When do you think wii games will start looking good?


Don't know if this has been posted yet but let's face it...Game on the wii aren't that graphically impressive. The machine itself is capable of much more than what we're seeing in current releases so I pose the questions of when do you think wii games will start looking good?

Just based off the specs under the hood of this console, much more can be done graphically. If we can get some games that even look like the really great looking ps2/xbox games it'd be nice.

Bottom line is that this machine is more capable and programmers aren't pushing the graphics at all. I don't know if they are worried about getting the wiimote functionality nailed down over graphics or what, but i'd just like to know when some really good looking games will be seen on the wii.

Answer: who knows? Maybe Super Mario Galaxy?

Right now, the most important thing for Wii games is how it answers the question: how does it use the Wii Remote?

Currently, using the Wii Remote in a crappy, half-baked, shoveled-in way is more of a priority than making good graphics. One suspects its also easier.

There is some sense to this. If you want knockout graphics, you're playing a PS3 or a 360. If you're paying $50 for a Wii game, it better use the Wii Remote; otherwise, what are you paying for?

Eventually, someone will come along with a pretty Wii game. If Nintendo makes Super Mario Galaxy a knockout, more graphically advanced Wii games will follow. If Nintendo can't be bothered with its flagship title, then it will take longer.
I dunno, they look fine to me, for the most part. But I guess that's why I felt $250 for a Wii was worth my money, but not yet $400 or $600 for a 360 or PS3.

But if the question is when will they look better than GameCube games, then I'll say fall/winter. Once games that were actually started on Wii hardware start coming out in force.
They look okay but yea even first party titles could use a bump up. Zelda looks great but thats technically a Gamecube game. Same goes with Paper Mario. The problem is no one has put anything out to set the bar for everyone else. Its not really something that bothers me, I won't die without HD quality gaming. But its certainly starting to hurt a bit :lol: Wii60 FTW?!
Every system needs at least one generation of games to pass before it starts showing its true power; it's a process which usually takes one year. Unfortunately, the Wii might take even longer because at the moment most companies use it as a dumping ground for quick-and-dirty ports of last-gen games with motion controls tacked on. This happened mostly because third parties weren't prepared for the Wii's success, and found themselves scrambling to put out anything to ride the wave.

Even now that they're finally beginning to develop Wii-exclusive properties, third parties in general view it as a casual gamer's system. It seems that the common perception is that casual gamers don't care about the quality of graphics, which isn't necessarily true -- isn't that the very first thing that anyone, including a casual gamer, notices? I understand the "intimidation" argument that posits that casual gamers may associate realistic, detailed graphics with complex controls, but if anything, casual gamers may tend to form more immediate judgments of quality based on a game's visuals. The irony is that even though we all lament this third-party attitude, the trend may very well be something we can blame on Wii Sports and Nintendo!
give a couple of years, most games now are gamecube or ps2 ports. but i thought it was clear from the get-go, if youre looking for graphics, you bought the wrong system.
This fall/winter should be solid for pretty looking games... Mario Galaxy, SSBB, and MP3 are all coming out. And they're all Nintendo titles.

Where's the third parties I wonder?:whistle2:k

EDIT* Found some 3rd party support: Guitar Hero 3, Zack & Wiki, and NiGHTS!!!
I personally think the graphics look pretty good right now. Then again I am more than happy with the GC's graphics. I ordered some component cables for the Wii from monoprice.com so things should look even better. Don't get me wrong, I like the 360's graphics better but the Wii has a lot of fun multiplayer games (im counting GC games too) that the 360 just doesn't have.
Just because the power is there doesnt mean a developer has to use it. Especially if they feel it can sell well without it, and the very system is designed with that idea in mind.

You're asking the wrong questions.
Is anyone else sick of the "When will the Wii have feature X" where X is something that PS3/360 already claim to have?

You want to hear (read) the answer I like the most? No? Too bad, here it is: NEVER. It'll never be a PS3 and it will never be a 360. And by that, I mean that it will be all up in my living room, playing dem games. Can't say the same about ether of the competitors until at the very earliest 2008.

I guess I could have posted a fanboy-free response about how patience is a virtue, and we need to wait for 3rd party games to start trickling in, since supposedly Nintendo's doing a good job getting the developers in. And making pretty games involves more than sheer processing power, and all that jazz. But after a brief glimpse of thought, I figured that the above paragraph is what this forum was created for. Sensible talk about the virtues of all consoles in this generation is quite unwelcome here.
Probably late summer/fall when games like Metroid, Mario Galaxy etc. that have been build from the ground up for the Wii rather than ported from the PS2 or moved over from the GC start coming out.

