What's everybody's gripe about the PS3?

[quote name='suffah']Why do people despise the PS3? ONE WORD:


The best thing is, plenty of fanboys still think Killzone will reach the level of the CGI teaser. ROFLCOPTER.

Sony's self-created hype is incredulous even to me. This system was supposed to come out earlier this year and the games look like this? The graphics were supposed to blow away the 360. The gameplay was supposed to be revolutionary. [/quote]

You know what's funny? Microsoft did the same thing with Perfect Dark Zero. All the talk about how great the game was going to be, the graphics, the gameplay...all revolutionary. And what happened? It turned out to be mediocre at best. MS sure got everyone to buy it at launch though. :lol:
I'm not crazy about the PS3 because, for all the hot air Sony is blowing, it really isn't much more capable than the Xbox 360. If some crazy CPU with multiple specialized subprocessors lead to the most sublime graphical experience, then the PS2 and the emotion engine would have been light years above the Xbox and GC, which we all know it isn't. From what I've seen, it's much of the same old.

Both it and the Xbox 360 have a handfull of decent exclusives, but I tend to lean towards the 360 because Microsoft really is trying, whereas Sony doesn't seem to be. An example of this would be the 360's much improved OS/UI, as opposed to the PS3's XMB, which is recycled from the PS-X and PSP.

Edit: Congrats to Setzer, for being just annoying/stupid enough to be my second ever blocked CAG.
Lets see.

-the exclusives I was interested in are gone.
-Rumors abound about the rest coming to the PC or 360.
-I do NOT have $600 to spend on a system and even when it drops it will be to high.
-Blueray is unproven and VERY likely to fail. Not that I support HD-DVD.

AND most importantly no games are coming in the near future I got to have. As soon as I hear more exclusives I'll be happy.

PS2 had a ton PS3... thats still up in the air. Assasins Creed and GTA were originally exclusive and now...
I didn't buy it (PDZ). I rented it, played it for 10 minutes, and shipped it back to Gamefly.

I bought the 360 because
1) everything the hacker community had put into the original XBOX was going to be put into the 360, except the ability to play full games off the HDD (obvious reason). it occurred to me that Microsoft was listening to its customers.
2) because XBOX simply blew me away.

I already had a PS2, and a Gamecube... now it was time for me to have the last console I was missing, and if a game was being released, I could always play it. If it was cross-platform; even better... I can play it with the best graphics on the XBOX.

call me a fan-boy all you want, it just seemed to me that MS was listening better than Sony was. This time around, it seemed that Sony just listened to its competitors... speaking of which... didn't Sony rip on MS for the HDD thing in a console originally?

With that being said... if i would have had the amount of disposable income that I had when the 360 was released, I would have prolly bought 2 PS3's (one to sell and one to keep). I love new hardware... My wife had to hide my keys to stop me from waiting for a Wii.
I'm skipping eveylast post (including the first one), so if this has been said before, disregard it.

Top Five reasons why PS3 blows:

1) $599.99 american dollars - $600 is alot to pay, but $600 for a somewhat beefed up 360 is ludicrious.

2) Launch lineup sucks - Resistance is awesome, everthing else? Not so much. It also doesn't help that between every game on both 360 & PS3, the 360 version is the clear winner.

3) Blu-Ray Blows - Between Blu-Ray & HD-DVD, what's the real differences? Blu-Ray is sucky disc format used by Sony in an attempt to control another market that isn't Video Games.

4) Sony Makes Faulty systems - Anyone whose every had to turn their PSOne sideways (or upside down) or has ever gotten a DRE on their PS2 can totally see where I'm going. Sony sucks at making hardware. With PS3s breaking down all accross the US (and Japan), it looks like that tradition continues.

5) The controller sucks - Honestly, I could care less about the loss of Dual Shock, but the Six Axis is one shitty controller. The analog sticks are loose and cheap, while the L2 & R2 triggers feel like a cheap 360 knock off of the back triggers. It may look like a DS2, but it feels like a cheapass $10 EB/GS controller.
I agree with the OP. I'm just sick and tired of people ripping on the PS3 left and right. For me, I think the PS3 is a terrific console and I find it the most appealing to me. PS2 was my favorite console by a ridiculous margin. I absolutely love PSP more than any other handheld I own (although not as much as GBA yet, but I feel PSP will surpass it). I've gotten better enjoyment out of my Sony consoles/handhelds than my MS or Nintendo ones all combined. That's why I gotta have a PS3 (I also find Sony's first party games to be superior to the competitions first party games). Also, PS3 can play the majority of PS1/PS2 games, which are the two best consoles of all time that all other consoles combined (including all VC consoles) can't compete with.

