What's Hurting You?

It's like...birds are dying...I mean this is real...like...I understand pain...it's like totally a sign of the entropy in our society...I just wanted to, like, tell you guys that...I'm not a poser.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']It's like...birds are dying...I mean this is real...like...I understand pain...it's like totally a sign of the entropy in our society...I just wanted to, like, tell you guys that...I'm not a poser.[/QUOTE]


Nothing right now, I had a headache earlier.
my eyes and hands. I've been working on a powerpoint pres (50 slides) and reading a huge book about Hiroshima and Nagasaki simultaneously for the past 12 hours....which is more than a little depressing. (time invested in project and nuclear-holocaust wise)
[quote name='browneyedgal68']My nephew's suicide.[/QUOTE]

my condolences...that's awful.
My feet...walked for a total of 8 hours the other night during the Relay for Life. I wanted to walk the entire time but after 5 hours straight...I was hurtin'.
This paper I'm writing. Have you ever just felt like what you have on the page is shit, but you don't have time to change it? I had these great ideas before I sat down to write it, and now I'm just blank. Goddamn bullshit college, always assigning term papers at the SAME TIME.
[quote name='Scorch']http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=60339

my wisdom teeth fucking hurt, i think its time to get them taken out but i dont wanna[/QUOTE]
Wisdom teeth make pussies of us all....I waited until my one hurt so bad, that I couldn't not get it taken out. When the oral surgeon gave me a vicodin prescription after it was removed, I chuckled to myself. The lack of tooth was the only painkiller I needed.

Sadly, I have 3 to go.
The fact that I'm wasting time by going to school, considering I have enough credits to graduate, and my gpa is good enough.
Reality's Fringe]This paper I'm writing. Have you ever just felt like what you have on the page is shit said:
all the time...in community college, they'd get A's...now, in the "real" school, I get a B/C when I bullshit :(

repeat the mantra: next semester, I will not procrastinate. ha!
[quote name='Apossum']all the time...in community college, they'd get A's...now, in the "real" school, I get a B/C when I bullshit :(

repeat the mantra: next semester, I will not procrastinate. ha![/QUOTE]

B's not bad; that's my mantra. When most people struggle for a 2.5, if you can BS and get a 3 or so than you're savvy.
[quote name='Tiphireth']I masturbated too hard and stripped off several layres of skin. :/[/quote]

I don't think thats something one dude should say to another dude, yeah...
[quote name='Apossum']repeat the mantra: next semester, I will not procrastinate. ha![/quote]This kind of mentality is going to result in in some very long nights through the rest of High School and College for me...
[quote name='thagoat']sometimes, my poop comes out too big and i start bleeding.[/quote]

Yeah, sometimes that makes my hemerrhoids pop. :/
My left leg is killing me! I had a soccer game today and some man-chick pushed me and I fell pretty hard.
[quote name='Tiphireth']I masturbated too hard and stripped off several layres of skin. :/[/QUOTE]

Link to the porn site you were using!?
Reality's Fringe]This paper I'm writing. Have you ever just felt like what you have on the page is shit said:
Yeah I have three papers due within this week and next week. Thankfully one has been something that's lasted all semester and the one I'm working on now is incredibly easy. I just can't seem to fucking do anything, this is the easiest paper ever, but I just can't get around to doing it.

I still have a 4.0, trying to keep it as long as possible in case I ever actually have really hard classes (but I'm a psyc major so maybe that's not gonna happen :p).
When I get nervous its like my whole body breaks out and I get really itchy and my arms get really red.. I really want to find a way to stop this..
[quote name='Starwishi']My left leg is killing me! I had a soccer game today and some man-chick pushed me and I fell pretty hard.[/quote]

I love you for playing soccer.........greatest sport on the planet. I played 3 years college soccer..those were the days. Actually it was only like 2 years ago..and i am still in college.

My back and arms hurt from loading and unloading a truck for work all day.
[quote name='Kayden']I... have taken work as a telemarketer... :whistle2:([/quote] Yikes... Godspeed with you Kayden! :cool: I'm just one rung above you doing tech support. :whistle2:( I fucking hate it. I can only imagine what you go through.
My waist- for awhile now, I've had this 'ring of sore' right above my hips, and I'm not sure why.

I have noticed a couple pairs of jeans that used to fit before I can now take off without undoing the front... so hopefully, this means I'm somehow working a muscle group I haven't been and lost some weight as a result.
Another day of looking online for an apartment in San Diego. And the 3 exams I have this week. And wondering if my transcripts are going to get to SDSU in time or else they will give up my spot.
My dickhead boss. I could really give a damn what he's saying about me to everyone, it's the fact that without proof of it I'm goddamn powerless against him.
Final exams - had Contracts II today, Criminal Law (closed book) on Thursday, Property II next Monday, and Constitutional Law on next Thursday. After that I have a glorious 3-day weekend and then summer school starts.
Now that I think of it "iheartmetals" huge fucking sig. I think my sig breaching the large side (IMO). But damn man you sig is so big it has to squeeze up your avatar.

When I see your sig, I feel like this tailgate. (NSFW, HELL not safe for anything or anyone)


I'm sorry in advance for anyone I have hurt. But this man needs to know what his sig is doing.

God forgive me.
[quote name='Scorch']http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=60339

my wisdom teeth fucking hurt, i think its time to get them taken out but i dont wanna[/QUOTE]
my wisdom teeth were hurting until i got them taken out friday. i'm making a fine recovery so far (i'll see what the dentist says at my follow up on thursday). i haven't even taken any of my t3 (codeine) today. get them out before you regret it. i recommend the iv sedation...2 minutes after the nurse put it in i don't remember shit. what felt like a minute later i was woken up and it was done...felt like a nite of hard drinking. stock up on soft foods (mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, pudding, apple sauce, ice cream, etc.)

the only thing hurting me at the moment is my boredom and desire to eat regular foods already (probably later this week)
Possibly getting kicked out of school because my dad hasn't been paying the bills (It's mostly my money but I give all of my loans to my dad and he handles the actual payments.)

I can't believe I just posted that on a video game forum...
Well let's see what's hurting me....

- Getting over the breakup with my ex-fiance.
- The possibility of Roger Waters doing a tour here in America and him not coming here.
- Having to wait until Thursday for TNA Impact.
- Having to wait until Monday for the next episode of "24."
- This nasty scar on my right arm from putting together an audio componet stand a few weeks ago. "Simple to build".... bullshit it is.

Otherwise... I am perfectly sane.
bread's done