Whats your zombie plan?

Perfect murder: Kill someone and leave no evidence.

Zombie escape: Kill them all before they can kill me.

I win.
[quote name='Moxio']Who would apply that electrical current? Al-Queda?[/quote]

The contagion would cause the body to make it.

That's not the point.

The point is to come up with a survival tactic.

Instead of debating on if zombies are possible, the game is to come up with the best way to survive.

Its kind of like "plan the perfect murder" - no one is saying you are really going to go out and kill someone afterwards.
[quote name='The Crotch']Disregarding for a minute the (im)possibility of zombies...

Let 'em fuckin' come. I'm a billion miles from anywhere - they'd starve or freeze long before they ever reached me. Same goes for the travelling bands of Mad Max-types that invariably pop up.[/QUOTE]


Oh come on. According to plumes Zombies cannot be nuked because they can use electricamitistyasd to pull their bones together. Zombies cant be drowned because their skin color is always fashionable based on the four seasons. Zombies cant be shocked because they don't have emotions and thus showing pics of Paris Hilton crotch will not work. Zombies can't be shot because they can use their magnetic electricamies to reflect them back at you.
[quote name='PlumesPixie']

It is really not ALL THAT far fetched.[/QUOTE]
Yes, yes it is.

I hope the zombies eat your kid so as to ease the suffering of living his normal everyday life with you.
Well, we should probably establish what type of Zombie Apocalypse we're talking about here:

Dead Rising Zombies (Slow/Dumb Zombies, no other threats except Humans)
Resident Evil Zombies (Slow/Dumb Zombies, but other Bio Mutants)
Dawn of the Dead Zombies (Fast/Aggro Zombies, but no Mutants, and Humans)

I think in any situation, my plan of action is to wield swords until I raid the gun section of my local walmart, meet up with my g/f's family and friends, try to secure survivors, and get the fuck out of town via car/airplane/etc.

fuck this, its not worth argueing.

I'm not bothering with this shit anymore. Posting on this forum is obviously not for me.

I overestimated the clientel.

My husband is extremely intelligent and a wonderful man, so I assumed anything that he was involved in was something of value... I guess I overestimated...

Seacrest out.
[quote name='PlumesPixie']fuck this, its not worth argueing.

I'm not bothering with this shit anymore. Posting on this forum is obviously not for me.

I overestimated the clientel.

My husband is extremely intelligent and a wonderful man, so I assumed anything that he was involved in was something of value... I guess I overestimated...

Seacrest out.[/quote]

Nice meeting you too.

[quote name='PlumesPixie']Seacrest out.[/QUOTE]

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop the train! *You're* Ryan Seacrest?
[quote name='Scobie']Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop the train! *You're* Ryan Seacrest?[/QUOTE]

Tha...that changes everything!!!!
I would just tell them that I come in peace and they shouldn't harm due to the Geneva Convention. If that doesn't work I use what they use video games, SHOTGUNS! Lots of friggin shotguns.

Also OP, don't be discouraged I LOVE the offbeat topics like this and I am afraid that no matter what you do you will be made fun of on the internet.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Yes, yes it is.

I hope the zombies eat your kid so as to ease the suffering of living his normal everyday life with you.[/quote]

Dude - NOT fucking cool.

I don't believe in Zombies nor that they could ever happen. (Except, maybe, the 28 Days Later not-really-zombies scenario.)

Pixie does believe in Zombies, so we have quite a few interesting discussions. HotShot said it best - we should decide what kind of zombies we're talking about. Pixie was just trying to get a fun conversation going, whether or not someone thinks zombies are even possible. I'm surprised this escalated at all - it was meant to be a goofy, "throw some ideas out there" lazy Labor Day thread.

But man...that is my son you just wished would get killed so he wouldn't have to suffer from my wife. That was seriously a dick move.
I plan to build a home with a large 12 foot tall rebar and steel beem reinforced concrete wall. On the wall tops, razorwire and outward points peaks (like a prison). There will be two gates in the wall (iron doors) and those doors will only lead into confinement areas (think a room with ports for weapons to shoot into the room). From those confinement areas, there would be another iron gate into the inner area.

The inner compound will be made up of several living units (seperate kitchens, bathrooms and sleeping quarters). Each unit will have seperate electrical wiring (with power coming from solar panels on the roof of the unit) and will be spaced apart from other units to prevent a fire from destroying everything.

There will be greenhouse units as well, and several wells (which will be manually operated and will be deep so as to avoid entry into the wells from underneath). In addition to wells, we will also have rain water collection.

We will, when the attack begins, become vegitarians to avoid contact with any living creatures.

Weapons will be stockpiled, including flamethrowers (with fuel), swords, axes, and guns.

There is a lot more, but I am tired of typing.

Actually, I think if I saw Zombies, I would start looking around for Ashton.
[quote name='PlumeNoir']Dude - NOT fucking cool.

I don't believe in Zombies nor that they could ever happen. (Except, maybe, the 28 Days Later not-really-zombies scenario.)

Pixie does believe in Zombies, so we have quite a few interesting discussions. HotShot said it best - we should decide what kind of zombies we're talking about. Pixie was just trying to get a fun conversation going, whether or not someone thinks zombies are even possible. I'm surprised this escalated at all - it was meant to be a goofy, "throw some ideas out there" lazy Labor Day thread.

But man...that is my son you just wished would get killed so he wouldn't have to suffer from my wife. That was seriously a dick move.[/QUOTE]
She's the one who entertained the idea of sacrificing your son in order to save herself. Now that's fucked up.

Shit hurts, but I'm not the one who married the crazy bitch.
[quote name='PlumesPixie']fuck this, its not worth argueing.

