Whats Your PS3 Purchase Story?

I bought mine at Target one cold January morning last year... Found one 20GB in their case, and decided "what the hell... I'll eventually get one... why not now?" So I bought it and Dark Kingdom (I actually enjoyed that game...)

I upgraded to 120GB shortly after NewEgg had their OEM sale. :) Now if they come out with a nice $300 cheap-o-rama model... I'll get that to travel with (and show off the virtues of Blu Ray and other fun stuff....)
Back when Virtua Fighter 5 came out I really wanted to play it, so I got it (60 GB) from Best Buy for $600 (but got onboard 18 months at 0% interest, time value of money and all) and a copy of Virtua Fighter 5. I ordered a Virtua Stick High Grade from Play Asia and had near arcade perfection in my living room.

I still have it and enjoy it, going strong after almost a year now. I don't regret it as I have enjoyed some good games on it and I really like watching the Blu Ray movies on it. Must admit though that i have been buying most multi platform games for the 360, my friends are on XB Live...
[quote name='Kromax']2 weeks ago, as a consolation prize for turning 40, my co-workers (the ones that actually like me--LOL) got together and bought me an 80GB.[/quote]

hot diggity! i want to apply at your job!
I wasn't planning on getting a PS3 until later this year. But when WB announced Blu-ray exclusivity, I knew HD-DVD was doomed so I sold off my player and my 20 or so movies immediately. Had enough change to pick up a 40GB PS3 from Amazon.com for $380 and a couple of Blu-rays/games.
Ah, yes. Back before the 360 was right going to come out my first thoughts were "I'm sick of spending so much money on consoles, they are going to end up obsolete soon anyways". Of course, during that time I was pretty 360 biased and was pretty set on it as well. As time slowly passed I slowly changed my mind and so on December 07, I bought a 60gb PS3. Now, I enjoy playing Uncharted with my 60 inch Sony A3000 and my fancy expensive sound system. I primarily use the system now as a home entertainment device, which I don't think I could do as well on the 360. I suppose I'm a Sony fanboy at heart because I bought the first and and 2nd Playstation.
I basically went to teh Walls-Mart, and bought a 60gb when it was still $600... Two months later, the price drop happened, though it doesn't really matter to me if it was $100 cheaper... The PS3 is worth every penny I paid for it. :D
Mine, I wont go into detail, but to sum it up:

Walked for 20 miles on Miami Beach in blazing summer sun, dodged trafffic to meet person, jumped in their car and drove to a random area, jumped back out to get cash at bank, dodged traffic again, jumped back in car, made a recept so I wouldn't get screwed, handed over cash, got PS3, jumped out, took public transportation with a ton of Miami bums and homeless people, jumped on another bus back home, got home... exhausted. ... though I saved over $250 doing so. Thanks Craigslist!
I think it was March or May, I happened to be browsing Craigslist, and someone was selling there 60gb for $420. I picked it up and the guy never played it. He decided he wanted the money more than the system.
I camped out for mine when it came out. We were subjected to mooning by some stupid teenagers and weird stares by the target shoppers but in the end we ended up getting ours at 9:00 am. There were also these a holes who thought it would be funny to drive around at 3:00am while we were sleeping and honk their horn to preven us from getting any sleep. What a shitty day that was:bomb:
[quote name='apokalipze2']There were also these a holes who thought it would be funny to drive around at 3:00am while we were sleeping and honk their horn to preven us from getting any sleep. What a shitty day that was:bomb:[/quote]
They should burn in hell... :bomb::hot::bomb:
I ordered my 80 gig last sunday and got it saturday at about noon. Yesterday morning i went to best buy to pick up Uncharted, and have been loving it ever since. All my 360 friends are pissed because i havent been on, but if they only knew....
I got mine because I needed to build some credit. What better way to blow some money then on something I had told myself I might never have? So I went out looking for a 60gb because I love myself some PS2, but no one had any new. I really wanted that 5 BR deal, but in the end I settled for a used 60gb with 3 games and an extra controller. Came to just under $600.

It was nice, but my only HDTV was an old CRT pre-dating HDMI so it wasn't the best picture. But then Black Friday, which wasn't even a 3 weeks since I got my ps3, came aroundand I picked up a sweet deal on a 37" that did 1080p. So it's a sweet gaming life after all.
Got an 80gig back in Oct for Ratchet and Uncharted.

Ordered it from Sonystyle store, got the $100 credit for the Sony card and also got them to toss in a free second controller, because both Best Buy and CC were giving away free controllers with purchase at the time, and free shipping.

