Which big-name store will go under next? (CC pays 2:1)

[quote name='Segasonic01']The one CompUSA near me that's still open. I bet it will close next year.

Aside from that; CC, K-Mart, Radioshack, & FYE[/quote]

K-Mart bonded with Sears a couple years back. They're not going anywhere :)
[quote name='the_punisher']K-Mart bonded with Sears a couple years back. They're not going anywhere :)[/quote]
O ya, i forgot about that. Well, they need to go somewhere. That jacked up the price of Star wars figures to $8.50. WTF?!??!
I'm going to go out on a limb here and take the crazy guess of
circuit city.
I would have said K-Mart, the one near me rarely has more than 20 cars in the lot anytime and that includes employee cars as well, figuring 6 employees minimum so less than 15 customers in the store on average. For a store that size, they are in trouble. I guess others do better though. A Super Walmart is opening a few minutes down the road next month, after that I'm sure they are done in my area.

So I guess I'll go with Radio Shack, every time I walk by one in the mall, it's either empty or 1 or 2 customers are inside
[quote name='ZForce']I'd say Circuit City has a fair shot at going out soon, I never see many people shopping there anymore.[/quote]

Thats true, I don't see to many people in there. But my vote is for Radioshack or FYE
[quote name='djkunai']There was a great thread about this a while ago (and for the most part, everyone called Comp USA). Now, Circuit City is apparently on its knees, so the question:

Which big name (B&M or online) store do you think will go under next?

Personally, I say Radio Shack.[/quote]

Radio Shack is doing fine actually. They've reaffirmed their market.

Anyway, my pick is either FYE or CC. More than likely it will be CC first.
I'd say Circuit City or Radio Shack and I certainly hope that FYE and the Transworld chain doesn't go under. WHY? Because their stuff isn't asstastic like a certain game/dvd store chain whose name shall remain unsaid but rhymes with Lameflop.

I'd rather pay a little(or a lot) more and actually have a game that I know will play the first time and EVERY TIME, versus it being a crapshoot where I end up having to return multiple copies to get ONE that works.
LOL About the only problem I have with them is the craptacular time I had getting a meager $30 rebate on a PStwo I bought from them. Otherwise though, they've been more than great to me, especially in the 'gives more than Gamestop for credit' department.
FYE is decent. It's mind-boggling how they're associated with Suncoast when Suncoast sucks so much more. You don't usually get a killer deal at FYE, but you can come out of there not feeling ripped off more often than not. And their music section is cool.

And by Suncoast sucking, I mean they're expensive. That's my main gripe with them. I got all of my early anime purchases from them, and they always had a good selection.
My vote is for FYE. With their prices, I'm honestly amazed they've lasted this long.

Circuit City is my second vote. Compared to Best Buy, they probably have half, if not less, the number of customers at my local CC.
I'm going to say FYE.

The one here just closed down, because they have horrible prices (old sports titles marked at $50, animes for $50 that you could buy elsewhere for 40 so, CDs for $20 even though they're 10-15 in most other places. Bad Customer service ( I Bought A DBZ VHS there for 2 dollars when they were clearancing them out, and it was broken. When I tried to return it, they said I could only have a GC and not my $ back. WTF!
i think maybe circuit city.. a little absurd at the moment i know but their lack of customer support and constant bad press would probably sink the company down later. i thought FYE as a whole will go down this year but they sorta save themselves by accepting game & dvd trade.
Does it need to be a retail store? If so, I'm going with FYE.

If not, I'm going with Krispie Kreme. They have been doing terribly for quite a while now...
For the most part, FYE stores do pretty crappy, but the ones who do well, do really well.

I work at one in WV surrounded by a Best Buy, Walmart, and Circuit City. We are one of the highest selling stores nationally.

I can't help but wonder how long the few good stores will keep the rest of the company above water.

Oh yeah, Webkinz = crazy mad sales.
[quote name='yesokyesok']FYE is next I hope. 18 bucks for a CD? yeah right. I rather get it direct from the record label.[/quote]

Yeah, the prices for new stuff is generally high, but you won't find used items in better shape. Working there, I've gotten many a good deal on used items.

Also, I heard from my manager at their last district meeting that the company's going to try a low-cost approach with new CD's and DVD's. How this will be done, I don't know. We can't buy as much as big box stores like Best Buy or Circuit City, and as a result, the prices are usually higher.
[quote name='darkcecil32']i hope target burns in hell, but fat chance that happens :cry:.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck...? I know Target isn't the best place for deals but by and far, Target is probably my favorite store.

