will have HD tvs and much of the world as well. Not only that, somewhere down the line most if not all content will be in HD. That might happen within the next 10, 20, or even 30 years who knows, and the ps3 will probably be old by then, but Sony is getting a head start

We could all start wearing spacesuits since we'll eventually be travelling to other planets too...
naw, some people make videogames their whole lives and it becomes almost a religion to them.

Kind of freaky, I prefer not to associate with people that whacked out.
It's the simple fact that we're all cheapasses here and at $600-$3,000 the PS3 doesent really fit the CAG demographic very well.
i think the current generation (ps2/xb1/gc) still has a good life ahead of them. MS and Sony are forcing the HD revolution on us before the tv makers can bring there units down to a level where they are affordible to everyone... a 32 inch crt is still roughly 50-60% cheaper then its LCD/plasma counterpart...until the prices get extremly close to those of a CRT, there won't be a need to jump on HD. I wish I had the money to burn on HD right now but I don't. I waited YEARS to actually get a GC/PS2/XB, and got the systems at 50-60% off the original launch date price.

The PS3 and 360 are HUGE...should I wait til Sony impresses me with a PS3 slim? Yes it can happen. Technology will make things smaller, so I expect a revision in the size of the PS3 and 360 in a few years.
as other have said its the people who run sony that leads to the contempt.
i was thinking about the launch lineup and how i thought the 360 lineup was weak (for my taste) in the 2-3 games i wanted to play, i realize that resistance looks good to me and theres a HUGE drop-off after that, horrid launch imo.

i ordered one. and i think im goign to pick up resistance play it and sell the whole thing off before xmas, then again i may love it. being able to browse the web in 1080 from the couch would be very nice.
few reasons for me: way overpriced for a gaming console and there are no games that even slightly tempt me to play it. plus the headset thing really pissed me off. besides that. it's all good.
So the point of this thread is to justify why someone would dislike the PS3?

How about just a "I don't give a shit about it and I don't have to justify my reasoning (even if its batshit) because this a forum on the internet"?
Most people don't like the PS3 because they can't afford it. Now people will bitch about my comment and talk about how I'm a Sony fanboy.

People are fucking stupid.
There's a bunch of problems with the PS3. I'm not going to state them all since you just made this thread to knock the 360 and don't actually care about the PS3 problems.

Let me ask you buddy, did you even manage to get your hands on one of your beloved Sony boxes?
[quote name='lordwow']We could all start wearing spacesuits since we'll eventually be travelling to other planets too...[/quote]

finish the sentence

even if HD doesn't fully come in until years later, the fact is that HD content is available now. And what are these systems supposed to be? Next-gen consoles. Next generation of analog tv? Digital Hi-Def. Whether you or anybody else who doesn't have HD can't make use of the HD capabilities, there are people who will be screaming for it. And if next-gen isn't ready to be delivered now, then when? Next-next-gen?
People talk shit now and jump on the bandwagon hate. BUT when MG and FF come out eveyone is going to be Sony cock sucking again and back to bashing MS and Nintendo for being lame or some shit. I just buy all the systems for the fun of it.
[quote name='Chacrana']Most people don't like the PS3 because they can't afford it. Now people will bitch about my comment and talk about how I'm a Sony fanboy.

People are fucking stupid.[/QUOTE]

i guess you don't like high end sports cars or mansions, just because you can't afford it.

it's not about affordability. it's about paying for something that you'll want results from. to me $600 is not worth spending just to play video games.
[quote name='AshesofWake']i guess you don't like high end sports cars or mansions, just because you can't afford it.[/QUOTE]

I think you completely misunderstood.
[quote name='lordwow']We could all start wearing spacesuits since we'll eventually be travelling to other planets too...[/QUOTE]

That is a terrible analogy. With Sony's HD gaming console, EVERYONE that wanted it and bought it, will be playing games on it. For those lucky enough to have HD between now and PS4 will be able to take advantage of its HD capabilities.
$600 for a console is insane now matter how poweful. I also feel there aren't enough games for the system worth buying that are exclusive to the PS3. $59.99 games are also a ripoff
[quote name='zewone']There's a bunch of problems with the PS3. I'm not going to state them all since you just made this thread to knock the 360 and don't actually care about the PS3 problems.

