What's your greatest accomplishment in life so far?

I was going to say "Not dying" but Wshak beat me to it. I guess I'm not so original as I thought I was.
Umm...getting accepted to two top 10 universities. Haven't done any of the really important things in life, i.e. having kids. Maybe becoming a valuable member of a business in a month when it took everyone else on average 5 months. That felt pretty good.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Not snapping and killing everyone. I don't know how much longer I can prevent myself from slaughtering th idiots who surround me.[/quote]

I feel you man, I think it's a penguin thing.
Got accepted to UC Berkeley. Finished my bachelor degree in Business. Got accepted to Master program in Computer Science.
[quote name='dcfox']Winning an olympic gold medal. My greatest shame thus far, winning a bronze.[/quote]

Really? In what event and when?
[quote name='snotknocker'][quote name='dcfox']Winning an olympic gold medal. My greatest shame thus far, winning a bronze.[/quote]

Really? In what event and when?[/quote]
Well, no I was actually kidding but I did win the read-a-thon back in elementary school and got a medal for it. To be honest I've done nothing in particular to be proud of and nothing really to be ashamed of. I've always lived my life on the fence.
I caught and beat up a Howler Monkey poacher while I was working in Guatemala. Nothing I have ever done has made me feel better, no joke.
[quote name='SevereTireDamage']Having managed not to kill any members of the human race... yet.[/quote]

lol! You don't happen to live in a large city, do you? I had neighbors jump on the hood of my new car and dent it. :shock:

I graduated with an Associate of Arts when I was 17. It doesn' t mean shit, but....I am graduating with a Bachelors in Marketing this year. I will be 20. Yay! I just want to slack off and play games, but I can't really do that.

I would say right now, that my biggest accomplishment is going to school full time, working part time, and volunteering for an animal rescue group on the weekends. It's really stressful. The first year I went away to college, I got a kidney stone stuck in my ureter. THAT'S PAINFUL! I think just living through that was an accomplishment in itself.
wow this thread made me think. when i saw the topic i thought "hmm, i havent done anything too great...lets see what everyone else said" for the most part it's been pretty much joke answers. that kinda made me feel a little better but ina bad kinda way. theres no reason any of us havent done something great.

my greatest accomplishment is im the first member of my family (both sides) going to college.

while thats a presonal accomplishment, i wouldnt expect anyone to think its amazing. come on guys, lets get going on the amazing stuff!

carpe diem!
Going to college is pretty good for me, making it out of the semester with a 3.0 average is all great too, but pales in comparison to finding Ninja Gaiden on XBox today for $8.99.
Beating Slam crazy on Pump It Up. Most of you probably don't even know what Pump It Up is though, because everybody likes DDR better.
[quote name='Scorch']Going to college is pretty good for me, making it out of the semester with a 3.0 average is all great too, but pales in comparison to finding Ninja Gaiden on XBox today for $8.99.[/quote]

How the hell did you do that, getting Ninja Gaiden for under $10? :shock: That's a great accomplishment!!! :p
Building myself up from being literally homeless on the streets. I had been hitchhiking across the state for about a month; and with almost cosmic luck, was offered a job while asking for directions at a business. I would work as late as possible, then crash behind a shopping center. Soon after, a co-worker told me about a local homeless shelter. I stayed there for awhile, eventually saved up enough to put a down payment on a cheap used car, slept in that for awhile, and finally worked myself into a comfortable living situation. That little adventure lasted about 18 months. I plan on writing a book about it someday.
I'm going to have to side with The Gifuto and say serving my country for 6 years. (with any luck, I will be going back to finish another 14)!
1. Graduating from medical school. Toughest 4 years of my life but it was worth it (currently halfway through my residency).

2. I'm also a published composer and had the opportunity to conduct my college orchestra playing one of my pieces. That was the thrill of my life.
Well, I started taking grad school courses, but it was at Strayer University which many (including myself...now) think isn't a legit grad school, so I don't think it's really an accomplishment.

I've helped keep people from killing themselves (no joke), so I guess that's an accomplishment.

I once boo'd Marion Barry when he was the DC mayor in the 80s (this was before his notorious drug bust).

I haven't lost a job yet.

I survived eye surgery many years ago... they re-attached a partially detached retina. If you knew the kind of pain I went through, even with drugs, you'd know why I consider that an accomplishment.

I saved some spotted owls. Okay, just kidding on that one.

I bought a house. For me that's a huge accomplishment. Now whether I take excellent care of it is another story.

And I shower periodically.
[quote name='Javil']Building myself up from being literally homeless on the streets. I had been hitchhiking across the state for about a month; and with almost cosmic luck, was offered a job while asking for directions at a business. I would work as late as possible, then crash behind a shopping center. Soon after, a co-worker told me about a local homeless shelter. I stayed there for awhile, eventually saved up enough to put a down payment on a cheap used car, slept in that for awhile, and finally worked myself into a comfortable living situation. That little adventure lasted about 18 months. I plan on writing a book about it someday.[/quote]Now that my friend, is a shared moment. That's a great accomplishment, Javil.

But not as good as mine. I'm still in school and don't have to worry about things like that. That's my greatest feat. :)
bread's done