Whats the best Video Game based Movie?

MK was alright. I liked Final Fantasy although it was almost universally hated. That girl was pretty hot though. Or technically, at least that female virtual 3D animated model was hot.
vote for FF too, y is there so many haters? i loved the details in the CG, they even went into blemishes on the skin. maybe cause im going into the same field of work...
maybe because it was incredibly boring and cliched. I like the animation to but the fact they made it nothing like the game was a mistake to me.
I liked mortal kombat better when it came out, but now its a little cheesy but still not bad for a vg movie imo. Present time i think Res evil is better too
Well Final Fantasy was terrible, how much more like Ben Affleck can you make a computer generated image look like, and it was the worst acting in a movie since Titan AE (praise the lord that wasn't a video game urrrrr)...
Even worse would have to be Super Mario Bros. which I bought at Toys R Us the other day for 7.99 as a goof...
Me and a couple of my friends actually had this conversation about a week ago and we said that SMB probably was the best, only because all the others were so terrible, but then I thought it over and said Dennis Hopper was Koopa...
DENNIS HOPPER as himself, hardly any makeup or whatever, plays a giant lizard king, no it doesn't work for me...
And the goombas looked like Patrick Ewing in a trenchcoat, terrible, how did Nintendo lisence that??
Street Fighter was pretty terrible too, Double Dragon equally as bad, I didn't even watch Resident Evil cuz it looked so bad...
I guess Mortal Kombat could be the best, but damnit what is that actually saying??
I mean the Kool Aid Man game for Atari was better than ET, but it doesn't mean either were any good...
I guess this debate has to take a backseat and we need a movie that actually is even a little GOOD to call anything the BEST movie...
Which brings the question, what game do you think could actually be made into a GOOD movie??
And don't say MGS, cuz that's a weak answer...
I say Skies of Arcadia, and possibly Shenmue with Jet Li...
And they should make a Family Guy video game with evil monkey cameos...
All video game movies stink. When will hollywood learn?

You know that they don't care about making a good movie. All they care about is cashing in on video game popularity.
I disliked Final Fantasy so much because while the movie looked fantastic it was as shallow as a blow-up pool. The characters had none of the depth or personality that we would normally find with the games. Looking good i only half the battle, I have to actually care about the characters to be involoved.

My vote goes to Mortal Kombat (not the awful sequel however). I think it captured the spirit of the series fairly well.
I would have to go with Mortal Kombat. Resident Evil wasn't that bad as well. I guess that makes sense since they were both directed by the same guy, Paul Anderson. But has anyone seen the House of the Dead movie, is it worth watching?
Final Fantasy I disliked very much. It's not just because it had nothing to do with the game, but because the plot was horrible, half the time I was confused, and the other half I was bored. I remember thinking thhere was only one good scene, and I can't remember it now.
I find there is no good games-movies. I would like to see a starcraft movie, although it would be confusing as hell unless you beat the game. And they probably would ruin it, but it would still be pretty cool, if done well.
Maybe they should make a Solitaire movie?
IMO, Final Fantasy is probably the best video game based movie so far. I really disliked Resident Evil, though sadly, it's probably the second best. The Mortal Kombats are unmentionable.
[quote name='dcfox']I would have to go with Mortal Kombat. Resident Evil wasn't that bad as well. I guess that makes sense since they were both directed by the same guy, Paul Anderson. But has anyone seen the House of the Dead movie, is it worth watching?[/quote]

House of the Dead is in second place for worst video game movie ever (with first being MK: Anihilation). It was soooo bad. I walked out halfway through. Lot's of gore and some boobies though. Movie with boobies > Movie without boobies. Rent it. It'll amuse you. Now let us never speak of dead houses again.
imo, this order:

Final FAntasy (complainers just cant understand it, probably)
Mortal Kombat (first one, annihalation was horrible, except for quotes)
Resident Evil (it wasw pretty resident evily, in its own way)

speakining of game movies, did you hear of the new tetris one? shit i downloaded the trailer, and let me just, say, academy award. its got everything, like action when the line disappears in a flash of light and suspense. damn i was on the edge of my seat, ondering if if it was gonna drop, but then, right at the end, it turned. it was jsut so suprising
i liked the final fantasy movie. the thing is, if they hadn't called it final fantasy then everyone wouldn't be moping around talking about how it didn't have anything to do with the video games. either way, it was pretty good.

the street fighter movie totally rules. i mean, it's bad, but it's bad in one of those ways where you can appreciate it. besides, it's obvious while watching the movie that no one took the movie seriously anyways. the sacrificed having a good story (if that would have even been possible) for getting almost all of the characters in the movie, to the point where their outfits at least resembled the video game counterparts. it's a fun movie.

the super mario brothers movie would be one of those fun movies, too, if it wasn't for john leguizamo. he isn't funny. i don't get why people think he's funny. he needs to never be seen again.
i didnt remeber resident evil when i posted this but yes that is the better movie for present day, where as mortal kombat was the winner prior to resident evils release. There is another final fantasy movie coming out, still cgi, those movies are in another category i think

vote for WORST videogame based movie now?

I think its a hands down winner and i'm not really embaressed to say i saw it in the theater since i watch just about every movie that comes out and have seen more than most humans. the worst? that i could have made a better in my back yard for 10 bucks?
House of the dead
i got my whole family to pay money to see MK: annihalation in theaters. for that i am going to hell.

favorite quote from MKA:
"God created the world in 6 days, so too shall it be destroyed, and on the seventh day, man shall rest,


I went back and recently watched Mortal Kombat, the fighting sequences look just pitiful now. Every punch, every kick results in a jump cut to cover the fact that the actors suck at fighting.