Also, I have no problems with the price. Due to using blu-ray, oh course the console will be more expensive. Just look at Blue Dragon on 360, which is using three DVD9 disc, since the content cannot find on one DVD (Enchanted Arms and other 360 games were about to be the same way, but they had to remove lots of content to fit on a single disc). At least I'll never have to be switching disc again (gets rather annoying) due to the blu-ray format.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']I'm skipping eveylast post (including the first one), so if this has been said before, disregard it.

Top Five reasons why PS3 blows:

1) $599.99 american dollars - $600 is alot to pay, but $600 for a somewhat beefed up 360 is ludicrious.[/quote]

As has been said multiple times, it's $500, not $600, which is actually cheaper than the 360 depending on your online gaming habbits.

2) Launch lineup sucks - Resistance is awesome, everthing else? Not so much.

As opposed to the 360 launch? The Playstation 3's lineup is just as solid as the 360's was. With the exception of Zelda, just as solid as the Wii's is.

It also doesn't help that between every game on both 360 & PS3, the 360 version is the clear winner.

And again...they're launch games versus second generation 360 games? Not a fair comparison. And we already know the Playstation 3 Oblivion looks better than the 360 one (as do some of the launch games for that matter).

3) Blu-Ray Blows - Between Blu-Ray & HD-DVD, what's the real differences?

As a game format Blu Ray doesn't "suck". It's obviously superior to DVD, and the drive is much quieter... As a movie format, I wouldn't support either Blu Ray or HD-DVD. But Blu Ray clearly doesn't "suck".

4) Sony Makes Faulty systems - Anyone whose every had to turn their PSOne sideways (or upside down) or has ever gotten a DRE on their PS2 can totally see where I'm going. Sony sucks at making hardware. With PS3s breaking down all accross the US (and Japan), it looks like that tradition continues.

Wow. Apparently you missed that the 360 is has been the buggiest console since at least the first version of the Playstation 1. And no, Sony does not "suck" at making hardware. Actually their hardware usually ranks as the most reliable or close to it in Consumer Reports.

5) The controller sucks - Honestly, I could care less about the loss of Dual Shock, but the Six Axis is one shitty controller. The analog sticks are loose and cheap, while the L2 & R2 triggers feel like a cheap 360 knock off of the back triggers. It may look like a DS2, but it feels like a cheapass $10 EB/GS controller.

And the 360 controller has the worst d-pad ever. So I guess it sucks too. Guess I'll give up gaming for my stamp collection :lol:
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I agree with the OP. I'm just sick and tired of people ripping on the PS3 left and right. For me, I think the PS3 is a terrific console and I find it the most appealing to me. PS2 was my favorite console by a ridiculous margin. I absolutely love PSP more than any other handheld I own (although not as much as GBA yet, but I feel PSP will surpass it). I've gotten better enjoyment out of my Sony consoles/handhelds than my MS or Nintendo ones all combined. That's why I gotta have a PS3 (I also find Sony's first party games to be superior to the competitions first party games). Also, PS3 can play the majority of PS1/PS2 games, which are the two best consoles of all time that all other consoles combined (including all VC consoles) can't compete with.

Also, I have no problems with the price. Due to using blu-ray, oh course the console will be more expensive. Just look at Blue Dragon on 360, which is using three DVD9 disc, since the content cannot find on one DVD (Enchanted Arms and other 360 games were about to be the same way, but they had to remove lots of content to fit on a single disc). At least I'll never have to be switching disc again (gets rather annoying) due to the blu-ray format.[/quote]

I can't stand it when people use the "switching discs" argument. It takes 10 seconds. I understand it bothers you, but it is 10 seconds.
It probably depends on the game. Normally I don't care, and actually find it fun to have to switch discs. But in non-linear games like Baldur's Gate and Riven It was a little annoying.
[quote name='alongx']

Edit: Congrats to Setzer, for being just annoying/stupid enough to be my second ever blocked CAG.[/QUOTE]

only two? I have like half the Nintendo forum people blocked, pretty much the only one left is Strell.

[quote name='Puppy']As has been said multiple times, it's $500, not $600, which is actually cheaper than the 360 depending on your online gaming habbits.[/QUOTE]

No it's fucking $600, like the Xbox is fucking $400. Deal with it.
personally I think if you are in the market for a new system.. and you look at the price of a premium 360 and a base ps3.. add in free online service, blu ray player and hdmi connection for 100 extra dollar is a pretty good deal.. if you can afford it..
It makes sense to be a "late adopter" for the PS3. Unless you're manipulating Adam Smith's "invisible hand" to err, um, "solidify" your finances. (go for it, I'm not stopping anyone).

Here's why:

1. No one should have to pay $600 (come on, you really want the "lesser" version of this beast?) to be a beta-tester for Sony's new gaming and home entertainment console. I didn't want to be a beta tester for MS, either.

2. The games I really want for this system won't arrive until next year. Possibly late next year. By that time, many of the bugs should be ironed out. In a couple years the price might even come down.

