What's your nationality?


124 (98%)
Simply put, what's your nationality?

Post as much or as little as you please. For what it's worth, this thread is made to accomodate my boredom - nothing else.
I'm 100% Syrian (both of my parents are from Syria
which is in the middle east
100% imported from Honduras

Yeah, don't be giving it all this "I'm Italian or I'm Irish etc etc" crap, if you were born in America, you're American, deal with it.

I'm British.
[quote name='benjamouth']Yeah, don't be giving it all this "I'm Italian or I'm Irish etc etc" crap, if you were born in America, you're American, deal with it.

I'm British.[/QUOTE]


Actually, everything is "____ American." I am an Italian-American. My heritage comes from Italy, therefore I am Italian. I am born in America, so I am American. There's no "American" heritage.
[quote name='benjamouth']Yeah, don't be giving it all this "I'm Italian or I'm Irish etc etc" crap, if you were born in America, you're American, deal with it.

I'm British.[/QUOTE]

LOL agreed
Well if you mean where i was born, i'd be American. If you mean where my ancestors were from, i've traced it to either England or Scotland.
[quote name='lilboo']Actually, everything is "____ American." I am an Italian-American. My heritage comes from Italy, therefore I am Italian. I am born in America, so I am American. There's no "American" heritage.[/QUOTE]

Yup. :cool:
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I think you're confusing nationality with ethnicity.[/quote]

People seem to constantly make this mistake. I especially love it when people say, "I'm from Germany!", when they were born and raised in the United States.
Born and raised in the USA, but my dad's family hails from Mexico and my mom's family comes from Scotland and Germany. My wife was born in the Philipines, but her parents come from Cambodia and China. My kids are gonna be all mixed up...
papa = African . mama = mexican , me born in san diego california , and yes some call me

'black bean" hehehe idc
Black, some kind of Pacific Islander or asian (Samoan I think), and native american.....there's possibly some caucasian in there too.
My ethnicities are:

Italian, German, Irish, Swedish and Native America, and some other crap.
Born and raised in the U.S. with an Italian last name. I'm a third generation "Italian-American," even though I always identify myself as American.

Go back a few more generations and my family tree is mostly rooted in Italy and Germany.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Penis.[/QUOTE]

Ok, so penis + penis (of a transvestite) = u?

Are you from PenisLand or PenIsland?
White- a mix of scottish and irish. Aberdeen, Scotland and Cork City, Ireland to be specific.

Also born/grew up in America, but plan on immigrating to Canada one of these days.
bread's done