Whats your favorite movie ever?


38 (100%)
i did a search and couldnt seem to find this, so im gonna start it. if it already exosts, lock away. now, this is just to post your fave, not bash other peoples choice. play nice.

mine is tied between original matrix and monty python and the holy grail. i swear i know every line to that movie.

but my fave series are the original star wars trilogy and lotr.
Shaolin Soccer... *ahem* kicks ass!

Excuse the pun.

Its a tossup between that and Office Space/Top Secret/Dumb and Dumber/Old School actually.
Its a toss up between Gladiator and Lion King(sentimental value).

When it comes to Epics its LoTR of course followed by Star Wars and Lawrence of Arabia.
Well, I may catch some flames for this, but "The Princess Bride" is definitely one of my all-time favorites.

Edit: "Dogma" is also a favorite. "The Court Jester", also. And "Memento", which was mentioned earlier in the thread. There is no way I could pick one favorite film, though.
[quote name='guessed']Well, I may catch some flames for this, but "The Princess Bride" is definitely one of my all-time favorites.[/quote]

Why? Its one of Meathead's finest films. And its got Fred Savage!
[quote name='Whambamm']The Usual Suspects.

Keyser Soze = the coolest villian ever.[/quote]

yes I second this. The cast is amazing, and the movie is one of those I have not been able to get over. Kevin Spacey rules!

I also like, Die Hard, American Beauty, Speed, and Half-Baked although none compare to The Usual Suspects
Okay my favorites are Akira, Hackers, Monsters Inc. (Pixar kicks ass!!), Back to the Future, The Digimon Movie ( I dont why I love it) and Indiana Jones and Last Crusade.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']Okay my favorites are Akira, Hackers, Monsters Inc. (Pixar kicks ass!!), Back to the Future, The Digimon Movie ( I dont why I love it) and Indiana Jones and Last Crusade.[/quote]

whoa, true that, true that. gotta love the digimon movie. i think it was the first real "good" movie that i watched as a child. i only liked the first part though, since the movie can be basically two movies in one.
“Comedian” is easily my favorite movie ever.

It's a documentary that follows Seinfeld’s return to comedy after a two year hiatus. He had retired his entire act and so he’s basically starting from scratch (material-wise that is, he obviously still has a ton of experience under his belt).

It’s only about an hour and twenty minutes, not all that much time to invest in a flick so ya’ll should check it out. I rented it from Block Buster and ended up watching it 4 times before I took it back! (Without commentary twice and with each commentary track once.) Maybe I’m crazy but I couldn’t stop shoving it in my player. I’m not even a standup buff…

Prior to “Comedian” I can’t say that I had a favorite movie but both “Dark City” and “Mallrats” were in the running.
My favorite flick is "Nightmare Before Christmas", that movie rules. Other movies I'm a sucker for is (any) Star Wars or Lord of the Rings.
Pulp Fiction, Half Baked, Road to Perdition, and the movie Thirteen had a pretty strong message to it.
Also heard something about a Half Baked 2 in the works.
my favorite movie of all time is boondock saints, nothing like drinking some beer and watching it
I can't believe no one said Scarface!

Well I have a lot of favorite movies...

Taxi Driver
Good Fellas
and Animal House

Some other ones that I love but most people probably won't like are Mallrats and Detroit Rock City!!!!!!! I watch those 2 movies like every month.

It's too damn hard to pick just one!
[quote name='guessed']Well, I may catch some flames for this, but "The Princess Bride" is definitely one of my all-time favorites.[/quote]

"The Princess Bride" is awesome! My favorite line from the movie was "inconceivable", cracks me up everytime I hear that word. :?

As for my favorite movie, I'd hafta go with "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"...
[quote name='polobearjp'][quote name='guessed']Well, I may catch some flames for this, but "The Princess Bride" is definitely one of my all-time favorites.[/quote]

"The Princess Bride" is awesome! My favorite line from the movie was "inconceivable", cracks me up everytime I hear that word. :?

As for my favorite movie, I'd hafta go with "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"...[/quote]

I love that scene where the car falls out of the garage
Here are my favorites that I also have on DVD:
A Clockwork Orange
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Leon: The Professional
Spirited Away
Its too hard to pick just one so without repeating anyone else's picks...
Dead Poet's Society
Punch Drunk Love
Transformers: The Movie
....Promised myself I'd cap it at five. :)
My all-time favorite, hands down is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I must have watched it fifty times over the years, and like SneakyPenguin, I know all the words by heart.

Other favorites of mine include Midnight Run, Searching for Bobby Fischer, and This Is Spinal Tap.
Favorite movie ever is probably Nightmare before Christmas, I love that movie so much. And close favorites are Liar Liar, Truman Show, LOTR, Office Space, School of Rock, and the first Matrix.
[quote name='godhatesjustyou'][quote name='WeaponX2099']Okay my favorites are Akira, Hackers, Monsters Inc. (Pixar kicks ass!!), Back to the Future, The Digimon Movie ( I dont why I love it) and Indiana Jones and Last Crusade.[/quote]

whoa, true that, true that. gotta love the digimon movie. i think it was the first real "good" movie that i watched as a child. i only liked the first part though, since the movie can be basically two movies in one.[/quote]

Didnt didimon just come out like 2 years ago? :?: You're still a child :p I wish i was
[quote name='Theenternal'][quote name='godhatesjustyou'][quote name='WeaponX2099']Okay my favorites are Akira, Hackers, Monsters Inc. (Pixar kicks ass!!), Back to the Future, The Digimon Movie ( I dont why I love it) and Indiana Jones and Last Crusade.[/quote]

whoa, true that, true that. gotta love the digimon movie. i think it was the first real "good" movie that i watched as a child. i only liked the first part though, since the movie can be basically two movies in one.[/quote]

Didnt didimon just come out like 2 years ago? :?: You're still a child :p I wish i was[/quote]

Thats EXACTLEY what I was thinking.
Another Movie that I love which I forgot to mention Is Real Genius .


Witty film about teen age prodigies at Pacific Tech who learn the laser project they've been working on will be used by the military as a death beam. Kilmer is especially outstanding as one of these prodigies, who tries to fight to stop the project. Check it out if you haven't seen it .
Big John Waters fan. Female Trouble is way up on my list. MorganWebbLover? So somone is actually attracted to that disproportioned beast. There's someone for everyone.
[quote name='Firebrand']Big John Waters fan. Female Trouble is way up on my list. MorganWebbLover? So somone is actually attracted to that disproportioned beast. There's someone for everyone.[/quote]

It's better than being JosephStalinLover.
[quote name='Firebrand']Big John Waters fan. Female Trouble is way up on my list. MorganWebbLover? So somone is actually attracted to that disproportioned beast. There's someone for everyone.[/quote]

LOL, disproportionate beast! you know what the say, "the camera adds 10 pounds!" i think she's aight...

but i think stalin is hotter, haha! :twisted:
I'm going to join the Usual Suspects crowd. And for a funny I did and still do, love Fast Times at Ridgemont High and The Breakfast Club.
bread's done