3. I have a 27" CRT. There are no 42" Plasma HDTVs in my future. Why bother when right now I can only see photorealistic cars and gun battles? Zoom zoom, bang bang! Wake me up when the kids go home.

I love the PS3's aesthetic. It has amazing potential. But it's just too early to jump into this nonsense right now, unless of course, you're only in it for the money, then hey, kudos.
[quote name='imascrub']what is it that people who dislike the ps3 despise about it?

Not that the 360 isn't unpopular though...although it cheated a little by releasing itself a year in advance lol. It would have been interesting to see how the 3 way battle goes if they had all been released close to each other.[/quote]

PS2 release date: Oct 2000
GameCube release date: Nov 2001
XBOX release date: Nov 2001

You know what I hate the most other than the corporate arrogance of Sony empire? The fanboys...the fanboys and their individual arrogance. Your whole argument has become a contradiction in itself - it's in green neon for you to see above!

So what if XBOX360 was released a year ahead. So what if Gears of War sold 1,000,000 in two weeks which coincided with PS3 release. The wrestling match began with a whistle blow and Sony was taken down by an early bull rush. Question is, can they take the fight back up to standing?

By the way, imascrub, welcome to CAG.com! Your attempt to cause a trollage among the people has succeeded. Even I couldn't do that on my first try. Props.
[quote name='Puppy']It probably depends on the game. Normally I don't care, and actually find it fun to have to switch discs. But in non-linear games like Baldur's Gate and Riven It was a little annoying.[/quote]
If I remember correctly you could have done a full install of Baldur's Gate and not needed to switch disks. ;)
Ugh, some of you are idiots.

"The PS3 doesnt live up to the hype. Everyone says how its suppose to be so great, and its just blowing hot air saying that its the best."

Where the hell have you been? Havent you looked at the fucking forums? Every thread in the PS3 section is how the PS3 sucks or how its selling on Ebay. But the fucking Wii is all "Its so great! Ponies love it to!"

Sweet shit. People are so offended by the PS3, its beyond me.

The Wii doesnt offer much, but everyone on CAG loves it. Just because its 250 bucks? I think you should take the G out of CAG...

"I love the Wii cause it has great games like... Excite Truck!"

The only game the Wii has, and WILL have for a while is Zelda. A gamecube game that was pushed back, and then released on the Wii and Gamecube. Thats the best you got? Thats not even a real Wii game.

Give me a break. Do people really want to simulate Tennis that bad?

The Wii reminds me of this:

I saw a commericial for the Wii, and it looked like the same thing as these type of deals.

Oh, look at Zany dad telling us how to hit the golf ball! Ooo, how revolutionary its so much better then 360 and PS3! Graphics dont matter, realistic golf simulation does!

Come on people.
I'm not ready for next-gen. the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube still provide me with hours of entertainment. Besides the PS3 costs $700 here in Canada.
Guaranteed that every PS3 hater in here would be happier than Richard Simmons getting a bag of cocks, if Santa gave them a PS3 for Christmas.
[quote name='atane']Guaranteed that every PS3 hater in here would be happier than Richard Simmons getting a bag of cocks, if Santa gave them a PS3 for Christmas.[/quote]

Exactly! Most of the reviews on CNET are from people who don't even own PS3s!!! What a subjective review
[quote name='harrygetsoff']Exactly! Most of the reviews on CNET are from people who don't even own PS3s!!! What a subjective review[/quote]


"Vanilla sucks!"

"Really? Why you think that?"

"Cause it looks stupid and everyone I know doesnt like it!"

"Have you tried it?"

"No. Cause it sucks!"

[quote name='atane']Guaranteed that every PS3 hater in here would be happier than Richard Simmons getting a bag of cocks, if Santa gave them a PS3 for Christmas.[/QUOTE]
Damn right.

...cause then they could sell it and get a Wii and like 9 games. :)
[quote name='nintendokid']PS2 release date: Oct 2000
GameCube release date: Nov 2001
XBOX release date: Nov 2001

You know what I hate the most other than the corporate arrogance of Sony empire? The fanboys...the fanboys and their individual arrogance. Your whole argument has become a contradiction in itself - it's in green neon for you to see above!

So what if XBOX360 was released a year ahead. So what if Gears of War sold 1,000,000 in two weeks which coincided with PS3 release. The wrestling match began with a whistle blow and Sony was taken down by an early bull rush. Question is, can they take the fight back up to standing?

By the way, imascrub, welcome to CAG.com! Your attempt to cause a trollage among the people has succeeded. Even I couldn't do that on my first try. Props.[/quote]

you got me there, I didn't think about the previous generation, with Dreamcast coming out first but coming to an early defeat, then the PS2 starting the current "war." But even though PS2 gained an early lead, they've continue to hold that lead as the most popular machine of its generation (I think).