Let me ask you buddy, did you even manage to get your hands on one of your beloved Sony boxes?[/quote]

No I don't have any of the new systems, and probably won't get any for awhile.

So does that make you a 360 fan? Or just another person knocking down the ps3? The PS3 just came out yesterday, how can I know all the problems the system has? Are you saying that only Sony is capable of producing problems for a launched system?

I'm just trying to figure out whether or not people hate the ps3 for the machine itself or for the company. Coming from a purely tech specs kind of view, I think the ps3 itself is a very capable machine. I never said that the 360 wasn't capable or that it sucked, though it probably did sound like I was biased towards the ps3. In fact there are some 360 games that I would love to play (Gears of War, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, *coughdoaxcough*). It just seems like most people don't like the ps3 just because it's from Sony, which is not really something I think defines the ps3 at all. And since this place is all about gaming, I like to take a look at the systems themselves.

Technically speaking, the ps3 with the highest amount of new technology and R&D hours behind it should be the most powerful machine. That's not saying that the ps3 itself is the win all end all machine though. I agree that the ps3 is fucking expensive out of many people's budgets, but considering that it is literally made up of new technology, I'm not surprised. How much was that gaming rig of a pc you put together? The 360 itself is a very powerful machine too, and I'm not discounting that fact. I don't know if it's possible to hate the ps3 just on technology alone. Unless they think blu-ray or the cell processor or whatever is bullshit and won't fly (and not because it was from Sony)

There will always be lovers and haters for anything and everything
[quote name='imascrub']No I don't have any of the new systems, and probably won't get any for awhile.

So does that make you a 360 fan? Or just another person knocking down the ps3? The PS3 just came out yesterday, how can I know all the problems the system has? Are you saying that only Sony is capable of producing problems for a launched system?

I'm just trying to figure out whether or not people hate the ps3 for the machine itself or for the company. Coming from a purely tech specs kind of view, I think the ps3 itself is a very capable machine. I never said that the 360 wasn't capable or that it sucked, though it probably did sound like I was biased towards the ps3. In fact there are some 360 games that I would love to play (Gears of War, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, *coughdoaxcough*). It just seems like most people don't like the ps3 just because it's from Sony, which is not really something I think defines the ps3 at all. And since this place is all about gaming, I like to take a look at the systems themselves.

Technically speaking, the ps3 with the highest amount of new technology and R&D hours behind it should be the most powerful machine. That's not saying that the ps3 itself is the win all end all machine though. The 360 itself is a very powerful machine too, and I'm not discounting that fact. I don't know if it's possible to hate the ps3 just on technology alone. Unless they think blu-ray or the cell processor or whatever is bullshit

There will always be lovers and haters for anything and everything[/QUOTE]

To answer your question "FANBOYS" case closed, shut this thread down.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']In viva pinata for 360 they should make a downloadable PS3 pinata so everyone can bash it.[/QUOTE]

That actually sounds like a hilarious idea. And the candy inside is poison and makes the other pinatas sick? Rare and MS, are you reading this?
Dunno, I think Sony is total assholes and always have been. i've always thought the PS3 is a great system (except for the exclusion of rumble). And now that I've opened one I'm not dissapointed at all. They've got a bunch of stuff right

Expandable HD (easily swappable with any 2.5" SATA Drive)
standard HDMI and optical port (no propreitary bullshit)
Standard USB and mini USB for controller charging
Li ion controller batteries
same AV out as the PS2 so you can use ps2 component cables for the ps3

And on a personal note I really enjoy the bluray, though I understand not everyone has 1080p tvs yet.

For me the ps3 was a great bargain. It's the cheapest bluray player on the market and ready to play MGS4. All that for 499? hells yeah =p
[quote name='imascrub']

It's expected that by 2010, most households in the US will have HD tvs and much of the world as well. [/QUOTE]

Where are you getting your "stats" from?
[quote name='imascrub']The PS3 just came out yesterday, how can I know all the problems the system has? Are you saying that only Sony is capable of producing problems for a launched system?[/QUOTE]
I am not saying that only Sony systems have problems, I am talking about the PS3 itself.