I say RadioShack too. Seriously, we have like 10 of them in this town and rarely do I see them with any customers. Even on Black Friday, all of the stores were busy except for Radio Shack.

Our CC seems to do business well enough that they can keep plenty of employees around.
As much as I hate any store going under, I'd have to say FYE. Their prices are just absurd. $49.99 for some POS 4-year-old X-Box game? They seriously need someone to just go around and lower the prices on the older games, at least the ones around here. I kid you not, I was in there about a month ago and found Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer for the GC, sitting on the shelf with a $49.99 sticker. Also, I hardly ever see more than 6 people in one, counting employees, and half of them are usually "browsing music" on those in-store-headphone-kiosk-thingys.
I dont know how the Radio Shack business model works. They overcharge by a wide margin. Several times over if you have a Frys. As in .59 cents at Frys = $2.50+ at Radioshack.
lol that was my thread a long time back after tower records went under in late 2006. Everyone said CompUSA was next and I couldn't believe it til it happened a few months later. Personally I would love to see Gamestop go under next, but that's next to impossible. We would all love to see CC go under after the Speedy incident, but their prices keep their heads floating above water.
[quote name='darkcecil32']i hope target burns in hell, but fat chance that happens :cry:.[/quote]

why would you say such a thing!?! Target is awesome. Quality products at decent prices, and great at clearance. Not to mention, they have really good charity policies.

I would say Circuit City. I don't even have one in my area, but the few I have been into were empty with customers and cluttered with products.

Oddly enough, my city-wide free social newspaper's best of 2007 issue had CC as its most wanted retail store in the area...by quite a large margin.
RadioShack will go under but definitely not next or even 6th in a list. I'd say it takes atleast another two decades if not more. The advantage they have over almost every other retailer is that something like 80% of their products are manufactured internally so profits are crazy. They also have a built-in market for all the electronic DIYers (which by the way all the tiny parts are again manufactured internally) and all the older folks who remember RadioShack before every other big-box store around nowadays. When they finally lose that built-in customer base, then they'll be in trouble. They make CC-like decisions no doubt but they're still here to stay for some time.

While I never like to see a retail chain go under, Circuit City looks like it's going next. It never really offended me but then again it never really offered me anything new either. They have nothing to separate themselves from the competition and their prices are generally higher. That's exactly what has put tons of other stores under.
Transworld unfortunately won't go under either but NEEDS a serious restructuring. They're this giant of a company but all their stores are run like independent franchises. They need some uniformity. Simply slapping the FYE label on every one of their 18 million bought-out companies isn't working. It's VERY hard to recreate the same experience at every FYE.

I have to give Gamestop credit in that regard. While you'll get dick managers/employees and their design ain't great, atleast there's a consensus to follow and they all look the same. That's no matter if the store used to be Babbages or Funcoland or Rhino.

Even Sears-KMart have a good system in place. Their stores have enough of a unique identity to be run as two different brands under the same company.
Would Hollywood Video count as a big-name store? Or is that too obvious? I don't like to say it, cos they occasionally have some finds for used games. And losing Game Crazy would be tragic.

Sadly I love most of the stores already mentioned in this thread... Sears, K-Mart, Circuit City, fye, mostly for the clearance stuff found in the 1st 3.
I agree Radio Shack seem sto never be busy, but they stay in business, I would say Hollywood is going out of business, They are closing tons of Movie Galleries that are bringing in profit, one of my local MG's was pulling in tons of customers the parkinglot was full from about 3-10 each night, but they pulled it because the manager/local owner was an idiot and giving people(mainly herself) huge raises and cororate was only getting a few thousand out of the store a month. It seems around here that all the hollywood videos that are still in business are only in business because of the Gamecrazy. but our Movie Galleries are going strong.
Since they've trimmed back the number of Suncoasts and FYEs it seems like there are more people in the remaining stores (Suncoast at least.) Whoever is in charge of the Suncoast chain really has no idea what he's doing though so I wouldn't be surprised if they went under. I still buy anime and toys there when they're on sale/clearance.

K-Mart is a horrible store. Worse quality, selection, and prices than ANY of the big retail stores. They have no niche in the market and if they hadn't merged with Sears they'd be gone by now. Peak shopping hours you might see 15-20 cars in the parking lot...I don't see how they're not bleeding money.
bread's done