And again I never stated that I hated or disliked the 360/Wii or that they sucked. This thread is about wondering why people hate the ps3, not about "omg the ps3 is the king and the 360/Wii are its bitches." I suppose I couldn't help it if I let out a bit of that fanboy-ness in what was supposed to be an unbiased look (I guess that's pretty laughable now if I try to deny it lol). Though there is also definitely no lack of fanboys for the system you happen to like over another either, if you have one. Plenty of fanboys to go around!

If you want cold hard fanboy-ism, here it is: The truth is, I used to own a psx, and I own a ps2 and continue to play it regularly, and have no other console by any other company except Nintendo's DS Lite. The Playstation has simply not failed to disappoint me as it's had a slew of games (most of which are exclusive to the system name). Sure it's had a reported fair share of problems, yet I've never experienced them, be it old system or new system.

But as in my OP, I stand by my opinion that Sony can match and eventually surpass the sales the 360 has and is continuing to garner, fanboy or not. Perhaps when their production problems are reduced and their capacity is increased and are able to push out more units. With 360's less than lackluster support in Japan, they're missing a major market to add to their number of units sold, and Sony and Nintendo will gladly pick up the slack for themselves.

Oh and thanks for the hearty welcome. I'm rather proud of myself too for making a hot topic, even though I took the low blow and started something I knew fanboys from all around would have something to say about.
Just for the record, I have no gripe with the PS3. I hope that everyone that has purchased one for themselves is very happy with their new machine. I personally haven't seen anything that has interested me enough to think about getting one, but that may change over time. I am curently enjoying my 360, & may soon get a Wii. I think the Wii will be fun for me to play games with my son, soon to be eight. Anyway, enjoy your PS3's.
also, I think that people's problem about the ps3's graphics not being much better than the 360's may be misguided....or maybe it's just my own views that are misguided I dunno

The way I see it though, is that the ps3 isn't supposed to have better graphics than the 360, just that it can do the same things better. If it happens to look better or not is just icing on the cake. The SPU's or whatever they're called I think are supposed to take a load off the main processing core by separating all the tasks (as the head Sony guy described it, like how our body's organs work together to make us tick). By doing that it supposedly enables the machine to process more effects going on at the same time, which may translate to "holy shit the game looks damn nice over the 360 version." Even if the game looks identical to the 360, the framerate may not be so impacted as it may (or may not) be on the 360. As I've heard, Resistance even in a full 40 player multiplayer match online doesn't suffer from a single lost frame.
[quote name='Ebraum']Just for the record, I have no gripe with the PS3. I hope that everyone that has purchased one for themselves is very happy with their new machine. I personally haven't seen anything that has interested me enough to think about getting one, but that may change over time. I am curently enjoying my 360, & may soon get a Wii. I think the Wii will be fun for me to play games with my son, soon to be eight. Anyway, enjoy your PS3's.[/quote]

watch out for those little ones!

The biggest gripe about the PS3 has and always will be price. Yes, you're getting more in the package. Yes, you're getting "free" online. Yes, you're getting about 90% of the PS1/PS2 games. It still doesn't matter as the PS3 has made a $400 system seem affordable in comparison whether it's fair or not.

By the way, none of this matters. As soon as MGS 4 hits, everyone will forget about every issue the PS3 has (the same way everyone forgot about how shitty the 360 launch was as soon as Elder Scrolls 4 hit).

Also, I love you David85. Kisses and such.
[quote name='imascrub']

The way I see it though, is that the ps3 isn't supposed to have better graphics than the 360, just that it can do the same things better. If it happens to look better or not is just icing on the cake. The SPU's or whatever they're called I think are supposed to take a load off the main processing core by separating all the tasks (as the head Sony guy described it, like how our body's organs work together to make us tick). By doing that it supposedly enables the machine to process more effects going on at the same time, which may translate to "holy shit the game looks damn nice over the 360 version." Even if the game looks identical to the 360, the framerate may not be so impacted as it may (or may not) be on the 360. As I've heard, Resistance even in a full 40 player multiplayer match online doesn't suffer from a single lost frame.[/quote]

And this approach works very well. It's amazing how much better a machine can run when the video card does most of it's own processing via GPU. With some of the medical technology (XRAY viewing stations) you need $5000 video cards to view the images. This enables you to view them over a regular PC. You can't do this without the card.
Seriously. Everyone that posted gripes about the PS3, do you own one? Have you played one, other than the NBA 07 and Motorstorm demo kiosks in stores?

It's a damn fine machine. I can understand those who might not want to get one right away, but by March, alot of triple A quality titles will be on the shelf. If your arguement is that the launch titles are not that great. You have a point. Hell, if you don't care about blu-ray and just want a gaming system, you have a point. If you think $500/$600 is too much, yet you bought a premium 360 and the HD-DVD add on, then you have no point because you're obviously willing to drop 600 bones. So what's the problem?

If you have HD-DVD, you're obviously an early adopter, and early adopters, even those who prefer HD-DVD for the most part, will snag a PS3 just for blu-ray. If not, then you're not that much of an early adopter.

