Where does my Pizza "Delivery Fee" go?


5 (100%)
I asked the guy on the phone one time - "Does the driver get that or do I need to tip on top of that". They insisted that the "delivery fee" goes for gas, etc and that the driver gets none of it.

Now, even if Domino's provides the car (which I'm pretty sure they don't), I'm not buying that my $2 "delivery fee" is going towards "costs". On a typical delivery run, I'm assuming they drop at...let's be generous and say 6 homes (I would think on a busy night it's probably more like 10 and they're always swamped when I call in). In my store's coverage area, there's no way that's more than 15 miles of driving and NO way that takes more than an hour. So...$2 per home = $12 in an hour and the cost of gas to Dominos is AT MOST $4. Where is that other $8 going?

Anybody work at Domino's? I'm pretty skeptical that this money is padding their profits, or it IS giong to the driver. I know I sound cheap, but I'm honestly a pretty good tipper. Thing is, if I'm being taken advantage of the goodwill tips are going to dry up. Anybody know where this $2 per home delivery goes?
Doesn't go to the driver. Goes directly to the store and pays for the $0.75 or something that the store pays the driver per delivery. Also covers in case the customer is a cheapass and doesn't tip at all - though it's not requires, if someone's bringing you your food to your house, you should expect to pay extra.
Yeah I say suck it up, think of it as the convenience fee all together. Not worth thinking about too much. To be honest having food delivered is pretty awesome, at least thats what I hear for you rich folks that can afford it :whistle2:(

I actually order a large special from a local pizza place, $20 flat, whether I pick up or get it delivered. I think giving the driver $5 is decent to have a hot dinner at my place in 20 mins without me having to get off my muscular buttocks.
I'm currently working as a driver for Domino's so I guess I'll take this on. I can't say for sure how it is at all Domino's, I'm sure there is some difference in gas reimbursement based on size of delivery area, local gas prices, and how different franchisee's operate, but we have $1.75 delivery charge here and drivers are reimbursed 80 cents a delivery right now. The rest of that money just goes to the store.

Personally, as a driver, I hate that stupid delivery charge as much as anyone. It causes more people not to order delivery, meaning less opportunity for tips, people often assume they don't have to tip with it, and most importantly all these chains that charge delivery fees were already reimbursing their drivers for gas before they started the fee.
I have to say that due to it I don't tip like I have in the past. I would in the past give 5 bucks if not more. Now I just round it up and give an extra dollar and say keep the change. Thats if I even have it delivered at all.
Who cares where the delivery fee goes? Don't look at it as a delivery fee. Look at is as an "I'm a fucking lazy spoiled American and want my food brought to me at my house" fee. Tip the driver as well. I can't understand how someone will tip a waiter who gets to stay in the confines of a restaurant but won't tip the guy that drove to your fucking house.
it goes to fund terrorism.......you bloody communist bastard. i think someone mentioned that its a way for them to cover tips for the drivers or something.
I know whith my last post it will sound odd me saying this but the way I see it is if I am paying for delivery then it should go to the driver. Not just some of it but all of it. Hell if it all went to the driver I might even tip a little more then what I do now. It wont be the 5 bucks or so that it was in the past but it would be more then a buck and some change.
I'm suprised noone has pointed out that although the driver might get directly reimbursed for part of it, the piece that goes to the store can be said to go back into the drivers paycheck for their hourly wage.
[quote name='chosen1s']On a typical delivery run, I'm assuming they drop at...let's be generous and say 6 homes (I would think on a busy night it's probably more like 10 and they're always swamped when I call in).[/QUOTE]

I worked for both Pizza Hut and Dominos in a bigger sized city and even at the busiest times the most stops they would let you take was three. The only time I would take more is when we would go to the college and you could have 6-10 stops within 3-4 big apartment buildings on campus.
Due to these delivery fees, I am unfortunetly don't tip how I used to. I am sick of companies nickel and diming me...delivery charges, charges for checking bags, etc. Just charge a flat fee.
I usually get pizza from papa john's here and the delivery fee is $1.75. I don't consider it a tip, but I don't tip as much as I do when I'm at a restaurant. In a restaurant I do 20%, but for the pizza deliverer it's usually 10-15% (more or less $2 plus whatever makes the total even).