All in all, I didn't really have a desire to get one at the time but I figured this was a pretty good deal so what the hell.
I picked up my 40 GB PS3 at Meijer on the Saturday November 24th as an Christmas gift for myself. I had a coupon for 150. 00 off, I then also got another 10% off. I could not resist at price.
Camped out to buy/resell a ps3 at launch with two friends. My friends both ended up with 20's, one sold it the next week but the other was asking too much so it didnt sell. He ended up hanging on to it until August when I proposed I buy it, RFOM and an extra dualshock for $400.
Around the Price drop,Hastings had the sale of Buy a PS3 and get a $100 gift card.I bought it and used the gift card to buy Rainbow Six Vegas.It was also the 60GB and I haven't really had problems with it!
[quote name='snowsquirrel']Is there a cheapy award for best thread? For some reason, I am loving this thread. :grouphug:

Planned on getting an HD within the next couple of month, and saw the ps3 july price drop and sale. So since I needed a dvd upconverter, thought that blueray was better then HD, and was interested in playing killzone2, MGS4, littlebigplanet, and a bunch of ps2 games. Decided to go with the amazon sale and got the 60 gig, blueray movie, remote and 5 free bluerays for 500. Still haven't bought my HD tho since I have been busy with classes and haven't had enough time to work out a regular part-time job, will this summer tho.
The events leading up to my purchasing a PS3 are long and depressing, but with that aside I ended up getting my 60 gig at a Meijer's with a free extra controller.

After having it now for a little over 3 months, I can honestly say that if I had known how great all the functionality was going to be I would have almost been happy paying $600 for the thing. Then the PSP connectivity (along with about 5 must have PSP titles IMO) convinced me to get a PSP too. Darn you, Sony. I was laughing at you over a year ago and your customer service sucks, but I like my Sony systems so much now that I'm probably a borderline fanboy (or at least I feel compelled to defend it from some of the system bashing that goes on all the time)
After 2 1/2 years I quit my job at TRU in March of 07'. Since I didn't use any of my sick hours and I had a LOT of ETO, my final check was around $1,200-1,300.

Around June of last year I started checking for deals for PS3's in store as well as on Craig's List. One day I just found a local seller for a 60GB with box/contents, original receipt, 1 extra controller and a HDMI Monster Cable. I think I paid about $400-450.
My story is not that exciting, but is a tale of good deals.

I had my version PS2 since 2001 and it was about to die, so I sold it. I also sold an Xbox and a few games. So I had enough money to get the PS3, my dilemma was PS2 BC. But I figured I really wouldn't miss PS2 games.

I was able to get a 40 GB PS3 with the 20% blu ray coupon at BB. After a few days I saw that AAFES(military exchange store) was offering 20% off office depot purchases through their site. So I ended up taking back the 40 GB and buying a 60 GB for $399.99, this also included no shipping charges and no tax. I'm waiting for it to arrive, and really am glad that I'm getting the BC, also just made it under the wire for the free Blu Ray discs.

I love that the Ps3 allows you to share media through your computer. It's very cool and I love the free network. Heck I used to buy demo discs for my PS2 and PSONE, so downloading demo's has saved me money as well.
lol yeah i like the ps3 sharing media, saved me a bunch of money for me as well. The blu Ray idea in my opinion is a great move
I spent 2 weeks on the Lagoon sites, earning Best Buy gift cards. I eventually got about $360 in BB cards. Went to Best Buy and ended up paying only $64 out of pocket for my 40 gig PS3.
whenever wally world had the 15 free blu-ray deal. It turned out to be a VERY good deal. Im waiting for Home and the Big games though.
Got mine when the price dropped last summer and amazon was doing the free remote control along with the crappy free movies.
i got mine 3 weeks after launch. Lots of people were lining up for the ps3, when the doors opened a few of us rushed to the electronics dept. The Target employee there was ambushed by us lol. He was like whoa uh we didn't get any this week. So about 3 guys left and I stood around wanting to ask him when they'll be getting some in. I ended up going to the ps3 aisle to find the employee and I saw 4 ps3s behind the glass case. However, I didn't get excited, at that time I actually thought they were just display boxes lol. So I asked him my question and he asked the manager. Manager confirmed they got about 14! So of course I was lucky #1 and that's how I got my 60gb. Btw, not that hardcore but I stood in the cold for about 45 mins :D
Can I post a future PS3 purchase story? See, right now, I'm waiting till my one friend and her family get back their income tax check in two weeks, so they can buy my old gen stuff(94 PS2/Xbox games and my Xbox) and thus, I'll have enough for the 60 gigger I've seen languishing locally. I've also tried selling it as one whole lot on CL around here, but the Ebay resellers had my ad flagged because I specifically put 'no haggling, selling as a lot ONLY, cash only' on it , yet there were tons of ads for Rock Band up for weeks for $300+ and numerous other ads with alot worse deals.