I understand this is CAG and all, but we gotta spend money sometime. Maybe you can wait around for black friday deals in 2008, and you can get a PS3 for $400.....lol. Or maybe the Nintendo Wii is for you. Funny thing about the Wii, my coworker bought one, with all the additional Wii-motes, nunchucks and everything he bought, it was well over $500. That's more expensive than a 20GB PS3. The whole idea behind the Wii is that it's cheap and you can play with friends and family, get them involved etc. Well, those damn nun-chucks and wii-motes are expensive. I actually think the Wii is the most overpriced system of the 3 next-gen system, comparitively of course, not literally.

How old are you guys? Did you guys ever own a Neo-Geo? The PS3 is a bargain compared to it, and that was 16 years ago.
My problem isn't with the PS3 so much as it is with Sony itself. Two generations with the market share and now they think they can bully and bullshit the consumers around. One is the price point. And though the argument can be made that they're giving you more technology for what you're getting, that's my second gripe with the company.

They're a bullet-point, "look at these great features" whore of a company.
  • Blu-Ray Drive (this one's yet to be decided in the format wars)
  • "Cell" processor (which from what I've read only makes the job tougher and more expensive for companies who either pass the cost onto the consumers or cause the developers to not get everything out of the system)
  • Sixaxis controller (hey, look at us, we've got motion control, too--which, incidentally, feels half-assed in most games I've tried)
  • 1080p "True HD" (it even pervades into game packaging--see NBA 07--what percentage of people actually have 1080p capable sets or will have one in the next 3-4 years?
They're a hardware company and they forget about the software and the end user. See Cheapy's problems with HDMI right now. The inability to have a firm online plan when they release a full year after 360. The friends' list is a joke. I can't access that in some games without backing out of the game itself? Huh? With the XMB they're trying to have some consistency across platforms, which is a nice thought, but when that menu system in itself needs improvements, why carry the exact same thing over to a newer system?

I just get the feeling that Sony Computer Entertainment CEOs are thinking, "We'll sell the name. fuck the consumers who have problems with the way we do things. Millions will still buy the damn thing on brand alone. If you want Playstation, this is how you'll get it, whether you like it or not."
People say that it's tough to develop for the ps3 and that's why it'll flop (among other complaints they come up with). True, development for it is probably hard as hell for now, but I don't think it should be tossed aside so easily. Just because the ps3's main competitor doesn't speak very highly of it doesn't mean that it's going to flop. I mean what else is Microsoft gonna say about it, "the cell processor's rad!" Nah I don't think so. People are just afraid of change from the familiar. I'm not saying that cell processor technology is gonna take over the world someday, but the cell processor is a new technology that takes time to understand for programmers. The people who understand this are the ones that are excited about this and are taking the dive to develop for the ps3. Down the road, once they get over the initial hurdles of developing for the cell processor, people will become mucho proficient at it, which will just bring out the best of the ps3.

And I mean shit....the Ratchet guys did a pretty nice job with Resistance for a first gen title lol
I agree that the price is what makes everybody curse when they here PS3. If you don't own a 360 I understand that, but all the 360 fanboys who cry? When you're willing to pay for a 360 a PS3 isn't that much difference in price. If were talking PS2 vs PS3 the that's a big difference. I own a PS3 and I like it, but I do agree that there isn't any game yet that has awed me. Look it took 360 a year to give us Gears, let's see what the PS3 has to offer in 6 months. I personally bought the PS3 over the 360 because I believe the PS3 has more to offer, especially down the road. Games have been getting bigger and better for years. Who thought a few years ago we would fill up a DVD5? Now 360 games are pushing DVD9 to the limit. Developers will need more space to give us new jaw dropping games. Before I get jumped I'm not saying that we've seen the best we're going to see on the 360, but I think they haven't even scratched the surface of what the PS3 can do. And when it's all said and done games sell systems.
[quote name='David85']No it's fucking $600, like the Xbox is fucking $400. Deal with it.[/QUOTE]

If we compare the two in terms of features and playability, I think its fair to compare the premium 360 to the core PS3. It seems like they are almost identical in terms of features. The only thing that is different, is that the 360 lacks the ability to allow more than 4 players (not really a big deal), and it only has a DVD drive.
[quote name='dpatel']If we compare the two in terms of features and playability, I think its fair to compare the premium 360 to the core PS3. It seems like they are almost identical in terms of features. The only thing that is different, is that the 360 lacks the ability to allow more than 4 players (not really a big deal), and it only has a DVD drive.[/QUOTE]

