Whats worse?

posts in crappy threads. IF you know its crappy, why not let it die and then no one would have to see it on the front page

I also like it when people say a thread is crappy and been done several times and then do it themselves.
definetly the posts, the posts just bump it up to the front pages, and take up space with crap-threads, when that space could be taken up by something useful....like my trade list!

(CLICK IT!!!) ^^
[quote name='CaseyRyback']posts in crappy threads. IF you know its crappy, why not let it die and then no one would have to see it on the front page

I also like it when people say a thread is crappy and been done several times and then do it themselves.[/quote]

My feelings exactly. If somebody thinks that a thread is dumb than A. don't post in them that they are dumb/don't make separate threads proclaiming they are dumb and B. i fa person doesn't like the thread, then they should know that if they don't post on it it will most likely die/crash and burn.
[quote name='sj41']"Please, say no to crappy threads". Must the pic be posted again?[/quote]

what pic?

baiting, baiting...
I have a feeling this was made just because of my What Do Cheap Ass Gamers Wear? thread. Haha. You guys really like to spread the love.
I hate seeing crappy post in crappy threads. If I have to read the word (n00b or noob) one more time in a thread i am going to explode. :bomb:
[quote name='BigNick'][quote name='JSweeney']People that post things like "THIS IS A STUPID LAME AZZ POST."
But then, no one would ever do that, right? :D


I guess you missed the joke in that one then.[/quote]

I got the joke :)
Hence, the reference of it here.
Sarcasm just doesn't come across very well in text.
Damn, I was hoping this would be one of those which is worse: having to drink mop water or swim in shit topics. And then the questions would get progressively more outrageous.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Damn, I was hoping this would be one of those which is worse: having to drink mop water or swim in shit topics. And then the questions would get progressively more outrageous.[/quote]

Which *is* worse?
[quote name='dtcarson'][quote name='Zenithian Legend']Damn, I was hoping this would be one of those which is worse: having to drink mop water or swim in shit topics. And then the questions would get progressively more outrageous.[/quote]

Which *is* worse?[/quote]

Tough call, but I'd rather swim in the shit, at least you could wash yourself off after. I mean it worked in the shawshank redemption, I doubt you could ever wash the taste of mop water out of your mouth.
This is true. And there's something about getting nasty stuff in your mouth that makes it even worse.
I guess it would depend in part on the *type* of shit, and how dense it is--is it like a sewer, or like the receptacle in a outhouse? Tough decisions.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='BigNick'][quote name='JSweeney']People that post things like "THIS IS A STUPID LAME AZZ POST."
But then, no one would ever do that, right? :D


I guess you missed the joke in that one then.[/quote]

I got the joke :)
Hence, the reference of it here.
Sarcasm just doesn't come across very well in text.[/quote]

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']How bout this one: Would it be worse to have sex with your cousin, or walk in on your parents?[/quote]

Hmmmmmm........can't decide .......both disgust me.........
I say crappy threads, becuase they make people post crappy posts in them, so without crappy threads we would not be having this discussion. IMO
Zenithian Legend, I like the way you took over the thread with your interesting comments that actually make sense to the topic. You should start a thread game about it.
See all my cousins are married or waaaaaaay underaged, plus my parents are divorced, so walking in on them together would be interesting.

How bout this one: Which would be worse at the office: soiling yourself or mysteriously showing up naked?
Hmm, at the client site I'm going to have to go with showing up naked as worse. You might be able to disguise your poopy-pants until you can clean up or leave, and it wouldn't cause as much stir.

At my own office, showing up naked probably wouldn't be as bad as soiling yourself. Especially since it's a small company of 8 guys and 1 girl.
bread's done