Now of course it's not going to have games that look anywhere near as good graphically as the PS3 or 360 as it doesn't have that kind of power and doesn't do HD, but the games will not doubt start to look better eventually and end up somewhere in between last gen graphics and the PS3/360.
Now I'm as big of a Nintendo fan as anyone, but the honest answer it, probably never. This thing is just Gamecube hardware with a gimmicky controller.
Wii games can look good regardless.

Developers just don't seem to think it's important right now.
Seems most 3rd parties are trying a quick cash-in right now with the huge Wii sales. (nintendo as well, actually)

You'll see more finesse down the road. (i hope so)
I don't think they'll ever look "good", they'll probably look progressively worse relative to the other consoles.

Of course, what we have now is definitely not the full potential of the system. I expect graphical beauts like Sonic, beautiful not because of graphics necessarily on a technical standpoint.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']What kind of a standard is "looking good" anyway?[/quote]
Me, bitch. I'm the standard for LOOKING GOOD. I'm delicious!
I think that fishing game in Wii Play looks damn good. What is good? Lifelike? Never. Good art style? I think we already have that. I have yet to run into a game where I didn't think the graphics were good(Far Cry I guess would be an exception). So all in all I think things look pretty good already.

I will say I don't give a s--t about graphics because so far I have liked the control scheme in pretty much every game, which is what I care about and bought it for.
Maybe I'm blind but alot of the wii games I've played look pretty dang good. Sonic looked absolutely fantastic, especially in some of the later levels
Given the hardware's similarity to the Gamecube, I am surprised that the graphics aren't better than they are already. If I understand it correctly, gamecube software can run natively on the Wii hardware, which means that many of the optimization tricks developed by programmers can apply to a certain degree.

I don't know for sure, but I was under the impression that coding for the PS3's highly-parallel Cell architecture was very difficult to do in order to take full advantage of its capabilities (this was also true of the PS2's 16 parallel graphics pipelines), and since it is different from the previous generation, the developers need to learn new tricks all over again.

The Xbox360 is probably going through a similar transition given the switch from x86 hardware to PowerPC, but probably not as drastic as the PS3, since it does not contain the same amount of parallel capability, and the PowerPC platform has been around for a long time (both the GC and Wii are using PowerPC-based CPUs yes?).

Right now I am playing through Twilight Princess on the Gamecube, and if they can put this level of graphics out of the gamecube, then I have little fear that the Wii's offerings will not dissapoint. One thing to keep in mind is that the Wii is limited to 480p resolution, which means that they will still be able to produce games with a lot of detail because they do not need to drive them at such high resolutions. The PS3 and Xbox360 will need all the extra horsepower because they are producing pictures at 1080. This is why the original xbox had such great-looking games running on a Celeron 733MHz with a GeForce3-based GPU, because it only had to render in 640x480(?).

Flame baiting aside, I am surprised that many of the titles for the Wii don't look a little better. Some of them sport sub-GC graphics IMO.

It's just a matter of time before developers explore the hardware and come up with something that looks nicer. It's good for Wii owners that the installed base is so much stronger this go-round than with the GC.

In the end I look at a title like RE4 on the GC and hope that we'll see a similar title to max out the Wii's capabilities. And with the additional console owners on board, I'm hoping that game will come sooner in the console's lifetime than RE4 did for the GC.
[quote name='dallow']It is sad that some of these Wii games are sub-GC level.
It's hard to imagine why.

My guess is that they hate Nintendo and they hate freedom. They hate freedom! :hot:
[quote name='dallow']It is sad that some of these Wii games are sub-GC level.
It's hard to imagine why.


Many are just sloppy ports, or new games that were rushed, to get to market ASAP to capitalize on the Wii's unexpected success and get on the shelves during the post launch game drought when people are desperate for new games to play.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Many are just sloppy ports, or new games that were rushed, to get to market ASAP to capitalize on the Wii's unexpected success and get on the shelves during the post launch game drought when people are desperate for new games to play.[/quote]

All true. Even Mario Party 8 looks worse than MP7 on GC.
This is why I want to see what the second half of the first generation games offer.

If it doesn't get better, there is something wrong.
Wii games graphics are okay for what it is... as to will the graphics be better down the road? maybe, but as a Wii owner, you know what you're getting into, it's not the graphics, it's the fun factor.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']I think Wii games are looking good right now.

