What's up with the new labels on the Pro bundles?


CAG Veteran
I went out hunting for a falcon last night... was trying to find one with the 175w label on the outside of the box since it seems to be the most reliable method to get a falcon.

HOWEVER - on the pro bundles, everyone I saw (checked 40+ at BB, CC, target, walmart) had that label covered over with a new label.

The original sticker that says 203w for the older version was visible on the arcade version boxes, but all of the pro bundles had another, similar sticker right over top of the original. The newer sticker listed the team number, but not the wattage or lot number. It was possible to make out the orig lot# through the new sticker, but I couldn't make out the original wattage on any of them since the new sticker had text right over that area.

There must ones out there without the new labeling since people seem to be finding the 175w version - any tips on where these new labels come from & which stores are best if I want to avoid them?
My store just got a few in last week (sold them all) which still had the old label format. Im willing to bet moving forward though, just about all Xboxes that are NEWLY manufactured will have Falcons.
This is a bit off-topic, but I bought a 'Go Big' Elite last week at Best Buy, whose label *definitely* did not say the wattage, nor the lot #. Interestingly, it said the team name of 'TMEM' which I have never heard of. Bought it optimistically and it turns out to have a 175w PSU so it's a Falcon. BenQ drive too.

Not sure if this info is helpful to anyone, but if you spot a box with team TMEM, no wattage and no lot # you might give it a shot.
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