When the hell will nintendo meet demands


i've been waiting to get a wii for ever... when will stores have wii's that i won't have to wait in line at 4 am for. any guess
[quote name='sfriedlander']i've been waiting to get a wii for ever... when will stores have wii's that i won't have to wait in line at 4 am for. any guess[/QUOTE]

At the rate we're going now, it's going to be a very long while.
ummm NEVER.....but seriously who knows, I've heard analysts saying that there will be continuous sellouts 'til summer of '08, but with Nintendo coming out with these A-titles (i.e. SSBB, Mario Galaxy, Animal Crossing, MarioKart Wii, Wii Fit, etc.) as well as everyone from 5 to 80 years old these are the people that play the Wii. So I would be surprised if it became "somewhat regular" stock in early '09, but that is just my guess. Also Nintendo I feel is truly making as many as they can, and yet only releasing half of them at a time, so who knows...probably never.
I'm sure that their factories are making as many Wiis as possible. Last we heard Nintendo has been making 1.8 million Wiis a month, which is a lot, but keep in mind that's worldwide supply, so every country that sells Wiis get some of those consoles.

I seriously doubt Nintendo will open a new factory, it costs millions and there's always the risk that Wii demand will decrease and they'll have the new factory sit empty.
Last I heard there's a surplus of Wii's in Japan...maybe they should stop making so much Wii's for Japan and make more for the U.S.
Well you see the Wii's motion sensing capabilites come from a rare material only found in dinosaur fossils and obviously those aren't easy to come by.

So to answer your question no one knows.
Hopefully soon.
My brother and I camped out for one Xmas after launch. We camped for like 15 hours. He bought his. I was like "Demand will go down after Xmas" i ended up selling my spot for $100. year+ after, i still don't have a Wii:cry:
1. The Wii is the fastest-selling fastest-manufactured video-game system in the world. Given that it's selling at an unprecedented rate, you can't blame Nintendo management for not wanting to go nuts and immediately triple manufacturing in hopes that this sell rate can be scaled linearly.

2. There are Target/Best Buy/Circuit City ads in the Video Game Deals board. If you really want to get a Wii, find a weekend when the Wii is listed in a flyer, show up 4 hours before opening, and wait in line.
I did.

I had to sit in line a few weeks after launch to get mine. Since then I've only seen them in stores twice. You have to give Nintendo credit for holding the demand for this thing for as long as they have.
Don't care! I got mine on launch day...woke up got to a Target at around 6:30 and was number 58/60 :D

Heh heh. Nah I do care, but in all honesty it seems that there have many chances to get a Wii but at times just had to wake up early. It just had to be done or you would miss out. Then again there are other times when I have gone to stores like Toys R Us where they are just there waiting to be bought, just people need to do is ask. Like last week was at a toys r us and a couple came and asked:

"I know the answer is no...but I'd like a wii"
"Would you like one...or want to buy one"
"You mean you have some?"
"Yep" *goes and gets it*

I've seen that quite a few times. Perhaps it is time to call stores or actually just show up and ask if you really really want one.
[quote name='CaliforniaKing']Last I heard there's a surplus of Wii's in Japan...maybe they should stop making so much Wii's for Japan and make more for the U.S.[/QUOTE]

Really? I haven't heard anything about that. Got a source?

In any case, for the past month they've been focusing on getting Wiis in stock in Japan to go with the Brawl launch. Now, they're supposedly stockpiling them here for Brawl.
All you people who got up at 5am to stand outside in the cold to wait for a Wii are SUCKERS!!

I got mine November 11, 2006 (maybe the 12th I'm not sure). All I did was put five or six phone numbers in my phone:

1. The closest two GS/EB stores.
2. This video game exchange close to me, its a mom and pop store.
3. The closest walmart.
4. The closest Target.
5. The closest Best Buy.

Just save their numbers in your phone and call everyday and ask two questions:
1. "Do you have any Wiis?" If "no" (probable) goto 2.
2. "When will you get some?"

I got mine the day after launch by doing this. I got it at the exchange. I was close and asked if they could hold it for me, (offered a CC #) but they said "no" so i just hoped in the car and sped there and got it!

Its a pain but you will only have to do it for a few days until you find one, and it sure as hell beats waiting for hours.
My question is what Nintendo has planned for the 2nd half of 2008. It looks like they're dropping all their bombs before the summer starts. Unless Nintendo delays Mario Kart.
I live in p hilly gamestop gets like 6 wii's in every monday my wife gripped two of them got a extra if ur in the area hehe but it ju st seems if you know the shipping schdule you can find one easily. EB/GS always gets they shipments (in philly) from ups on mondays and I hear target tru and walmart get they shipments on weekends. U better off getting one from GS/EB just seems like they know what they doing. I called up to target several times and the operator told me they had no wii's im like hold up wait u no where near the electronics department how u know how many wii's u have in stock.