It's a moot point. Give any gamer $600 and say "do you want the 60 GB PS3 or the 20 GB PS3 and a $100?" and tell me who takes the extra hundred bucks. Or here's a better scenario. Poll every gamer who pre-ordered a PS3 at launch to keep to play and ask what they wanted to pre-order. The vast majority say the $600 version. Better yet, how many CAGs have a PS3? What version did you want? Again, the more active CAGs on the forums seem to be in the line of "I pre-ordered the 60 GB" and expressed pissed off feelings if they were cut to the 20 GB version. On paper the comparison makes sense, but not in reality.
[quote name='furyk']It's a moot point. Give any gamer $600 and say "do you want the 60 GB PS3 or the 20 GB PS3 and a $100?" and tell me who takes the extra hundred bucks. Or here's a better scenario. Poll every gamer who pre-ordered a PS3 at launch to keep to play and ask what they wanted to pre-order. The vast majority say the $600 version. Better yet, how many CAGs have a PS3? What version did you want? Again, the more active CAGs on the forums seem to be in the line of "I pre-ordered the 60 GB" and expressed pissed off feelings if they were cut to the 20 GB version. On paper the comparison makes sense, but not in reality.[/QUOTE]

I don't get what you are trying to say. People were complaining about the $600 version. Someone brought up the $500 version, which, you agree, is a perfectly viable alternative on paper. Sure more people will opt for the $600 version, but that doesn't make the $500 version any less of a gaming machine. I really don't understand the argument you are trying to make. Just because the current trend has been leaning towards buying a $600 PS3, doesn't mean that people who think it is too high can't get a $500 PS3.
[quote name='millrat1030']Before I get jumped I'm not saying that we've seen the best we're going to see on the 360, but I think they haven't even scratched the surface of what the PS3 can do. And when it's all said and done games sell systems.[/quote]

You're right. It doesn't matter about HDMI, 1080p, or whether it has Blu-Ray/HD-DVD playback. It's all about the games. So, what games are you talking about? Are you talking about the games that are in secret development and no one knows about it yet until 2007/2008?

Well, what the fuck do you think the developers are doing with 360? You think they are ass fucking eachother while PS3 developers are making A+ games under the radar?! The 360 developers are doing the same secret developments. Just because the system isn't $600 doesn't mean they can't do shit with it.
I remember when the Xbox 1 came out. Games like Halo and Dead or Alive left no doubt from minute one that the Xbox was more powerful than the PS2. None of this whining and crying about how the PS2 had a head start and that it wasn't fair to compare Xbox launch titles to the later generation PS2 titles.
[quote name='Beer Monkey']I remember when the Xbox 1 came out. Games like Halo and Dead or Alive left no doubt from minute one that the Xbox was more powerful than the PS2. None of this whining and crying about how the PS2 had a head start and that it wasn't fair to compare Xbox launch titles to the later generation PS2 titles.[/quote]

That's not the point. Everyone knows that just based on numbers, PS3 is stronger than the XBOX360. However, power-wise, it can be argued both ways.

The point is that people won't take "no" for an answer. You people, yeah, you. You PS3 fans, your kind, losers. We say PS3 sucks for the sake of "just because". And we get feedback such as "you don't even have it yet so stfu" or "wait until next year". I live in Minnesota. I HATE the Packers. Should I explain myself, don't I have the privilege to hate my home team's rival? Should I be told to wait until Packers win the Super Bowl to make my decision? No.

I hate the PS3. I don't care if in 2007 there are 10 AAA PS3 titles. I don't care if they found a loophole in the programming that caused gamers to get an orgasm by touching the controller. I don't care if it uses 1.21 gigawatts to send me through time to change the course of history. WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING MONKEY'S fuck ABOUT WHAT PS3 OFFERS BECAUSE WE DON'T CARE. WE JUST HATE THE PS3 FOR WHAT IT IS.

I predict the next PS3 fan boy response: "Ok. I see. But, why?"
[quote name='nintendokid']

I hate the PS3. I don't care if in 2007 there are 10 AAA PS3 titles. I don't care if they found a loophole in the programming that caused gamers to get an orgasm by touching the controller. I don't care if it uses 1.21 gigawatts to send me through time to change the course of history. WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING MONKEY'S fuck ABOUT WHAT PS3 OFFERS BECAUSE WE DON'T CARE. WE JUST HATE THE PS3 FOR WHAT IT IS."

I predict the next PS3 fan boy response: "Ok. I see. But, why?"

Who is this "WE" you are talking about? I don't think you're speaking for anyone but yourself.

You don't have to give any reasons as to why you don't like something, but generally speaking, people respect the opinions of people who actually have valid points and give reasons why they have discontent. Not people who just hate for the sake of hating something.
[quote name='Brian9824']I think everyone knows that, XBL wasn't up and running at 100% on the first day microsoft touted it. It was full of bugs, glitches and it barely worked. It took 6 months to a year to get most of them worked out. No one here is saying that its currently better then the 360's, just that it has the potential to surpass it in the future.

its absolute idiocy to compare a 3 day old system to a 4 year old one and talk about which one performs better.[/quote] You sir are an idiot. You make it sound like this is Sony's first attempt at an online system. PS2 Broadband adaptor ring a bell? No it don't since it doesn't support your 'argument':roll:

[quote name='Brian9824']hehe ok I did exagerate a bit but the point is still valid. Its going to take a little time to streamline the PS3's online system. What they have out now IS fully functional albeit with some annoying things. I've played some online matches of resistance at my friends and its worked flawlessly so far with no lag so small stuff like clunky interfaces don't bother me much. [/quote]
That's putting it mildly. Watch your head and make sure you don't hit anything with all of that back-pedaling your doing.

