Which CAG is the most annoying?

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Seems like a decent sequel series to CheapyD's who is the funniest thread.
If this is improper, or if this degrades into a flame war please lock the topic.
I would hope that people would be mature enough to not let it, but you are probably right.
Kinda ironic you started the thread, to me you are the most annoying, JSweeney! heh :lol:

I'm sure others will agree with me, I've seen a few people make comments that indicate it.
[quote name='JSweeney']Probably.
I would hope that people would be mature enough to not let it, but you are probably right.[/quote]

People here being mature? You fool!
why does everyone find JSweeny annoying? 99 percent of the time I agree with him for busting people's asses. What they did was wrong and they deserve to get called on it
For me, I'd have to say CloudSpekk.
Being disruptive is forgivable and easy to forget.
Almost all of your posts being littered with obscentity is forgivable and easy to forget.
Being a thief is not.
[quote name='JSweeney']For me, I'd have to say CloudSpekk.
Being disruptive is forgivable and easy to forget.
Amost all of your posts being littered with obscentity is forgivable and easy to forget.
Being a thief is not.[/quote]

I agree with that one. Ripping people off is just wrong.
I never had the uplifting experience of reading any of clouds posts.

Jsweeney, take some arguments a bit too far in my opinion.
While I dont think he is annoying, the posts in which 72389273 posts are made to ensure he gets the last word are.

That said, I agree with the point he trys to make 94 percent of the time.
I nominate OneWingedAngel, whose immaturity in my mind qualified him and his mom as both "most annoying" and "funniest". There was a period there where I went to bed every night either very annoyed or very amused by the threads in which he was involved.
(My apologies if he was in the "funniest" thread - I never saw it).
Darke Katt, man is she so annoying with her lame news of the day. I mean what a loser. Probably who ever she sleeps with is even more annoying or a bigger loser. Man she is the annoyingnest fo the annoying. Yeah Darke Katt you spammer shaq-fu!
[quote name='D4rkewolfe']Darke Katt, man is she so annoying with her lame news of the day. I mean what a loser. Probably who ever she sleeps with is even more annoying or a bigger loser. Man she is the annoyingnest fo the annoying. Yeah Darke Katt you spammer shaq-fu![/quote]

LOL. When she sees this I bet someone is in trouble :wink:
i vote early bignick (before he was actually funny), or me. you know i piss you off.

EDIT for poor old d4rky. someones sleeping on the couch tonight :wink: ?
Newbies. Newbies piss me off.

Unless they break into the site with a deal. I gotta respect the newbie that makes is first post a useful one.
JSweeney, is that'the guy with all the

"This Post has been deleted at the Posters Request"

posts ? The ones that have bad words but then are edited really fast so only a few people see them ? Who ever does that is kinda lame. Just swear and leave it but don't post then hide it like a wuss.
[quote name='D4rkewolfe']Darke Katt, man is she so annoying with her lame news of the day. I mean what a loser. Probably who ever she sleeps with is even more annoying or a bigger loser. Man she is the annoyingnest fo the annoying. Yeah Darke Katt you spammer shaq-fu![/quote]

I second that !
Right back at you, Morgan. I think you are the most annoying for your double posts, not even bothering to just edit your first post. And your sad, sad affliction with a woman on TV you would never in a million years have a chance with!
[quote name='Darke Katt']Right back at you, Morgan. I think you are the most annoying for your double posts, not even bothering to just edit your first post. And your sad, sad affliction with a woman on TV you would never in a million years have a chance with![/quote]

total pwnage!
[quote name='Darke Katt']Right back at you, Morgan. I think you are the most annoying for your double posts, not even bothering to just edit your first post. And your sad, sad affliction with a woman on TV you would never in a million years have a chance with![/quote]

Damn, bitch. That shits COLLLLD. :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:
people who dont leave feedback, people who thread crap, people who thread hi-jack, people who are named cloudspekk, people who flame based on race, sex, sexual preference,people with hideously large signatures, people who post in you trade thread that they have what you are looking for but are not willing to part with it, people who create threads to "test" their new hideously large sig, people who feel the need to point out every little grammatical or spelling error, people who jump on newbies for posting a deal thats already been posted, people who say nintendofangirl isnt an asset to this community, people who send me pms or instant messages just to say "whats up", and canadians.
[quote name='metroidkiller9']people who dont leave feedback, people who thread crap, people who thread hi-jack, people who are named cloudspekk, people who flame based on race, sex, sexual preference,people with hideously large signatures, people who post in you trade thread that they have what you are looking for but are not willing to part with it, people who create threads to "test" their new hideously large sig, people who feel the need to point out every little grammatical or spelling error, people who jump on newbies for posting a deal thats already been posted, people who say nintendofangirl isnt an asset to this community, people who send me pms or instant messages just to say "whats up", and canadians.[/quote]

[quote name='Gameboy415']No one in particular, but it bugs the hell outta me when people ask what B&M or the GGC are. JUST LOOK IT UP! ARGH![/quote]

I don't get pissed if they have less than 20 posts, but I do otherwise. I'm thinking that the Sticky thread should be moved to the off topic forum, or the deals forum. Maybe it would be possible to force everyone to read it before they get their account?
[quote name='Darke Katt']Right back at you, Morgan. I think you are the most annoying for your double posts, not even bothering to just edit your first post. And your sad, sad affliction with a woman on TV you would never in a million years have a chance with![/quote]

Sticks and stones my friend sticks and stones.

Well apparently it doesn't take much to piss you off Ms. Darke Katt as for the rest of you deal with it . There's a lot of things more annoying then my small signature picture and a few duoble posts like the person who created this thread .
Now I will use Jedi Morgan to kick all of you asses !

[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Dude. You just openly screwed yourself. You double posted, the very reason people hate you. Nice going.[/quote]
DenisDFat hands down, like I said before, he is the biggest jimmiemac wannabe ever but jimmie is funny and denis isnt. And also..does anyone else agree that Morgan Webb need a tan...badly?
[quote name='Wshakspear']Guest...he seems to have multiple personalities[/quote]


my vote goes to TheDealMasterX b/c he made so many "new" posts trying to sell the rr $10 ebgames.com certificate and it was so annoying. there are a lot of close seconds though, lol! :p
I'm going to go with Zombee...kept posting self-proclaimed "deals" for games on their own site that were way overpriced, and when called out on it would never respond, just post more feces-filled deals
[quote name='mattatskul']I'm going to go with Zombee...kept posting self-proclaimed "deals" for games on their own site that were way overpriced, and when called out on it would never respond, just post more feces-filled deals[/quote]

wow, i just went back and read all his posts. that guy is annoying too! i wonder how i missed all his posts?
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