When to buy a PS3?

[quote name='MillerTime2523']I may soon be stumbling across a nice chunk of change. I'm really interested in the PS3 system, but I need some advice as to when to buy it. I'm leaning on maybe when MGS4 comes out.. but thats just me. Resistance REALLY intrests me as well.. so does Tekken 6. Can't live without my Tekken![/QUOTE]

I've played through resistance and it is as cookie-cutter as they come. You're not missing anything.
I just bought one last weekend (a friend let go of a nearly new 60GB for $300, so I had to jump on it), and I'm happy with my purchase, even with the lack of games that interest me.

It all comes down to your preference of games. If there are some you want and you're willing to spend the money, go for it.
I'll never buy one. Think it is way overpriced and has no interesting online games. I live for GRAWing with my friends online with a few beers and headshots ;). Sony just doesn't get the online experience. MGS might be cool, but why buy a system for 1 game... especially if the rumors that it is coming to 360 are true...
Just ask yourself if you got your moneys worth out of your PS2.

I absolutely hate Sony, and would have loved for my favorite system of last-gen to be my Gamecube but Devil May Cry 3, Okami, Mark of Kri, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, playing SSX and GTA III first, the first Timesplitters, Gungrave Overdose, Katamari Damacy, Red Faction when Geo-Mod technology was cool, Zone of the Enders II, MGS II and III are just a little of what the PS2 offered. Not to mention it had the longest life span of the three and it came out a year earlier.

Will anything change with the PS3. Obviously they are losing 3rd party exclusives, but they've had a decade plus track record of solid software (not hardware) so I had enough faith to camp out 7+ hours just to preorder the PS3.

Resistance was great, highly derivative but enjoyable. I had LOZ: TP, GoW in my house and for some reason I played Resistance and my license plate even says L-Zelda for Christ's sake...
[quote name='strayfoxx']
Resistance was great, highly derivative but enjoyable. I had LOZ: TP, GoW in my house and for some reason I played Resistance and my license plate even says L-Zelda for Christ's sake...[/QUOTE]
That's because LOZ: TP wasn't that good, for a Zelda game.

[quote name='michael6668']MGS might be cool, but why buy a system for 1 game... especially if the rumors that it is coming to 360 are true...[/quote]

MGS4 still hasn't been confirmed for the 360. I too, thought I could get away with only a 360 this generation. But, I need to play MGS4, FFXIII VS, Team ICO's new game, and White Knight Story. I'm sure there will be other suprises on the system as well, games I'm not even aware of that I'll
[quote name='Plinko']I just bought one last weekend (a friend let go of a nearly new 60GB for $300, so I had to jump on it), and I'm happy with my purchase, even with the lack of games that interest me.

It all comes down to your preference of games. If there are some you want and you're willing to spend the money, go for it.[/quote]

yea just wait till someone sells at a good price....you got an even better deal then me.. thats a no brainer..
bread's done