Where can I get replacement manuals/Boxes/Cases


Hey guys, long-time lurker, rare poster here with a problem I'm hoping you guys can help me with:

I have a lot of games that I either don't have cases/boxes or manuals for, and I'm interested in completing them. I was wondering if any fellow CAGers had any recommendations for places to get them. Maybe a store I haven't been able to find with blind google searches? I've found Bre Software allready, but they don't have much of what I really need(most of my games are GBA era or older).

Any advice or help anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated!


1. y do u throwed the boxes away?

2. u should keep them

3. i have some extra 360 green boxes if u need them if u want 2 meet up or i can ship them in a bubble mailer
bread's done