Hey Zen put a black boarder around gandolf ( i think thats his name)
Gandolf heh heh XD. Sorry that made me laugh a bit :x

You mean Ganondorf, but yeah, do what most people here have suggested, actually call these places. It really isn't as hard as some people tend to make it. Like I said earlier if I find Wiis without actually looking for them, then there should be no problem for those that are.
thanks guys for the help. the sucky part is that all my friends have wii's even like girls in my grade who have never touched any other game system. they have them and like barely play them while i really wanna play them and i would put good use into them. Like buy No More Heros!

any specific day to call in, one of you guys said game stop on monday. what about for other stores?
[quote name='whoknows']Well you see the Wii's motion sensing capabilites come from a rare material only found in dinosaur fossils and obviously those aren't easy to come by.

So to answer your question no one knows.[/quote]

I was lucky that I got mine, I was at a LAN party all day Saturday about a month or two before the Wii came out, and I knew on Sunday morning Toys R Us was going to be giving out preorder tickets, so instead of going home and going to sleep I went to Toys R Us and got there about an hour or so before they opened. I was very lucky, I was the 10th person in line to get a preorder, and they only had 10 preorders. :D
[quote name='sfriedlander']any specific day to call in, one of you guys said game stop on monday. what about for other stores?[/quote]

IMO only do gamestop/ebgames or places that only do games because like I posted before I swear when I call other stores like Target they don't even look to see if they have any they just say no. So at least at these games stores they know what they talking about as far as what a wii is, and don't tell you yea we have tons in stock and end up being a xbox 360.:bomb:

Gandolf heh heh XD. Sorry that made me laugh a bit :x

You mean Ganondorf,

Lol i never played Zelda like that I just recently found out that zelda wasnt the guy thats always on the cover of those games
and his name is Link. Nintendo n00b i r
It always cracks me up when people accuse Nintendo of some kind of conspiracy. I heard about half of their Wiis actually do come to the U.S. The problem is on the demand side, not the supply side. People now play on their friends' Wii that they got for Christmas and want their own. It's not really cost effective for Nintendo to make more factories and hire more people to make more Wiis because within a few months to a year they would have to shut that production right back down.

Anyway, what other people have said is correct.

1. If you don't feel like getting in line early on a Sunday, go to a store later that day and talk to an employee. They'll tell you what time they handed out the vouchers and how many they had. You can get a good idea of how long you would need to stand in line. Even in December, it was only an hour where I live.

2. Program local store numbers in your phone and call each day. It only takes a couple minutes. Gamestops days seem random but the time is fairly regular and while they only get a few units they get them more often. Walmart around here usually gets their Wiis in on Tuesdays between about 10 and noon.

If you really want a Wii you can get one. You have to do more than just stop by the store once a week on your way home from work but if you're smart you don't have to do much more.
I'd actually suggest ordering from a reputable online retailer. I understand you're young, so you probably can't do that on your own, but maybe the 'rents'll hook you up. Most people who have trouble finding a Wii these days are just store hopping, hoping to get lucky with stock. If you order one online, you won't have it today, but you WILL have it when they get some in, which is a better bet than just gambling on brick and mortar stores all summer.
Usually wii's show up during the summer. I remember seeing 1-4 on shelves regularly during june/july/august. That's when I bought mine. I guess people don't have some holiday to buy gifts for, so they don't really care about it. Same deal for the ds.
[quote name='Delnatha']It always cracks me up when people accuse Nintendo of some kind of conspiracy. I heard about half of their Wiis actually do come to the U.S. The problem is on the demand side, not the supply side. People now play on their friends' Wii that they got for Christmas and want their own. It's not really cost effective for Nintendo to make more factories and hire more people to make more Wiis because within a few months to a year they would have to shut that production right back down.

If you really want a Wii you can get one. You have to do more than just stop by the store once a week on your way home from work but if you're smart you don't have to do much more.[/quote]

I agree with this 100%.

If you're a savvy buyer (and I know most CAGs are), then finding a Wii is not hard. Speedy always posts the Sunday ads for CC, BB, and Target 1-2 weeks in advance. If the Wii is advertised, you're good to go. If you line up as little as an hour before the store opens, you're pretty much guaranteed to get one. If it's in the Target ad, it's even easier. (Target opens at 8am, whereas CC and BB open at 10am) The general public won't be up and reading their newspapers that early.