[quote name='Brian9824'] I'd say wait for the first major update to the service which will probably be in a matter of weeks and then start talking about it. It just seems kinda silly to be talking like Sony's online system is going to destroy their company when its 3 days old and still being tweaked. Who knows where the system will be a year from now.[/quote] Why wait when you can have it now with a 360?

[quote name='Setzer']I love the 360 fanboys who are bitching about the $600 price of the PS3 yet they'll go out and spend $400 on a 360 and then buy the $200 HD-DVD add-on.[/quote] Who says people are buying the HD-DVD addon in droves? The point is people have the OPTION of buying it instead of being forced to.

[quote name='Setzer']They're not out yet....I said "just wait". Eventually in a year or so, you're going to start seeing HD-DVD games for the 360 and if you don't spend the $200 for the add-on then you won't be able to play them. It's pretty much just for watching videos right now but MS does have plans for it.[/quote] Just wait for what exactly? I think MS did thier flipping homework and won't dare go the route of SegaCD/32X. Or was that before your time Sonny?

[quote name='Setzer']You know what's funny? Microsoft did the same thing with Perfect Dark Zero. All the talk about how great the game was going to be, the graphics, the gameplay...all revolutionary. And what happened? It turned out to be mediocre at best. MS sure got everyone to buy it at launch though. :lol:[/quote] Yes, the put a fucking gun to your head and made you buy it. Blame the retail stores not MS. And blame the customers who bought the bundles for supporting that shit.
The Good:

- Sony won the last two console wars, odds are their hardcore fan base will keep the PS3 afloat for quite a while. I doubt this will become the Dreamcast.
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Backwards compatible with PS1/PS2
- At least you get some sort of HD movie viewing experience out of the box
- The $600 version is generally worth the extra $100 for the wi-fi (assuming you have a wireless network) and bigger hard-drive
- Free online play (at least for now, it's up to the developers if they want to charge if I'm remembering correctly)

The Bad:

- Extremely limited launch numbers
- None of the launch titles excite me at all. Sure, Resistance may be getting good reviews/opinions, but is it truly anything new outside 40 player matches?
- In general none of the ports are superior to other versions. Is it a big deal? Maybe not, but for the most powerful console to have inferior ports, it doesn't exactly install confidence in those on the fence.
- Oblivion, arguably the next big release, has already been out on the 360 and PC for months, and the new PS3 content is available for download for the 360 and PC as well. All in all, the only people who should be excited over this are those who haven't played it before.
- I'd think by now that Sony would have swapped the left analog stick and the d-pad to make the stick more accessible on the controller. That has always been my single biggest complaint against the Playstation controllers. Hell, even the N64 controller (ugly as it may be) had much easier access to the analog stick.
- Various complaints (no universal friends list, inability to download content in the background, etc.) when the competition (namely the 360 in this case) doesn't have this issues. Sure, these can (hopefully) be fixed with updates, but why this wasn't taken care of before the launch is beyond me.

The Ugly:

- $500-$600 for a console is way too much in my opinion. Hell, $400 for the 360 is too much (I only have mine do to having a ton of credit at Gamerush). Sony could be losing a ton of potential sales to the cheaper competition.
- Blu-Ray could lose the new format wars. While it won't impact the games, Sony will have another failed format, much like UMD.
- MGS4 may be heading to the 360, and Square has said they will still support Sony with games but don't want them (Sony) to dominate the market. If Sony loses its biggest exclusive and if the amount of Square games on the platform dwindles somewhat those will be mighty blows to the "all that matters are the games" argument. Great exclusives are a premium in this industry, and given the high PS3 price tag and the gamble with Blu-Ray, Sony cannot afford to lose sales due to losing exclusive games.
[quote name='nintendokid']That's not the point. Everyone knows that just based on numbers, PS3 is stronger than the XBOX360. However, power-wise, it can be argued both ways.

The point is that people won't take "no" for an answer. You people, yeah, you. You PS3 fans, your kind, losers. We say PS3 sucks for the sake of "just because". And we get feedback such as "you don't even have it yet so stfu" or "wait until next year". I live in Minnesota. I HATE the Packers. Should I explain myself, don't I have the privilege to hate my home team's rival? Should I be told to wait until Packers win the Super Bowl to make my decision? No.

