What's some good comic series


CAG Veteran
I'm looking for a good comic series to get into. I'm not a huge comic buff, my tastes include

Captain America
The New Avengers Series
Civil War Series
Check out DMZ. It's not a Superhero story but it is a good read and has a cool plotline like Marvel's Civil War series.
I really enjoy The Amazing Spider-Man (and I also read DMZ as suggested by the reader above). I'd highly recommend reading Spider-Man, though, it is a solid series. I got into it due to Civil War and haven't missed an issue since (I've even gone back and read all 9 of the Essential Spider-Man volumes).
I have enjoyed the Marvel Civil War series a ton and am just getting into some of its other story lines throughout the Marvel line. I also just started into some of the Dark Reign storyline too. Some of the House of M stuff as a precursor to Civil War was interesting to me too.
I'll second the Walking Dead as a great comic series.

Personally i'd also check out Witchblade and Darkness. They are by Top Cow and tie in with the story.
A really good superhero comic that isn't Marvel or DC is Invincible. Irredeemable is worth looking into as well.
I've searched high and low for comics I like- not necessarily critically acclaimed ones. I guess I'm picky. I tend to like books where the heroes are young, solo, in training or some combination of the three.

Invincible and Runaways are tops for me.

Avengers Initiative (now Avengers Academy) was a good "kids in training" book that crossed over heavily with the rest of the Marvel Universe. It was easy to fill in the blanks with wiki so, no worries. Avengers Initiative became Avengers Academy this month and is only one issue old but looks to be a more self contained book. It looks really promising.

I also read Secret Warriors and while it's very much a kids in training book, it has a sort of super spy flavor thanks to the team leader, Nick Fury. I'm on the fence on this one. It's pretty awesome but I think I could live without it...maybe. Let's just say Secret Warriors and I are seeing other people right now.

Invincible and Runaways both are really, really good and you'd have several years to catch up on. Personally, I like reading trades at my own pace so both these were good finds for me.

I also read Iron Man on occasion and the new Secret Avengers has Captain America (now it's just Steve), Nova, War Machine and a couple other powerhouses. It's just an issue old but goddammit they kick a lot of ass AND go to the moon in the first issue. It's pretty awesome. Sounds like this would be right up your alley.

On the DC side, I've only really latched onto Green Lantern Corps. It just has that certain something. It's a nice team book. Feels like a Sci-Fi cop show- and I don't think that's an accident.

I hope you can take something away from my rambling, haha.
Is there anywhere online that you can preview Invincible? I'm interested in it but I want to read atleast a couple issues before I commit to buying the collections on Amazon that are like 40 a pop.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']If you are interested in more than just super hero books I would recommend:

Y: The Last Man
Ex Machina
Scott Pilgirm[/QUOTE]

Good call, I haven't given Fables a try yet - but Y: The Last Man, Ex Machina and Scott Pilgrim are great.

The same guy who created Runaways created Y: The Last Man and Ex Machina. Good stuff.

As far as previewing Invincible online - not sure - I wanna say the trades are 12-15 bucks a pop and the second volume really turns the book on it's ear. If you can take a chance on those two, you'll know for sure if you're into it.
[quote name='lehviput']you can preview the first issue here. http://www.imagecomics.com/onlinecomics.php[/QUOTE]

Thanks man!

[quote name='Broseph']Good call, I haven't given Fables a try yet - but Y: The Last Man, Ex Machina and Scott Pilgrim are great.

The same guy who created Runaways created Y: The Last Man and Ex Machina. Good stuff.

As far as previewing Invincible online - not sure - I wanna say the trades are 12-15 bucks a pop and the second volume really turns the book on it's ear. If you can take a chance on those two, you'll know for sure if you're into it.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I was planning on blind buying Invincible just because so many people have recommended it to me. I don't really read comics but I always have had an interest. I've read a couple of graphic novels and loved them so I figure it is along the same lines. Thanks for the advice. This is also a great thread, props to the OP.
[quote name='Broseph']I've searched high and low for comics I like- not necessarily critically acclaimed ones. I guess I'm picky. I tend to like books where the heroes are young, solo, in training or some combination of the three.

Invincible and Runaways are tops for me.

Avengers Initiative (now Avengers Academy) was a good "kids in training" book that crossed over heavily with the rest of the Marvel Universe. It was easy to fill in the blanks with wiki so, no worries. Avengers Initiative became Avengers Academy this month and is only one issue old but looks to be a more self contained book. It looks really promising.

I also read Secret Warriors and while it's very much a kids in training book, it has a sort of super spy flavor thanks to the team leader, Nick Fury. I'm on the fence on this one. It's pretty awesome but I think I could live without it...maybe. Let's just say Secret Warriors and I are seeing other people right now.