Of course, now that I said that, I know the day I get the $$$ for the PS3 up finally, I'll get there 10 minutes after they sell it.......to someone else.
Well last september I was in a motorcycle accident and couldn't walk for a few months so needless to say my 360 was getting heavy use and I loved it (still do) But I started to eyeball the PS3s even though I didn't need one and there wasn't many exclusive games. Well my girlfriend noticed my eyeballing them and I tried to pick one up on several occassions but the deals kept falling through because they were price mistakes so I finally gave up, then for christmas she got me a new 60GB off ebay along with a 42" Sharp HDTV :bouncy:
I got mine at GameRush. I had around $500 in GR credit and this was around launch. The one lady knew me and was like do you want a PS3, we just got some in. I was like SURE! I took the 60GB (over the 20GB) and was out the door. Still had to pay the launch price, but since it was GR credit I didn't really care.
Mine arrived today at home.

02/01/2008 6:41 P.M. DEPARTURE SCAN

02/05/2008 2:59 P.M. DELIVERY

I placed the order on 1-31-08 (AAFES) , credit card charged 2-3-08, $100 credit (Sony card) 2-5-08.

$299 delivered for 60G PS3 not bad at all.
bought my ps3 becasue of that huge blueray player + blue ray deal on amazon and was uberly stocked when i got it.
[quote name='mguiddy']I bought mine after the first price drop when I found out the 60s were going to be the last models with hardware BC.[/QUOTE]

Same + I got Memento a Free Blu-ray Remote and 5 Blu-Ray movies by mail. Bought on Amazon.com with free shipping!
reason i got my ps3 is becuz i always loved sony game systems and they never hav let me down, but in stead of buying a ps3 first i got a xbox 360 at the end of 2006, then a few month later it i got the dreedful 3 red ring of death, so i sent it in and when i got back i sold it and got 500$ then got my self the 60gb
and i never been more happier =DD
I picked up a PS3 when Best Buy had that free game offer with a purchase of a 60GB console. Glad I picked up the 60GB when I did, and I'm playing my PS3 more often than my 360.
[quote name='Crimson_Raven25']reason i got my ps3 is becuz i always loved sony game systems and they never hav let me down, but in stead of buying a ps3 first i got a xbox 360 at the end of 2006, then a few month later it i got the dreedful 3 red ring of death, so i sent it in and when i got back i sold it and got 500$ then got my self the 60gb
and i never been more happier =DD[/quote]


Anyway, bought mine on Gamefunk, and i'm happy with the blu ray player but I'm waiting for some better software.
I got my 80GB PS3 Motorstorm pack + 15 free Blu-Ray movies (10 instantly, 5 more by mail which came in like 1 month) the Saturday after this past Thanksgiving for $500 + tax.
I got my 60GB at Meijer's in August. I got it when they had 15% off general merchandise. Then I got an additional 15% off for signing up for the Meijer CC. It was only supposed to be 10% off, but I think the cashier messed up. So I got my 60GB for $349.99.
I picked up the very last new 60gb from the mall near me two weeks ago. Picked it up for $500 and it has a $100 rebate.
I was looking to buy my 60gb mainly for the blu-ray first and gaming second since there werent many good games out that i didnt already own on the 360. But The 5 free Blu-Rays Offer helped sell me on the $600, and then little to my knowledge they lowered the price $100 within 3 days. So i went back to best buy and got my $100 back and i was a very very happy man because it became an even sweeter deal and i was very happy.
I ordered my 60gig from Amazon Sept 30th. I was in Memphis at the time, and bought it on a whim. Had it two day shipped to where I live at my parents house here in VA
Flipped $70 GS credit and $80 cash into $600+ credit at Blockbuster and bought the $600 bundle.

So far, I am dissapointed, but happy I didn't pay retail for it. Motorstorm without splitscreen is a huge letdown. I have watched a few blu-rays and played a few demos (dl seems to take forever and I don't like the fact that you have to "install" them before you can play them)

Got the 20-week rental card with the bundle and have yet to rent a PS3 game (2 Wii games so far). Not only is there a lack of quality titles (that I haven't already played on the 360), but my blockbuster only has 1 copy of each game and nothing is ever available. (Plus, they have no blu-ray movies to rent either)
I got mine on launch day by waiting on line for a total of 10 minutes. Then I sold it on eBay as soon as I got home and some dope paid me $1,250 for it. I'll get another one eventually to actually play but it needs way more exclusive AAA games before I jump in.
bought my 40GB PS3 at BB using the 20% coupon last month...still haven't opened it waiting for a surpise price drop or new white colored players :D
I got the 60 gig model back when that $100 credit on the sony card first came out so i paid something like $330 shipped PLUS i get to pay it off a little at a time and budget it in there so it doesnt hurt as bad. PLUS I used the sony points i got for an extra controller and kept on building up points thru their site and got a free blu ray remote. It also came with the 5 free blu ray movies, and I flipped them and got assassins creed, conan, orange box, bioshock (360 that i dont have yet). So over all I am very happy :).
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I spent 2 weeks on the Lagoon sites, earning Best Buy gift cards. I eventually got about $360 in BB cards. Went to Best Buy and ended up paying only $64 out of pocket for my 40 gig PS3.[/quote]

What is lagoon sites & how can i earn gift cards?
bread's done