I live like
[quote name='CouRageouS']
I actually order a large special from a local pizza place, $20 flat, whether I pick up or get it delivered. I think giving the driver $5 is decent to have a hot dinner at my place in 20 mins without me having to get off my muscular buttocks.[/QUOTE]

Firstly- you are my mom's new favorite CAG for using her favorite movie quote ever. :D

My fiance never orders delivery... he'd rather go in person to avoid the extra fees, and deal with any order issues (coupons, this isn't what I ordered) in person on the spot, should they arise. He is a big fan of Little Ceasar's hot n' ready pizzas when he wants to save time though.
[quote name='jbrun85']I'm suprised noone has pointed out that although the driver might get directly reimbursed for part of it, the piece that goes to the store can be said to go back into the drivers paycheck for their hourly wage.[/QUOTE]

Um, wut?

The SECOND POST in this thread states that part of it goes to the driver and part of it goes to the store. Other people then posted nearly the exact same thing based on their actual experience working there. Did you read any of this thread before you decided to post?
[quote name='Malik112099']Who cares where the delivery fee goes? Don't look at it as a delivery fee. Look at is as an "I'm a fucking lazy spoiled American and want my food brought to me at my house" fee. Tip the driver as well. I can't understand how someone will tip a waiter who gets to stay in the confines of a restaurant but won't tip the guy that drove to your fucking house.[/QUOTE]

So having something delivered means you're a "fucking lazy spoiled American"? I don't get it.
Well, at my Domino's the delivery charge is $1 . We are reimbursed $.90 per run. So technically I get most of that delivery charge. Now I live in Sticksville, so some of my runs are pretty far (almost 7 miles in some cases, SUCKS) but I can still get around 10-25 runs on a good night. Basically, most of my gas reimbursement money actually goes into my gas tank.
[quote name='munch']So having something delivered means you're a "fucking lazy spoiled American"? I don't get it.[/QUOTE]
I guess that includes everyone who's ever ordered anything online, like video games.
[quote name='lmz00']I guess that includes everyone who's ever ordered anything online, like video games.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Mid Boss']Personally, as a driver, I hate that stupid delivery charge as much as anyone. It causes more people not to order delivery, meaning less opportunity for tips, people often assume they don't have to tip with it, and most importantly all these chains that charge delivery fees were already reimbursing their drivers for gas before they started the fee.[/QUOTE]
^What he said, particularly the part in bold.
what people do not talk about and take into consideration as well is the employee using their own vehicle. so the employee has to pay for gas of course and keep the vehicle in good will as far as maintenance is for oil change, etc. Also, where are you all buying your pizza from that is so damn expensive? From domino's, for $6 with tax included I get a lg 1 topping pizza and an order of cinnatix included free and recently got the lava cakes included free too. You can't beat that type of deal and I just pick up to save time, the extra fee and also to check and make sure the order is right and all. I like little caesars too, but I have yet to find any pizza place to compete and beat that type of deal. Oh and drivers get a small cut of the delivery fee and as the middle man domino's rakes in most of that money.
I used to work at Pizza Hut and they charged 2.75 fee(still do) and we only got maybe 95 cents per delivery. This was when gas prices were over 4 bucks a gallon. I think its kind of a shitty thing to do, if you ask me. It was nothing but pure profit for them. I know Dominos and Papa Johns are all the same. I would rather pick my pizza up then pay that shit fee.
OMFG! My toilet delivers my poo to a septic processing facility somewhere else. Jesus! I'm a worthless American and who doesn't deserve to live. Quick, fetch my car keys and a plastic bag, I must make amends!!'
[quote name='JJSP'] if someone's bringing you your food to your house, you should expect to pay extra.[/QUOTE]

Why should I?

I mean if they want extra they should include it in the original price and not just "expect it". If I pay someone to do a job then they should do the whole job for the fee we agree on up front and not finish the job and then expect me to give them extra. The pizza guy is getting paid to do a job, he isnt bringing pizza to my house out of the goodness of his heart.
[quote name='Malik112099']Look at is as an "I'm a fucking lazy spoiled American and want my food brought to me at my house" fee. [/QUOTE]

In all seriousness, I agree with gargus. Make it clear, up front, the grand total that is expected to be paid. Don't expect generosity unless you happen to, somehow, be a homeless, one legged orphan and a pizza delivery dude/chick.
[quote name='gargus']Why should I?