Invincible and Runaways both are really, really good and you'd have several years to catch up on. Personally, I like reading trades at my own pace so both these were good finds for me.

I also read Iron Man on occasion and the new Secret Avengers has Captain America (now it's just Steve), Nova, War Machine and a couple other powerhouses. It's just an issue old but goddammit they kick a lot of ass AND go to the moon in the first issue. It's pretty awesome. Sounds like this would be right up your alley.

On the DC side, I've only really latched onto Green Lantern Corps. It just has that certain something. It's a nice team book. Feels like a Sci-Fi cop show- and I don't think that's an accident.

I hope you can take something away from my rambling, haha.[/QUOTE]

I might have to look into that New Secret Avengers series
Well, there have been a lot of great series recently.

Since you like Cap and the Avengers/super heroes in general, I'm just going to throw out some suggestions. I mostly follow specific authors a bit more than specific characters, and some of this will stretch back decades. I also read anything/everything, so I won't just recommend superhero books.

Ultimates 1 and 2, I cannot recommend highly enough. I think this was/is the best team book of the past decade by a mile. The rest of the Ultimate books have been great at times, awful at others.

Captain America even before the title relaunch was good off and on; I love the old stories with Mike Zeck art. Brubaker's run has been fantastic.

Daredevil has always been a fantastic read IMHO, although I prefer Bendis's run to just about everything else except for Frank Miller's work on the character.

Thor under Strazynski started a bit slow, but I've really enjoyed it lately especially since the Doom confrontation and end results of Dark Reign. His work on Supreme Powers was outstanding.

Thunderbolts (original concept and stories were good too) under Norman Osborne was fantastic as was Dark Avengers. If you liked Dark Reign at all, these are key. Mighty Avengers was good but not quite up to par with New/Secret Avenger IMHO. The various new Avengers books, well it's a little too early to tell IMO.

Hulk has been ridiculous but a bit of a naughty pleasure to read at this point. Planet Hulk/World War Hulk and the various set up leading up to it in Hulk were very entertaining...but even before that I enjoyed the Hulk especially as penned by Peter David, as I do tend to enjoy all of his work. Definitely worth checking out are Future Imperfect and Hulk: The End.

Uncanny X-Men - Claremont's original run. Basically everything from the new team (Giant Sized 1 and 94) on. It's collected in all sorts of forms, including the Essentials. There are certainly significant dips quality wise through the years, but I'd say up until the early 300's it pretty outstanding, then has years of filler with various key Marvel plot events like the Age of Apocalypse. Brubaker's recent run was also quite entertaining.

Also the related/tied in earlier books - New Mutants (original) and X-Force (original), X-Factor (original). Also the X-Men series has been great off and on...especially the New X-Men run for Grant Morrison.

Wolverine is a good read throughout the years as well, provided you like the character.

I much prefer older Spider-man (particularly Amazing) to Brand New Day, but Strazynski's work was okay.

As far as DC goes, I love everything Green Lantern since the re-launch/rebirth. Pretty much anything Johns does I've enjoyed. I've had fun with all of the big annual events. I loved his stuff on the Teen Titans.

I prefer older JLA/JSA though (I'm talking the crazy stories from the 80's/90's and earlier...JLA, JLI, Teen Titans, Legion)...but the Grant Morrison JLA was great. His All Star Superman and All Star Batman is fantastic. Batman has also been great throughout the years. Be sure and read Kingdom Come, Crisis on Infinite Earths, various Elseworlds stories.

Alan Moore's works - V for Vendetta, Watchmen, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Absolute must reads.

Garth Ennis - Hitman, Preacher, his work on Punisher is some of the best in the medium of the past decade (and arguably the best Punisher...at least since Punisher's first limited series and early unlimited series, as well as earliest appearances), the Boys. The Boys is so enjoyable.

Fables is fantastic. Hell, most of the Vertigo lines are great. Lucifer, Scalped, Y...all great. Ex Machina is a great read too gotta second Mr. Unoriginal on that and others.

The Walking Dead also agree is an awesome read. Kirkman's work is usually great.

Irredeemable, Invincible, Top 10, Planetary, Powers, Astro City are all good reads. There's a hell of a lot that I'm forgetting...I still love the old silver age Marvel and a lot of the "darker" bronze age as well - I love that 70's and 80's Marvel, probably a little more than the 60's/early 70's.

There is just so much out there; I highly recommend you just take a day or two, go to a good comic shop and just start reading anything and everything on the shelf and find the books that interest you.
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