You could find out by doing some research from people who do have a PS3.

There is the HDMI problem
The PS2 games that don't play on it.
The 1080i problems for games.
The 720p problems for Blu-Ray movies.
The price.
The lack of good software at the moment.

All of those are problems I would like to see addressed, but I still do plan on buying a PS3 when Metal Gear Solid 4 or White Knight Story is released (whichever is first).
yea i forgot to even mention that standalone blu-ray players themselves are upwards of $1k.

and before anybody says anything, standalone HD-DVD players are expensive too


how much do you think that dvd-rw drive you have in your computer now was worth when it first came out?
For me its the price, the launch line up, and key games I wanted that were canceled.

As far as pushing HD goes, I don't mind though. February 17th, 2009 will be here in no time.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']People talk shit now and jump on the bandwagon hate. BUT when MG and FF come out eveyone is going to be Sony cock sucking again and back to bashing MS and Nintendo for being lame or some shit. I just buy all the systems for the fun of it.[/quote]

A men. The PS3 will be on top soon enough. I don't know why people judge it by the available games this early in the quarter. No system had "stunning" games the first few months of launch.
[quote name='imascrub']yea i forgot to even mention that standalone blu-ray players themselves are upwards of $1k.

and before anybody says anything, standalone HD-DVD players are expensive too


how much do you think that dvd-rw drive you have in your computer now was worth when it first came out?[/QUOTE]

Well that's a gripe in of itself. Who said EVERY gamer wanted a damn Blu-Ray drive in their PS3? This is a problem I have with the PS3. The BR drive adds ALOT to the price-tag, and the technology is still unproven in the upcoming format-war. Then you could say "Oh but, Blu Ray discs hold X times more information than a regular DVD." Big whoop. All the 360 games I've played have been full, rich, great looking games, and they're still only on DVDs.

Besides that, the launch line up is ridiculously weak. Slightly improved multi-platform sports games? Cmon. I'm not saying that the 360's launch was that great either, but you have to admit it's better than what the PS3 is offering. And before anyone jumps on me, no I did not forget about Resistance.

I loved my PS1 and PS2. I bought the most amount of games for those two systems than any other console I've owned. I probably owned around 45 games during the PS1's life, and probably around the same amount for the PS2. But everything Sony has done up to this point has made me completely avoid it at launch. Down the line, more than likely, I will own a PS3 and love it. That that time is far far away, when the PS3 gets a price cut and gets real games.
[quote name='harrygetsoff']A men. The PS3 will be on top soon enough. I don't know why people judge it by the available games this early in the quarter. No system had "stunning" games the first few months of launch.[/QUOTE]

It's only natural. People look at the PS3 and compare it to the 360 now. I think most would agree that the better buy, at the moment, would be the 360. However, when I buy a console, I don't think about what is the better one right now. Buying a console is a big investment, so I tend to look to the future. 360 and PS3 both look like they have good futures ahead, but PS3 has more games that I want, so I'll be going with that.
360 is better for me right now. Better games (as of now), can offer HD movies (HD-DVD attachement), less price, no worry about attainging one, and as good if not better graphics/gameplay (on multiplatform games). While the PS3 does look intriguing, it just does not make much sense to drop that much money on it right now for me. Now in the future, if BR succeeds as the domination format, I may look into getting one.
I got it, and i sold it to my friend we opened it and played it at m yhouse

my tv is only 1080i, so it went to 420 or whatever it did which is bull shit because it looks like abosulte shit (resistance) the gameplay is smooth, and the menu is alright, but over all i dont care for it at all.
[quote name='David85']Where are you getting your "stats" from?[/quote]
In America the switch-off of all analog terrestrial TV broadcasts has been mandated for no later than February 17, 2009. So everyone should get a HDTV by then.
[quote name='MisterModest']In America the switch-off of all analog terrestrial TV broadcasts has been mandated for no later than February 17, 2009. So everyone should get a HDTV by then.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='MisterModest']In America the switch-off of all analog terrestrial TV broadcasts has been mandated for no later than February 17, 2009. So everyone should get a HDTV by then.[/quote]
Correct, cable companies will then be responsible for supplying AD convertors for their customers who don't have a digital tv
I don't like the ps3 because it's too expensive, has zero launch games i'm interested in, and i think sony deserves to take a few knocks for the stupidity and arrogance they've shown.
[quote name='jer7583']I don't like the ps3 because it's too expensive, has zero launch games i'm interested in, and i think sony deserves to take a few knocks for the stupidity and arrogance they've shown.[/QUOTE]