I hate the PS3. I don't care if in 2007 there are 10 AAA PS3 titles. I don't care if they found a loophole in the programming that caused gamers to get an orgasm by touching the controller. I don't care if it uses 1.21 gigawatts to send me through time to change the course of history. WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING MONKEY'S fuck ABOUT WHAT PS3 OFFERS BECAUSE WE DON'T CARE. WE JUST HATE THE PS3 FOR WHAT IT IS.
I predict the next PS3 fan boy response: "Ok. I see. But, why?"[/QUOTE]

You don't HAVE to have a reason to hate the PS3. If you just hate it 'just because..', that's your loss. If you want to participate in a discussion about pros and cons of the PS3, then don't be surprised if someone questions why you dislike a certain things. If all you have to contribute is "PS3 sucks just because..", then you really only need one post to do so, and you can move along.
[quote name='captainfrizo']The Good:

- Sony won the last two console wars, odds are their hardcore fan base will keep the PS3 afloat for quite a while. I doubt this will become the Dreamcast.
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Backwards compatible with PS1/PS2
- At least you get some sort of HD movie viewing experience out of the box
- The $600 version is generally worth the extra $100 for the wi-fi (assuming you have a wireless network) and bigger hard-drive
- Free online play (at least for now, it's up to the developers if they want to charge if I'm remembering correctly)

The Bad:

- Extremely limited launch numbers
- None of the launch titles excite me at all. Sure, Resistance may be getting good reviews/opinions, but is it truly anything new outside 40 player matches?
- In general none of the ports are superior to other versions. Is it a big deal? Maybe not, but for the most powerful console to have inferior ports, it doesn't exactly install confidence in those on the fence.
- Oblivion, arguably the next big release, has already been out on the 360 and PC for months, and the new PS3 content is available for download for the 360 and PC as well. All in all, the only people who should be excited over this are those who haven't played it before.
- I'd think by now that Sony would have swapped the left analog stick and the d-pad to make the stick more accessible on the controller. That has always been my single biggest complaint against the Playstation controllers. Hell, even the N64 controller (ugly as it may be) had much easier access to the analog stick.
- Various complaints (no universal friends list, inability to download content in the background, etc.) when the competition (namely the 360 in this case) doesn't have this issues. Sure, these can (hopefully) be fixed with updates, but why this wasn't taken care of before the launch is beyond me.

The Ugly:

- $500-$600 for a console is way too much in my opinion. Hell, $400 for the 360 is too much (I only have mine do to having a ton of credit at Gamerush). Sony could be losing a ton of potential sales to the cheaper competition.
- Blu-Ray could lose the new format wars. While it won't impact the games, Sony will have another failed format, much like UMD.
- MGS4 may be heading to the 360, and Square has said they will still support Sony with games but don't want them (Sony) to dominate the market. If Sony loses its biggest exclusive and if the amount of Square games on the platform dwindles somewhat those will be mighty blows to the "all that matters are the games" argument. Great exclusives are a premium in this industry, and given the high PS3 price tag and the gamble with Blu-Ray, Sony cannot afford to lose sales due to losing exclusive games.[/quote]

i'm glad you spent so much time typing that. Congrats i get to spend 1 min and type this. To sum it up your a fucking retard
[quote name='dpatel']You don't HAVE to have a reason to hate the PS3. If you just hate it 'just because..', that's your loss.[/quote]

I am not losing out on anything but a PS2 refurb.
[quote name='panasonic']i'm glad you spent so much time typing that. Congrats i get to spend 1 min and type this. To sum it up your a fucking retard[/QUOTE]

Actually, it took me all of five minutes to type that. Considering that it took you one minute to type three sentences (with piss poor grammar, I might add) I would highly suggest you take some computer/keyboarding classes at your middle school. I also suggest paying attention in your English class.
[quote name='captainfrizo']Actually, it took me all of five minutes to type that. Considering that it took you one minute to type three sentences (with piss poor grammar, I might add) I would highly suggest you take some computer/keyboarding classes at your middle school. I also suggest paying attention in your English class.[/quote]
Wow thats fine i am enrolled in English 101 i came from Spain a little over 2 years ago
[quote name='panasonic']i'm glad you spent so much time typing that. Congrats i get to spend 1 min and type this. To sum it up your a fucking retard[/QUOTE]

:lol:, grammar is your friend.

[quote name='nintendokid']I am not losing out on anything but a PS2 refurb.[/QUOTE]

Okay. For someone that despises the PS3, you sure are spending quite a bit of time here. If I hated something as much as you hated the PS3, I probably wouldn't constantly post in a topic about the PS3 in the PS3 section. That's just me though.
[quote name='dpatel']

Okay. For someone that despises the PS3, you sure are spending quite a bit of time here. If I hated something as much as you hated the PS3, I probably wouldn't constantly post in a topic about the PS3 in the PS3 section. That's just me though.[/quote]
staying here is the fun part, who doesn't like to flame another guy on something so stupid as console wars
bread's done