What's the best thing to do with the crappy 360 holiday bundle games?


[edit] I'm leaving my post "as is" to avoid confusion, but I was recently informed that you do not allow discussion on this forum concerning returns without receipt. Please do not reply to this thread to discuss that subject.

I wasn't sure exactly where to put this--as it's really more of an inquiry rather than a deal request--but here we are. Does anyone know from experience what the best way to exchange the games that come with the xbox 360 holiday bundle would be?

I mean, Lego Indiana Jones wouldn't be too bad, but Kung Fu Panda? Are you kidding me? Why force that on people?

Anyway, are there any stores that will allow for an even exchange or return without a receipt? I have a friend who is interested in buying a 360, and I really don't want him to be suck with these games.

Again, sorry if I didn't put this in the right place, but any help would be much appreciated.
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I think Walmart allows returns without receipts but in your case if you didn't buy it from Walmart it would be considered return fraud I think. Your best bet would be to sell it or give it to someone who might actually want it.
[quote name='silent h3ro']I think Walmart allows returns without receipts but in your case if you didn't buy it from Walmart it would be considered return fraud I think. Your best bet would be to sell it or give it to someone who might actually want it.[/quote]

Well, I'm certainly not looking to break any laws, and I assume my friend isn't either. I don't mean I'm interested in telling him to do anything dishonest, I just was wondering if there's any way he could legally trade them at a store that doesn't have a policy against doing so.

I've also been told by someone who tried to trade a launch bundle game that Walmart won't allow it, but thanks for the suggestion.
[quote name='pacifickarma']I might be interested in both of those games. Would he be interested in trading? What kind of game is he looking for?[/quote]

Thanks for the offer, but I really don't think he'd be interested in an internet trade. He pretty much does all his shopping in B&M stores.
i believe both games work for gamestop trade 2 and get a new game for $19.99,like gears or war 2 & Call of duty W@W, plus amny more.
They're free. You can't exchange them at any store. Seriously. At least you're getting a couple of free games even if you may not like them. Just take them into gamestop and do the trade-in for one of those $19.99 games.
[quote name='62t']Also we do not allow discussion of no return receipt in this forum[/quote]

My apologies. It's been a while since I read the faq for this site, and I wasn't aware that it was something that you do not allow. Consider the matter closed, then.

I guess the GameStop trade 2 and get a new title for 20 dollars will be my suggestion then, if that is even allowed with bundle titles. Thank you all for your help.
Take them to Gamestop, trade them in separately (two different cases, or disc only), and get a new release (Left 4 Dead, Fable II, Fallout 3, Gears 2, Smackdown 09, Call Of Duty WaW, etc) for $20.
The 2 games are most likely on one disc so you can't keep one and get rid of the other. Because they are a "free" item they also aren't worth as much as the single games by themselves for trade in at Gamestop or trade/sell on here but that is an option.
[quote name='Tropicat']The 2 games are most likely on one disc so you can't keep one and get rid of the other. Because they are a "free" item they also aren't worth as much as the single games by themselves for trade in at Gamestop or trade/sell on here but that is an option.[/quote]

That's incorrect. As others have said, they are the regular game discs, just in one case. You can trade both discs in on their own.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']That's incorrect. As others have said, they are the regular game discs, just in one case. You can trade both discs in on their own.[/quote]

I'll be able to verify this in a day or two. Mine should be here tomorrow or Wednesday.
Yeah, trading them in using that promo is probably the best deal one can get. Just make sure that your particular GS store doesn't try to charge you a refurb fee for disc-only games. They are not suppose to do that. If they won't budge, I would take my business elsewhere...if you're like me and have about 5 GS stores within 5 miles of your house.
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