I mean if they want extra they should include it in the original price and not just "expect it". If I pay someone to do a job then they should do the whole job for the fee we agree on up front and not finish the job and then expect me to give them extra. The pizza guy is getting paid to do a job, he isnt bringing pizza to my house out of the goodness of his heart.[/QUOTE]
You should expect to pay a "delivery fee". It's the exact same thing as a "shipping charge" on anything else you'd buy online/over the phone.

Tipping isn't required nor should it be expected. However, if you're too goddamn lazy to go pick up your food, one can reasonably expect it's going to cost more (at least $2 more) to get it brought to you. Nobody should act all high and mighty like they don't have to tip because they're better than the driver or they feel the driver is paid enough already - many of them make UNDER minimum wage because they're tipped employees (this law varies by state, but it's also why many retail places CAN'T take tips when sweet old ladies try and force them upon you).

I've worked in a pizza place, and I know how much it sometimes sucks to be a driver. The hours generally suck (you're typically the first person there and the last to leave with the manager), you do all of the bitchwork and then some along with driving, and people stiff you on tips. I try and average around $3-5 tip on pizza delivery simply because I'm sympathetic to the college kid delivering pies to help pay for school or whatever.
So a shipping fee, where the majority of the money theoretically goes to cover a third party's charge (ie UPS) is the same as a delivery fee, where the majority of the money, as anecdotal evidence shown in this thread, goes to the business and not what could be considered the third party (the driver)? How is that the same? Sure, sometimes it costs, say, Amazon more than $2.99 to ship something. Then again, it often costs them more.

My point is, if all the money went to the driver, no one would complain--I'd hope. Hell, go to dominos.com and you'll see that the delivery charge does not go the driver.

Your point about tipping is duly noted, but is irrelevant to the discussion on delivery fees.
why cant people just pick up an order? I mean within 10 min drive I can get to Domino, Papa John, Pizza Hut, and a few local pizza place
[quote name='lmz00']I guess that includes everyone who's ever ordered anything online, like video games.[/QUOTE]

We should start tipping amazon and the mail person now too.
[quote name='62t']why cant people just pick up an order? I mean within 10 min drive I can get to Domino, Papa John, Pizza Hut, and a few local pizza place[/QUOTE]

I don't have a car.
[quote name='62t']why cant people just pick up an order? I mean within 10 min drive I can get to Domino, Papa John, Pizza Hut, and a few local pizza place[/QUOTE]

People can.

But some of us make decent money, are busy as hell, and would rather pay a few bucks more for the convenience.

I know this is CAG, but not all of us are poor cheapasses. I come here for the community, hardly ever look at the deals forums anymore.
[quote name='dmaul1114']People can.

But some of us make decent money, are busy as hell, and would rather pay a few bucks more for the convenience.

I know this is CAG, but not all of us are poor cheapasses. I come here for the community, hardly ever look at the deals forums anymore.[/QUOTE]
Everyone should be forced to work a job that relies heavily on tips for at least a short period of time, just to experience it. I'm on the bellstaff at a hotel working my way through school. Makes you realize how important tipping really is... especially when your wage is well below minimum.

If you're going to order delivery, fucking tip at least $3.
This isn't about tipping. It's about the delivery fee where the majority of the money apparently does not go to the driver.
[quote name='munch']This isn't about tipping. It's about the delivery fee where the majority of the money apparently does not go to the driver.[/QUOTE]

I know, many recent posts have made comments about tipping as well though. IMO if I order a pizza I'm still tipping a good amount even if the delivery fee is there.

My roommate works for Papa Johns and out of their $1 delivery fee, I think he gets the full dollar per delivery for gas expenses. Not completely sure of that though.

Just had to let some frustration out, the hotel I work at is going through an incredibly long period of having low numbers of guests. It's weird because it was booked to capacity (or at least near it) for a long time before the beginning of March.
As a former pizza delivery driver, I refused to work any place that charged the bullshit "delivery" fee. The driver does not get it. Maybe they get a portion, but that wasn't my experience. One place I worked had no delivery fee and gave us 12% of the total ticket. Plus we got an hourly wage and tips. Added up pretty nicely. I always tip the drivers and avoid ordering from places that screw their drivers with the "delivery" fee.
[quote name='sendme']I have to say that due to it I don't tip like I have in the past. I would in the past give 5 bucks if not more. Now I just round it up and give an extra dollar and say keep the change. Thats if I even have it delivered at all.[/QUOTE]

funny thing is my parents ordered pizza once back in the 90s and told the driver to keep rest for the tip... After the person left they figured out the pizza was 14.98 meaning they got a 2 cent tip...