I'm not bothering with this shit anymore. Posting on this forum is obviously not for me.

I overestimated the clientel.

My husband is extremely intelligent and a wonderful man, so I assumed anything that he was involved in was something of value... I guess I overestimated...

Seacrest out.[/quote]

Quoted, just in case. This is possibly better than when she blew up on Strell in the OTT, going on a giant rant about growing up poor.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']She's the one who entertained the idea of sacrificing your son in order to save herself. Now that's fucked up.

Shit hurts, but I'm not the one who married the crazy bitch.[/quote]

She didn't say she would. she said "My biggest thing is how am I gonna keep Lennon (my 4 year) safe? Will I have to sacrifice him to save myself? That would suck. "

She wasn't saying she would, but it was her fear.

That was still uncalled for. She is not a "crazy bitch" and is a good mother and has made a lot of sacrifices for him, hence why she was concerned about how she'd keep him safe. Most mothers fear having to be put in the situation where they have to make a decision like that. That isn't crazy at all, that is her wondering how she'd be able to do such a thing. Knowing her, she'd sacrifice herself before she let anything happen to our son.

That was still a dick thing to say, dude.
[quote name='Rocko']Quoted, just in case. This is possibly better than when she blew up on Strell in the OTT, going on a giant rant about growing up poor.[/QUOTE]
I can't believe I forgot about that! :rofl:
Plume, just checking, you do realize we're talking about sacrificing your son in the event of a zombie takeover, right?
[quote name='The Crotch']On the one hand, people here are being rather... well, assholish.

On the other hand, that sounds hilarious. Link?[/quote]
I have no idea what OTT it was in. Long story short, Plume told a story about his wife going out and buying a $800 purse behind his back, and shortly thereafter she made an account here and posted a bit in the OTT. People kept poking fun at the fact that she spent so much on something like that, and she finally went nuts and had a gigantic post aimed at Strell about how she grew up poor, etc. etc. and deserved an $800 hand bag.
[quote name='The Crotch']On the one hand, people here are being rather... well, assholish.[/QUOTE]

What's new?

I would get bitten, and join the muthafucking party.
[quote name='Rocko']How the hell did you find that? I'm assuming you had it bookmarked. If not, :bow:.[/QUOTE]Pixie's only got 76 posts. ;):lol:
[quote name='PlumesPixie']fuck this, its not worth argueing.

I'm not bothering with this shit anymore. Posting on this forum is obviously not for me.

I overestimated the clientel.

My husband is extremely intelligent and a wonderful man, so I assumed anything that he was involved in was something of value... I guess I overestimated...

Seacrest out.[/QUOTE]

Bye. Thank you for your gross over generalization of the posters here. Your first two sentences certainly put you on a pedestal FAR above the rest of us... :roll:
I can has cheezburger?

I would rent a helicopter, load up on film,and take tons of pictures at the mall.

First on the list it the 9 foot drop achievement.
Ya know Pixie if you hadn't been all "this is totally seriously possible" the thread wouldn't have had this terrible downward spiral. At first it was fun then you said a bunch of ridiculous shit and I thought you had a serious delusion. Now I'm not sure if you're backpedaling or were actually just messing around, but if you seriously think about planning for zombie attacks and that actually keeps you up at night....see a doctor.

EDIT: And to further explain (because I can't let things like this go), I said that just because you don't think about doing an action doesn't mean that it isn't going on in your brain. Yes, you don't consciously think about playing piano (nor am I consciously thinking about how to hit the keys on this keyboard), but that doesn't mean I could lob your head off and your body could still play beethoven's ninth. It's stored in your brain and used by your body, just not consciously.
I'd just become a zombie. When in Rome...

plumespixie-- don't worry about the meltdown. happens to everyone on the internet, then it's all better from there as long as you realize you should expand your sense of humor. why I just had one a different site the other day...hadn't happened since I first joined CAG in 2004...but now me and that other site are cool.
Bug in i.e. stockpile food and water and destroy the staircase.

I have a gun and assorted melee weapons that are not show pieces.
[quote name='Msut77']Bug in i.e. stockpile food and water and destroy the staircase.

I have a gun and assorted melee weapons that are not show pieces.[/quote]

but do you have the katana
[quote name='Msut77']Bug in i.e. stockpile food and water and destroy the staircase.

I have a gun and assorted melee weapons that are not show pieces.[/QUOTE]

"I check the list. Rubber tubing, gas, saw, gloves, cuffs, razor wire, hatchet, Gladys, and my mitts."
The classical zombie is too sluggish to swim. While the dead float, the undead do not usually float. Therefore. Boats. In the event that they can navigate through water, it would slow them down even more, giving you a significant advantage in fending them off.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']The classical zombie is too sluggish to swim. While the dead float, the undead do not usually float. Therefore. Boats. In the event that they can navigate through water, it would slow them down even more, giving you a significant advantage in fending them off.[/QUOTE]
Until zombies can prove they are proficient enough to operate machinery like that, I'm not worried about my floating city being invaded.
[quote name='mr ryles']I'm gonna build an underwater city where every one can have the ability to spit fire, electricity, and ice out of their hands, at a cost though, possibly the cost of others lives. Anyways I don't think zombies can swim to begin with, so my underwater city will be safe from zombies.[/quote]
If you've ever seen any of Lucio Fulci's zombie flicks, you'd know zombies can swim, and they even attack sharks.

The only place you can go to be safe from zombies is to build a floating lair in the sky - Rygar style.

That or either build a peddle helicopter and fly from rooftop to rooftop, staying away from the zombie hordes.
bread's done