What's the best place to sell a $1000 gift certificate to Nordic Track?

gift certficates, as I recall, run something at like 90% of their actual value. He would lose a whole lot more than that reselling whatever he bought with the money, I'm guessing.
Because using the gift certificate limits him to whatever he buys, which limits his potential buyers to those looking for said item. With a gift certificate he opens it up to anyone looking to get a sweet deal on Nordic Track stuffs.
ebay is around 80-90% of the value, the more it costs, the less percent it would get. I think you would get around $850 or a bit more. Where did you get it?
stalk people who need treadmills and wait till they're about to pay. Then say you'll pay if they give you the cash instead. Only way of gettin the full $1000...
bread's done