I've purchased 5 Wii's for myself, and less savvy family/friends all based off of Speedy's awesome CC/BB/Target ads. It's really not that hard.
the reason all the big box retailers like target, tru, etc. answer no without sending you to the electronics is because it is a daily question and usually gets discussed before the store even opens. trust me, the people answering the phone would know if they got them in, the person in the electronics would be sure to tell them.
I got mine a month after it came out and I am glad I did. I almost decided to wait till later but I broke down and got it.
I went with getting one online. My mother woke me up at 5am 2 weeks before Christmas going "Let's go get a Wii!" I'm like... 'ma, they've been out there waiting since before I went to sleep last night, they're gonna be gone'. Instead I put an alarm on amazon, got it 2 days later, and got it on Christmas Eve.

Besides, waiting outside with people I know to be scalpers would just make the voices nag me to kill them over and over.
[quote name='VioletArrows']I went with getting one online. My mother woke me up at 5am 2 weeks before Christmas going "Let's go get a Wii!" I'm like... 'ma, they've been out there waiting since before I went to sleep last night, they're gonna be gone'. Instead I put an alarm on amazon, got it 2 days later, and got it on Christmas Eve.

Besides, waiting outside with people I know to be scalpers would just make the voices nag me to kill them over and over.[/QUOTE]

How do you "put an alarm on Amazon," exactly? :whistle2:s

They probably won't have any in stock for a while since they had them this afternoon (during one of my exams :bomb:), but if I can't find one at Target this week then I'm open to other methods of finding one. :)

I found mine without even attempting to. I walked into an EB one day to just poke around and see if they had anything interesting (the nearest EB being a good 200+ kilometres from my house). Sadly, I did not find a cheap used copy of Ikaruga or Suikoden 2, but there were two Wiis sitting on a shelf. I had planned to wait until the first price drop, but I think it's a good thing I didn't. This was a couple of days before the whole "I'll give you $1200 for every PS3 you find" thing, which is a shame, because they had a mighty fine pyramid of 60 GBs sitting in the middle of the store.

Also, there was a magazine rack sitting on the floor covered in glitter.
[quote name='VioletArrows']Besides, waiting outside with people I know to be scalpers would just make the voices nag me to kill them over and over.[/quote]

Like I used to until I decided it was absolutely retarded to sit in the cold for those profit margins.
I'm going to believe Nintendo when they say they can't meet the consumer demands for the Wii.

If their is any conspiracy going on, it's strictly on the retail side. For example, earlier this week, there was a Nintendo Wii sitting in the electronics backroom at a local major retailer. When asked why this was not on the sales floor, the management said it had to be kept there for the Sunday sales ad, even though the store would receive a shipment of 45+ Wiis for the sales ad.

I bought my Wii through Walmart.com in a bundle package. Yeah, it sucks to have to buy extra stuff up front, but Walmart allows you to take back anything you don't want in the bundle.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']How do you "put an alarm on Amazon," exactly? :whistle2:s

Hn, I forgot the URL of the site, it's called AZGrabber or something like that. There's a catalog number that Amazon uses, you get the number, you paste it into the website, and the AZG spams the hell out of Amazon's servers (they don't seem to mind, either) asking if the item's in stock. If it is, AZG lets you know in the most annoying way possible, and pops up the item's window so all you have to do is click Add to Cart or 1 Click Buy.
From maybe June/July 2007 to Nov 2007, I was spotting Wiis on the shelves at a frequent pace here at local Targets in the Twin Cities. I keep weird hours, so I'd often go during the late mornings for diaper/grocery runs, and I'd always check. I tried to keep local CAGs in the loop through the regional thread. If you're looking, maybe go to the thread for your neck of the woods and ask for some help in tracking one down.
[quote name='dothog']From maybe June/July 2007 to Nov 2007, I was spotting Wiis on the shelves at a frequent pace here at local Targets in the Twin Cities. I keep weird hours, so I'd often go during the late mornings for diaper/grocery runs, and I'd always check. I tried to keep local CAGs in the loop through the regional thread. If you're looking, maybe go to the thread for your neck of the woods and ask for some help in tracking one down.[/quote]

regional threads, how do you find this fabled section? (sometimes i worry that i'm blind)
All I did was preorder it at Amazon and got it either launch day or a day after launch for $249.99. No shipping, No tax, No waiting in line, thats the way to go.
[quote name='Mrcapcom']EB/GS always gets they shipments (in philly) from ups on mondays and I hear target tru and walmart get they shipments on weekends.[/QUOTE]

Wal-Marts and Targets of the world do not accept shipments on the weekend. UPS and others just hold things until Monday. I know its weird, but they do have a lot of staff that works on Monday through Friday and recieving is one of those areas*.

