Where's the Quake Wars love?


10 (100%)
Is anybody playing Quake Wars?

I have this huge impulse to purchase the game, but seeing as I do not know anyone that has bought it and playing a multiplayer game alone is a bit disappointing (also I have not bought it yet because there are too many games coming out right now. I am looking at you Ace Combat 6 with the Hori flight stick.) that I could not justify a purchase right now.

So if you are playing Quake Wars, how is it?

Doesn't help this game was released along side Team Fortress 2.
I'm pretty much in the same boat.. Too much other stuff coming out for me to be addicted to a multiplayer game, which is why I don't have TF2. I was hyped for it around the time when I was playing the beta, and then the hype just bottomed out for me.
It has no popularity because there is a lot more invested in TF2. First they've tapped into the old TF players whom a lot of are would be Quake Wars players...go figure...
I tried to get into Quake Wars but it felt overly complicated, and I prefer run and gun, and I'm waiting for UT3.
I played the demo and it was terrible. The graphics were very unimpressive (muddy? dated?) and there was too much going on. It was chaos, but not the fun sort of chaos, the bad sort where you don't really know what's going on or what to do.
Wow, I thought a lot more people would of enjoyed it. I thought the demo was great but with so many games already out and Quake Wars in Team Fortress 2's shadow I haven't got it yet.

I was hoping more people would be playing it so we could all play together (that is when I get it).
Had it come out, I dunno, three years ago, I might've enjoyed the demo more. The interface, weapon selection, and performance were clunky at best. I played 5 games before uninstalling, each more dull than the last. Something was just off.

Between TF2, Halo 3, UT3, etc. it's easy for a solid, yet unremarkable game like ETQW to get lost in the flood.
the problem is that the game was delayed too long so people turned their attention to TF2. If the game was released a few months earlier like it should have, it would've been prime.

Also the game's marketing campaign is pretty crappy. I've played quake since it first came out and all the sequels so I like the series. However the universe itself is not very attractive to newcomers, and understandably so.

The game is selling way better in Europe however and the game is by no means a dud that quake 4 multiplayer community ended up as.

The game is very solid and probably my fav mutliplayer FPS at the moment (yes better than TF2). It's well balanced and the complexity is just right.
I'll be having some (demo, until I break down and buy the full version) ET:QW love once AMD releases their new video card drivers for linux (8.42... should be out any time now), provided it boosts performance like it should.
I played the original ET and loved it, played it all the time. I played the beta for QW:ET and just didnt like it. The major problem for me is that I don't really care for the quake universe and art style. Plus, you know, TF2.
Like others have said, there are just too many games out right now that have grabbed my attention.

I do find it funny that so many game publishers wait until this season to release their game so that it will sell better during Christmas (which might be the case) but often times, they shoot themselves in the foot by holding on to it (which I suspect is the case here). I would have gladly purchased this a couple months back or even a month ago but going up against this onslaught of games being released right now has pushed it's purchase date for me...maybe never...
I'm really enjoying the demo, despite my PC being terrible and having to run the game at the lowest possible graphics settings. I'm tempted to upgrade my PC so I can play this, TF2, and Company of Heroes in greater detail.
bread's done