[quote name='dallow']You shop at Express Men Strell?
You're more dallow than me.[/QUOTE]
I really only shop there if a sale is going on, and even then, I don't get much - usually only nice clothing, such as button down shirts and slacks. I won't wear their t-shirts, for example, since they are usually waaaaaaay too trendy and expensive. So I usually only get jeans from there. You really can't beat 3 nice formal shirts for the prices they have when a sale is happening, and their color choice and style is always extremely modern/hip. I need to get some striped shirts one day from there, hopefully.
Their clothing has a much more modern fit that most other men's places in that regard. I.e., their button down shirts are made of lighter, thinner material, so it breathes easier and fits much more sharply. If I go to a place like J. Crew or Foley's or Dillard's (which I don't for these exact reasons), I find that all of their stuff is very much less contemporary - the sort of thing my dad would wear, with very thick fabrics and material.
It's the same with things like sport jackets. Express Men's stuff has a more modern feel, like maybe you'd expect today's equivalent to James Bond to wear. It fits closer to the body and doesn't puff out, with sharper shoulders and generally a fit that's cut better. Everywhere else is stuffy and boring and seems to be made for people who know their job is stuck behind some desk filling out TPS reports. It's just so
thick. If I were taller, I probably wouldn't care as much, but all this stuff makes me look so much more squatty than Express Men does.
So I really only reserve them for stuff I consider high quality/formal/professional looks. If I could, I'd wear a t shirt and jeans every day for the rest of my life, substituting shorts here and there (and I'm WAY particular about those).
I'm sure most here would consider me a fashion queen in some respect. I just read it that I have a better grasp on how I look or
ought to look or
want to look versus all my friends, who tend to be completely clueless. These statements are not meant to sound inflammatory or anything like that - please don't take them as such. My friends just have no taste in clothes.