*Outside recieving, Wal-Marts get Wal-Mart trucks every day of the week.
I have never had to wait in line for a system. With the wii I walked into best buy and saw 3 sitting out in the open. No one even was looking at them. I thought they were for some sale and their was a line some place to get them at midnight. I just picked the stupid thing up and went to the cash register. Guess you have to walk in at the right time.
"I don't understand how these are still so hard to get."

"Went by Wal-mart today and saw atleast 6 just sitting on the shelf...been there atleast a few months."

"360 rules!"

"fuck 360, PS3 rules!!"

Sorry, just had to do it...:cool:

Thanks so much for posting this in the Wii thread, as to avoid the fanboy flames as I stated above when its in the deal forum. I've had mine for a while now, and I've helped friends find theirs...

Best way is what everyone else said, put about 5 numbers in your phone and call, or go to the store. When your in the store, ask someone very nicely when they last got them in, this will give you an idea on how to narrow down when they get 'em. The shortage is definitely gonna last at the least another few months just judging by eBay prices.
To the OPs question.

If the demand and supply dont balance out by July, then I'll say that it wont until 2009.

This is because if its still selling out in July Nintendo wont be able to save any stock back for the Holliday rush.

I would guess that not until 2009 is the safer bet. I think Wii Fit could keep up the casual gamer demographic, with Smash Bros Brawl refiring the more hardcore demand.
It's my understanding that the wii is crushing historical monthly sales of the ps2 at this stage of its life- the previous console sales champ. Which means demand is at an unprecedented level. How many wiis could be sold per month? 2 million? 5 million? It is unclear at this point.
I see WiiFit further frothing demand in a couple months and what may be a slower/easier time to pickup a console may not be slower or easier because of it.

The actual answer to when demand will be met tho, where you can walk into any given store any given day and have a 95% chance of walking out with a wii, is that not a single person knows.
[quote name='vherub']I see WiiFit further frothing demand....[/QUOTE]
It froths too? Blends, even?

O Nintendo, what can't that magical board do?
[quote name='trq']I'd actually suggest ordering from a reputable online retailer. I understand you're young, so you probably can't do that on your own, but maybe the 'rents'll hook you up. Most people who have trouble finding a Wii these days are just store hopping, hoping to get lucky with stock. If you order one online, you won't have it today, but you WILL have it when they get some in, which is a better bet than just gambling on brick and mortar stores all summer.[/quote]

Except it's not available on-line either. Amazon had them in stock on Monday, but sold out in 5 minutes. Other "reputable" dealers never have them in stock, unless you're willing to buy a huge bundle (e.g., Wal-Mart had it earlier this week, but you needed to buy 8 games and pay $677.) And I haven't found a place that let's you pre-order either. It's pretty much first come, first served once they remove the Out of Stock notification.
You can get one if you really want one, just check the store ads on a site like this and plan to get up and stand in line for it, you will most likely get one as long as you get there within one hour of store opening.
I think the real question you should be asking is "When the hell will Nintendo release more quality games for Wii?" Nintendo's Wii line up for 2008 is too weak. Besides only afew 1st party games, what other 3rd party games that look promising?

Wii might be selling like hotcakes but its game selection is still poor. Its game sale isn't stellar either.
[quote name='VGI-Shinobi']I think the real question you should be asking is "When the hell will Nintendo release more quality games for Wii?" Nintendo's Wii line up for 2008 is too weak. Besides only afew 1st party games, what other 3rd party games that look promising?

Wii might be selling like hotcakes but its game selection is still poor. Its game sale isn't stellar either.[/quote]

The Wii has its fair share of crap just like any other system but there is plenty for me to be excited about in 2008. House of the Dead 2+3, Okami, Baroque, Sadness, Opoona (and thats a huge maybe), Castle of Shikigami III, Battle of the Bands, Alone in the Dark, de Blob, NCAA/Madden, Samba de Amigo, Black, 100 Bullets, Disaster: Day of Crisis, RE 0, Rock Band, Lego Batman, Tales of Symphonia 2, etc. And Mario Kart and Animal Crossing will be huge too.
[quote name='VGI-Shinobi']Its game sale isn't stellar either.[/quote]Really?

I suggest sticking to the topic, especially with a week-old bump.
bread's done