What kind of a standard is "looking good" anyway?[/QUOTE]
I want all the games to look at least this good:

[quote name='dallow']All true. Even Mario Party 8 looks worse than MP7 on GC.
This is why I want to see what the second half of the first generation games offer.

If it doesn't get better, there is something wrong.[/QUOTE]

Yep, and no widescreen or 480p on MP8 either which is a joke.
In a perfect world, Zelda and RE4 should be the worst looking games on the Wii. Unfotunately, until we get out of the rushed development, ports, and ps2/psp/wii cross platform games, that won't happen. Hell, Nintendo even dropped the ball with MP8.
I keep saying it, but it seems to be real hard to follow.

Just because the power is there doesnt mean it has to be used. Games dont HAVE to look at least _____ good.

If a developer can make a 64+ grade game and actually sell it, then the Wii gives them that option.

If they really cared about making a good looking game, they probably would be developing for a different console.

This is somewhat analogous to making games that could EASILY be on the GBA for the DS, despite the boost in power, versus being able to develop for the PSP instead.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I keep saying it, but it seems to be real hard to follow.

Just because the power is there doesnt mean it has to be used. Games dont HAVE to look at least _____ good.

If a developer can make a 64+ grade game and actually sell it, then the Wii gives them that option.

If they really cared about making a good looking game, they probably would be developing for a different console.

This is somewhat analogous to making games that could EASILY be on the GBA for the DS, despite the boost in power, versus being able to develop for the PSP instead.[/quote]

I know what you are saying, but I just simply don't agree.
There is a waterline, there are standards.

We'll see the games shine in the second generation from quality developers.
The ugliness abound right now is simply to do rushed port cash-ins, and GC to Wii jitters.

I don't like the DS/GBA analogy as I believe handhelds have the right to be flexible. Bad 2D games don't look poor and rushed. (or hide it very well)
Bad 3D isn't easy to hide.

16:9 support and progressive scan should be standard for the Wii.
If you play your Wii ten years from now, you'll be thankful.
I can take advantage of that now, so I would already be thankful.
The problem with that LINE is that it keeps moving up. Last gen standards were pretty damn good for the bulk of the generation, but now they are suddenly no good. Its hard to believe, but someday someone will look back on Gears of War, for example, and wonder how it was playable.

My personal line for 3D is static right at about PS1+
That's how technology works, it moves up.

In this case, I bought a Wii, which is supposed to be more powerful than a GameCube, the technology is more than 5 years newer, and the devs should know how to work with it since it's so closely related to the GC.
Instead, I get less. And I paid more for it than my GC on launch day.

I know there are people who refuse to play a game once heralded because the graphics are so bad, and they should be shriked.

But I'm not like that*, and obviously, neither are you.

*I will admit that when I went back to play Tony Hawk 1 on my PSX, I got a headache. I love the game but it was so slow, and the pop-in I never noticed before. I couldn't believe I once was so good at it.
A game like Mario64 however, will never look bad to me, and will always be just as fun.
I agree with you Dallow.

I'm not a graphics whore by any means, and Zelda looks pretty damn good in 480p on my new TV.

It's just annoying to see many games looking worse than Gamecube games, and even more annoying to see Nintendo doing it with their own games with MP8.

Games should in the worst case look AS good as GC games and offer 16x9 and 480p support. I won't buy any that don't fit those bills.
I can forgive lack of Dolby Pro-Logic II (barely....), but I can't forgive a game not being 4:3 only, and no progressive in this day and age.
Right, people's expectations move up, because hardware improves. Wii is an improvment over GC, so I expect at the very least a GC quality effort. For example, MP8 without widescreen is a tragedy.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']Right, people's expectations move up, because hardware improves. Wii is an improvment over GC, so I expect at the very least a GC quality effort. For example, MP8 without widescreen is a tragedy.[/quote]

MP8 would have really benefited from a widescreen option. Especially with 4 simultaneous players. Give people some breathing room!

If the Wii, and it's games stayed the way they are now (AND THEY WON'T!).
Then all Nintendo needed to do was release a sensor bar and new controllers because so far, none of these games need a new console.

[quote name='dallow']I can forgive lack of Dolby Pro-Logic II (barely....), but I can't forgive a game not being 4:3 only, and no progressive in this day and age.[/QUOTE]

Yep. My receiver doesn't do PL2 anyway, so I don't care. I was annoyed they didn't put DD 5.1 support into the Wii though.
bread's done