What's the worst/scariest Movie/video you've ever seen

[quote name='crushtopher']Worst - Donnie Darko. Hands down that movie was beyond shit.
Scariest - Doesn't exist. Movies aren't scary.[/QUOTE]

heh it doesn't have to be fake :) the dnepropetrovsk maniacs video is real :/ and it would scare you. google it ;)
[quote name='punklivz']heh it doesn't have to be fake :) the dnepropetrovsk maniacs video is real :/ and it would scare you. google it ;)[/QUOTE]

Care to sum it up?
There are three films that come to mind.

1. Blood Sucking Freaks - This is a grindhouse type movie where a madman runs a theater of the macabe and he kills people on and off the stage. He has an evil dwarf assistant and canabalistic naked women locked up in a cage in the basement. A couple of scenes that stick out
The madman cuts this persons top section of his head exposing the brain. He sticks a straw in it and suck out all the brain juice. Another scene, he paints a dartboard on a chicks ass and throws darts on it.
. I saw this movie many years ago and I was revolted. Now that I'm am older, I might not be as shocked as I was back then. Still I have no desire to see this flick.

2. Chinese Torture Chamber. ten years ago they were having a Kung Fu festival at the Roxie theater in San Francisco. A lot of the movies were good but this was clearly the exception. C.T.C. had no plot. All they did was torture people for 90 minutes. I suppose this film pre-dated the torture porn genre like Saw and Hostel. Still, if you are into people yanking other people's toenails with a pliers...go ahead and rent this.

3. Necromantik - This German film was so bad that it got banned in Germany. People having sex with dead people.
The worst movie I've seen in recent memory was The Box. I'd like to go back in time and kill my past self just to keep him from watching it. Yes, that would result in my present self ceasing to exist, but it would totally be worth it.
I know that this is going to sound weird, but the commercial to help prevent children being rolled up in automatic windows scarred me. I know that sounds stupid but that commercial honestly bothered me, could have a lot to do with the fact that I have 2 nieces one 6 and one 2. They're not dumb enough to do what's portrayed in the comercials, but I couldn't help but imagine one of them being caught like that, which REALLY bothered me. And, i put it in here because it freaked me out like a scary movie. It was graphic, in a different way, more like graphic imagery instead of actual graphic images. edit again: I swear I think the networks got complaints about that commercial bothering people so it only showed like twice, and was pulled, I have yet to see it since that first time I saw it.
[quote name='LostRoad']Don't watch dnepropetrovsk maniacs Jim, it's a real snuff film.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I just read the Wiki. I'm really not into stuff like that.

I love me some horror movies, but that is because they are fake and made to be entertaining.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Yeah I just read the Wiki. I'm really not into stuff like that.

I love me some horror movies, but that is because they are fake and made to be entertaining.[/QUOTE]

Wow. i read the wiki too, and, holy hell. I am morbidly curious (as much as the next guy), but I can't envision a scenario in which I would knowingly watch a video of a real murder. That is seriously frakked up.
[quote name='GhostShark']ThanksKilling and Santa's Slay are the scariest movies ever created and always will be.[/QUOTE]

Scary no. Brilliant? Yes
Scary in a real sense would be Men Behind the Sun. Not the best, but it's eye-opening with what is pushed to the background during World War II...

Oh, and Tumbling Doll of Flesh is pretty fucked up...
sounds like some interesting movies :) I will look into some of these titles.

I do not recommend watching the real snuff film I mentioned, unless you have a morbid curiosity as I did.

The boys murdered numerous people AND animals, all for fun. They took pictures of themselves next to the dead bodies smiling and flipping them off, also some pictures around the internet of them chillin with a dead dog hanging from a tree. They then video taped a real murder, and it somehow made it's way to the internet. They kill this guy with a jackhammer/screwdriver, and talk casually while doing it. The fucked up part is that the guy they killed had just recovered from cancer... Amongst their victims was a pregnant woman, and her unborn child.

I do not wish to see any more "real life" snuff film. This one killed any and all curiosity I may ever have had, don't ever want to see it again either. I didn't post a link because it's truly horrific, and if anyone wanted to find it- it's simple to find.
Ok... We get it... You just saw the snuff film and were inspired to make a topic about it. I personally don't have any need to see something that disturbing. I did wikipedia it after seeing it mentioned... Too bad there is no capital punishment in Russia
[quote name='Malik112099']I'll second Event Horizon. Last film I saw that actually scared me.[/QUOTE]

Just Wiki'd Event Horizon, and as I was reading it i was thinking to myself "This reminds me a lot of Dead Space..." and then the In Media section stated that Dead Space borrowed a lot of elements from it. And also, the last name of one of the characters is Isaacs.

I call shenanigans.

The last film/video that scared me was the Russian snuff video, as others have stated, but what disturbed me the most was how unphased I was by it.

The worst film I have ever seen is Open Water, hands down.
bread's done