They felt so bad they drove to the pizza place and gave the person 5 bucks.... I wonder how many names that driver called them back to the pizza place for a 2 cent tip :)
[quote name='thamaster24']Everyone should be forced to work a job that relies heavily on tips for at least a short period of time, just to experience it. I'm on the bellstaff at a hotel working my way through school. Makes you realize how important tipping really is... especially when your wage is well below minimum.

If you're going to order delivery, fucking tip at least $3.[/QUOTE]

got'cha! so $3 tip+$2 delivery fee=$5. that's costing me more for gas and all. Which is why i'd rather go pick up the pizza instead but to each their own. some people can't afford delivery, some can. it goes both ways.
Well to be fair, if one can't afford the $5 or so they probably shouldn't be buying pizza anyway. It's not healthy and it's a relatively pricey meal unless there's a great special running etc.

Better to pick up a DiGiorno or other rising crust frozen pizza for $4-5 on sale. :D
[quote name='Malik112099']Who cares where the delivery fee goes? Don't look at it as a delivery fee. Look at is as an "I'm a fucking lazy spoiled American and want my food brought to me at my house" fee. Tip the driver as well. I can't understand how someone will tip a waiter who gets to stay in the confines of a restaurant but won't tip the guy that drove to your fucking house.[/QUOTE]

In Egypt and Dubai, restaurants such as KFC and Mcdonalds deliver, whereas they do not deliver in the US. So getting food delivered isn't an "American" thing. It is universal.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Well to be fair, if one can't afford the $5 or so they probably shouldn't be buying pizza anyway. It's not healthy and it's a relatively pricey meal unless there's a great special running etc.

Better to pick up a DiGiorno or other rising crust frozen pizza for $4-5 on sale. :D[/QUOTE]

completely wrong. who is to say if someone can or can't afford to pay the $5? it's about whether they want to or not, that is the principal and by the way..digiorno isn't even worth it. the cheapest pizza they offer is at least $5-6 easily so that's as much as what I pay for a fresh, cooked pizza with extras included from Domino's and for $6 you can get a little caesars pizza already made as well. I mean, you have to drive to the store to buy a digiorno pizza and then make it on top of that? if people are talking about delivery because they don't have time and/or are lazy, what makes you think people will drive to the store to buy a pizza then wait around 10-20 minutes and cook it? think about it..
[quote name='62t']why cant people just pick up an order? I mean within 10 min drive I can get to Domino, Papa John, Pizza Hut, and a few local pizza place[/QUOTE]

Because sometimes the beer comes BEFORE the pizza?
[quote name='intoxicated662']completely wrong. who is to say if someone can or can't afford to pay the $5? it's about whether they want to or not, that is the principal and by the way..digiorno isn't even worth it. the cheapest pizza they offer is at least $5-6 easily so that's as much as what I pay for a fresh, cooked pizza with extras included from Domino's and for $6 you can get a little caesars pizza already made as well. I mean, you have to drive to the store to buy a digiorno pizza and then make it on top of that? if people are talking about delivery because they don't have time and/or are lazy, what makes you think people will drive to the store to buy a pizza then wait around 10-20 minutes and cook it? think about it..[/QUOTE]

Sure, but the poster I was responding to specifically said "some people can't afford delivery, some can." and that's what I was responding to.

Not making any kind of generalization beyond that. If someone truly can't afford $5, they probably shouldn't be eating out (or carryout/delivery) period as it's cheaper to make your own food (and healthier).

And you must be getting some hellacious coupons to get pizza from the chains for $5-6. I hardly ever get any for anything other than cheese or 1 topping for $10 or so around here.

And I seldom use them as I don't really care for the chain places, so I'm usually getting $15-25 specialty pizzas from local chains/restaurants.

As for the time to drive to the store for frozen pizza--it's something you just buy when doing grocery shopping and have in the freezer for whenever you want it. If you don't have one and want a pizza, then yeah, delivery or pick up is just as easy.
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[quote name='crystalklear64']wat

little caesars, 6$ 1 topping large 14' pizzas no coupon needed.

5$ if you get hot n ready.

10$ for 18'
7.50$ for 16'

or, 2 larges for 11$.[/QUOTE]

little caesars is good when youre hungry or want alot for a good price but not when you want great tasting pizza. their fucking cheese sticks are crack though. i still miss old school pizza hutt pizza though. nothing will ever top that. winco had good pizza too.
bread's done