wow do you also think we should massacre all the jews because you know, you don't like them?
[quote name='Zoglog']wow do you also think we should massacre all the jews because you know, you don't like them?[/quote]

How in the hell did you get that out of what he was saying?
[quote name='D4rkN1ght']I got it, and i sold it to my friend we opened it and played it at m yhouse

my tv is only 1080i, so it went to 420 or whatever it did which is bull shit because it looks like abosulte shit (resistance) the gameplay is smooth, and the menu is alright, but over all i dont care for it at all.[/quote]

You didn't try it in 1080i?
[quote name='Flyersfan']How in the hell did you get that out of what he was saying?[/quote]

I was just about to post the same thing. :rofl: Remember, any good writer can compare something to World War II.
Aside from the price, my only gripe is a lack of quality, exclusive games available now and in the near future. I was thinking about keeping my EB pre-ordered system, but there's absolutely nothing I'm interested in playing.
[quote name='AshesofWake']i guess you don't like high end sports cars or mansions, just because you can't afford it.

it's not about affordability. it's about paying for something that you'll want results from. to me $600 is not worth spending just to play video games.[/quote]
Why the hell not? Teens spend 1,000's on Airsoft guns or Paintball guns. Woman pay hundreds for clothes and purses. Men pay 1,000's on entertainment units. People spend hundreds on useless resturants.

Whats so wrong with paying alot for a gaming console? How can you justify $400 over $500? So at $500 it gets WAY to expensive? But $400 is just fine? Thats why I dont get.

And if the answer is, "I dont spend that much. Only 250 for the Wii". Then dont even bother.
[quote name='imascrub']even though most people don't have HD, I think that Sony is thinking ahead for the future

It's expected that by 2010, most households in the US will have HD tvs and much of the world as well. Not only that, somewhere down the line most if not all content will be in HD. That might happen within the next 10, 20, or even 30 years who knows,[/quote]
[quote name='MisterModest']In America the switch-off of all analog terrestrial TV broadcasts has been mandated for no later than February 17, 2009. So everyone should get a HDTV by then.[/quote]

A lot of households in the US will have digital TVs by 2010, but many will not. At the beginning of this year, market penetration for DTVs in the US was around 17%, and it is expected to be around 59% in 2010. Worldwide penetration is expected to be a measly 22% in 2010 (stated at the same link).

Also, it's true that US digital broadcasts have been mandated for Feb. 2009, but keep in mind that the date has already been pushed back twice. If digital TV adoption rates slow (they are currently being driven primarily by wealthier households and tech geeks like us) there's a good chance that the government will push it back again.

Finally, the transition to digital broadcast does NOT mean that all or even most broadcasts will be HDTV. From here:

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Although all broadcasts will be digital after the deadline, not all broadcasts are required to be HDTV, as part of the ATSC standard is 480p/i, which includes current satellite/digital cable transmissions. So even though there is a hard date for digital television, it will likely be much longer before all broadcasts will be in HDTV as there will be no hard date and will likely depend on consumer demand.[/FONT][/FONT]


I keep hearing about how we're all going to be watching glorious high definition broadcasts on the HDTVs that everybody will soon own, so we'd all better get prepared NOW NOW NOW. I've been hearing that since around 1999-2000, and it's probably still going to be a long time before you see most broadcast content go to HDTV. HD content costs broadcasters a lot of money, so they'll only adopt HD when the consumers demand it, and fewer consumers are rushing to upgrade than you think.

For the record, I have a CRT HDTV set, but most of my friends and family have not yet upgraded or expressed any interest in doing so.
bread's done