Where is the cheapest place on the web to get a laptop


CAG Veteran
I am trying to buy a laptop and have about 600 dollars to spend. I would like to play some games on it but nothing excessive or crazy. The only comp games I really play or blizzard ones (except WoW) and I am sure the specs for D3 and SC2 arent going to be outrageous.
I always just tell people to get a DELL. DELL is competive and you don't have to tear your eyeballs out trying to find a good deal. Their customer service isn't as good as Apple's, but they rank the highest amongst PC makers for customer service.

Just get a DELL and don't worry about it.

Otherwise, there's not one place to go get the very cheapest laptop. You have to look everywhere. Surprisingly, I've talked to some people who have found really good deals at Office Depot. Check newegg.com too.

If you're really looking price hard, After HP bought Compaq, Compaq became the low end name brand for HP laptops. I just helped a neighbor set a Compaq desktop up and the keyboard and mouse that came with it weren't even USB, they were PS/2. They cut a bunch of corners like that, but still use Intel processors, nVidia / ATI graphics cards, etc.

But, if I got a Compaq PC, I'd make damn sure I backed the thing up if there was important data. And, that I knew how to reinstall the OS pretty soon after getting it. With Compaq, you have to go into some menu option and make the reinstall CD yourself. They cut that corner. They don't print one and ship it to you in the box.
And, if you're gonna tear your eyeballs out, check the shopping engines too. I generally use pricegrabber.com and froogle, but there are a lot of them.
(no tax in 40states and great deals weekly)

(charges tax. has some decent deals every so often)

(best for complete newbs to computers for their pc support ,some great deals pop up every 3-4months)

You won't be able to find a gaming laptop at all for under 999.99 (although a nice asus is listed at bestbuy.com which looks pretty nice for 680.00)
I found my best deal on laptop at B&M CC. (Back in August.) Most stores usually offer free printers too. (I was offered a free printer, case and wireless router, but this was all after MIR, so I didn't take it.)

Anyway, paid $650 for a 17" HP DV9000. 2.0Ghz Dual-Core, 3GB RAM, 250GB Hard Drive and nVidia GeoForce 7150M graphics. Not a bad laptop.
[quote name='Stealthfrog2004']I am trying to buy a laptop and have about 600 dollars to spend. I would like to play some games on it but nothing excessive or crazy. The only comp games I really play or blizzard ones (except WoW) and I am sure the specs for D3 and SC2 arent going to be outrageous.[/quote]
I'd just like to point out that odds are highly unlikely that you'll be able to buy a laptop now for $600 or less and be able to play D3 or SC2 on it when they come out. Despite what you think, yes, they probably ARE going to have high system requirements.
Yeah, he said light gaming and I didn't think much of that requirement. But, it does sound like he's interested in more. The "just get a Dell" thing doesn't apply. That's what I do for people who spend most of their time browsing the web and maybe word processing - which is most people. Gaming has greater hardware requirements. He's got to tear his eyeballs out looking everywhere. Learning about computers as he goes.
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