Resident Evil was awful, where the hell did all their ammunition go? There trained professionals, why would they waste all their bullets in the first fight. The music was completely innappropriate, hard to get creeped out or build tension when the speaker is blaring loud music.
Mortal Kombat was the best one. resident evil and Final fantasy was o.k. it just wasn't what many fans was hoping for. Lets hope the sequels (RE2 and FF:advent of children) would remedy that.
[quote name='cleaver']I'm surprised no one's mentioned the Street Fighter 2 anime.[/quote]

Street Fighter II V? That was a series. And I think we're talking mainstream, live action movies.
Resident Evil was alright. SMB was alright. The Tomb Raiders were probably the best movie translations from video games though, albeit they still weren't that great.
Super Mario Brothers and Street Fighter were so horrible that they are ALMOST good. Basically all VG --> Movies suck, but those have to be 2 of the "best", if you can call them that. I actually bought SMB and Street Fighter the other day at the Best Buy I work at. I found them on the 5.99 DVD table.
[quote name='guardian_owl']I went back and recently watched Mortal Kombat, the fighting sequences look just pitiful now. Every punch, every kick results in a jump cut to cover the fact that the actors suck at fighting.

Resident Evil was awful, where the hell did all their ammunition go? There trained professionals, why would they waste all their bullets in the first fight. The music was completely innappropriate, hard to get creeped out or build tension when the speaker is blaring loud music.[/quote]

I disagree. This entirely intentional if you pay attention. These people don't live in a world where zombies are part of the day to day problems facing a commando. They expect a foe to go down if enough rounds are thrown their way and normally head shots are avoided as a more difficult small target compared to the torso. Too many movies have shown characters who just take the appearance of zombies in stride or bring us into the story well after the existence of zombies is well established for the characters. It's the difference between 'Night of the Living Dead' and 'Dawn of the Dead' with the latter picking up a few days or weeks after the threat begins in the first.

If the commandos in 'Resident Evil' hadn't blown their primary supply of ammunition in that early scene there would been little reason to flee the zombies later. They could have just set themselves up on a high perch and picked off all the zombies with calm, careful head shots until the bulk of them were eliminated.

The soundtrack is a different story. That problem has been in way to many movies to count in recent years.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']I beleieve Halo would make a great movie! Kinda like starship troopers![/quote]Sadly it will never happen. :cry:
My all-time favorite video game related show or movie remains 'ReBoot.' They picked up where 'Tron' left off and added a sense of humor. I wish they'd release the whole series on DVD rather than just the third and last series.
[quote name='basketkase543']I disliked Final Fantasy so much because while the movie looked fantastic it was as shallow as a blow-up pool. The characters had none of the depth or personality that we would normally find with the games. Looking good i only half the battle, I have to actually care about the characters to be involoved.[/quote]

If your looking for that then ur going to have to make a movie thats probably 50hours long like the games just to get everything the FF series usally have...

Final Fantasy Advent Children is going to be the best video game movie to come out... Even tho its not out yet it will be, and it will dominate
[quote name='Mr. Anderson'][quote name='cleaver']I'm surprised no one's mentioned the Street Fighter 2 anime.[/quote]

Street Fighter II V? That was a series. And I think we're talking mainstream, live action movies.[/quote]

Actually, I think he meant Street Fighter 2: The animated movie. Which came out before the V series. Street Fighter Alpha was a good anime too.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Resident Evil and Mortal Kombat are awesome. Stop hatin' on Final Fantasy, it wasn't that bad at all.[/quote]

Exactly, I don't really expect much of the vg movies, so I don't really hate any of the movies, except for MKA. It was just too much.
resident evil has been the best game to movie adaptation so far in my opinion.

final fantasy was a good movie, but it shouldn't have been final fantasy :( therefore it loses points in this catagory.
Mortal Kombat, can't watch it now, but it hasn't been bested yet, unfortunately. Final Fantasy was ok, but the plot was better suited as an amalgam of FF7 and Starcraft. However if they could fix the videogame movie genre like the comic book movies have, then there is still hope.
FF: Advent Children could turn it all around.
Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil I believe are the two best video game movie adaptation with Tomb Raider 1 and 2 coming right behind. Resident evil was quite awesome. The Tomb Raiders deserve more credit, IMO, since they seem very much like Indiana Jones, not to mention the second was much better than the first. FF the movie was alright at best. There were parts I liked, part I didn't like, and those in between, parts that were extrememly monotonous, and plenty of parts that could have been cut.

In regards to Double Dragon, Super Mario Bros., and Street Fighter, these are the types of movies that are bad but the type that you love because they are bad. they sort of have a cult following like Showgirls, which didn't fare well at all in theatres or on tape, but grew a cult following and even got its own special edition DVD box set out of nothing when there are more deserving movies out there like GoodFellas.
[quote name='LoganDX']The Wizard starring Fred Savage. He uses a Power Glove! Yeah![/quote]

Oh hell yeah. Glad someone remembers. Where is the damn DVD already?
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']...nothing when there are more deserving movies out there like GoodFellas.[/quote]

You do realize there is a special edition of Goodfellas which is going to be released on Dvd shortly, right?
bread's done