Which classic 360 game should I get?


I'm picking up a 360 this weekend and I already have Modern Warfare 2 pre-ordered. I'm going to visit my family next week and plan on bringing the 360 along. I'd like an exclusive (I already have a PS3 and Wii) that I can spend a good bit of time playing that doesn't require online play to be fun. I definitely skew towards action games, usually shooters. I'm not opposed to other genres though.

So far, I've been looking at Mass Effect, Crackdown, Orange Box, and Gears. My main concern with Mass Effect being that I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy the combat. Any other suggestions would greatly help as well.

Thanks in advance!
[quote name='shorj998']I'm picking up a 360 this weekend and I already have Modern Warfare 2 pre-ordered. I'm going to visit my family next week and plan on bringing the 360 along. I'd like an exclusive (I already have a PS3 and Wii) that I can spend a good bit of time playing that doesn't require online play to be fun. I definitely skew towards action games, usually shooters. I'm not opposed to other genres though.

So far, I've been looking at Mass Effect, Crackdown, Orange Box, and Gears. My main concern with Mass Effect being that I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy the combat. Any other suggestions would greatly help as well.

Thanks in advance![/QUOTE]

as a new 360 owner that likes action shooter games, you're most likely best of with either gears of war or halo - two of the strongest exclusive pillars of the 360.
Mass Effect is not a shooter. Crackdown was a crappy GTA clone that came with the Halo 3 Beta. Orange Box is awesome. I, for one, personally didn't like Gears, but I don't really care for 3rd person shotters either. Prey and Quake IV are both great, at least IMO. Orange Box isn't a 360 exclusive, BTW...
I hesitate to recommend Gears or Halo cos I didn't enjoy them much till I played in co-op. Crackdown is good but it's better in co-op. Mass Effect is awesome but I wouldn't really consider it a shooter, it's an RPG where you get to do the shooting yourself.

I think out of all those games the Orange Box is your best bet, Half life 2 and Portal are fantastic, and don't require online.
Gears of War seems like it would be up your alley. The Orange Box is a must play, simply because of the depth. Half Life 2, 2 more episodes of that + Portal and then you have Team Fortress 2 when you're ready for online. The best part is that it can be had for about $10 now in some places.

Dont disregard Mass Effect's combat. Its pretty intuitive and fun, it just lacks some refinement which is apparently addressed in 2.
Yea, I was in a hurry typing. I should clarify a bit. I know Mass Effect is an RPG, but I really enjoyed KOTOR (minus the turn-based aspect). I know Orange Box is on PS3 as well, but I heard it ran terribly (not an attack on PS3, just bad porting).

Gears interests me, but I'm just curious how long it lasts and if it has replayability. I never really could get into Halo. The damage/shields were too unrealistic. The aliens I was fine with. lol

I'm down for online ASAP, I just happen to have an ill-timed family visit planned. By next weekend, I'll be all about MW2. I've been playing MW and Uncharted 2 online a lot lately, but I'd really like to have a little more voice chat...(he says knowing the obnoxious children on Live will make him regret it). lol
It may've just been me, but Gears 1 had very little replayability and is one of the shortest games I've played this gen besides MUA2. I love Crackdown, too! *high fives* My favorite 360 game besides Dead Rising, which you may like. There's good bit of replayability there.
Really, OP cant go wrong with any of those titles in my opinion. The best way for you to try any fo them out would be get them preowned at a gamestop and take advantage of their 7 day policy if you dont happen to be 100% thrilled with it.
Some of my older favs are Mass Effect, The Orange Box, Crackdown, Gun, Forza 2, PGR3, Blue Dragon, Oblivion. I probably have more that were good but i will leave it at those for now.
Halo and Gears of War are great games if you have never played em before and like shooters. Also, I play Mass Effect almost 95% of the time as a straight up shooter, and it works exactly like a shooter, so you should like it.

Also, if you can, Shadow Complex is amazing on XBLA.
[quote name='nightmare452']Halo and Gears of War are great games if you have never played em before and like shooters. Also, I play Mass Effect almost 95% of the time as a straight up shooter, and it works exactly like a shooter, so you should like it.

Also, if you can, Shadow Complex is amazing on XBLA.[/QUOTE]

that's kinda what one of the reviews i read said. they said that if you pick certain classes (soldier maybe?) that it was mostly just a shooter as far as combat goes.
gears of war def.... probably still my favorite series of games... and to me single player was amazing.. and multiplayer is awesome even tho i know some people get frustrated with it in gears 2
Id say Halo and Gears because they are MS staples. But as a lot of people are saying, if you want something way better than both story and depth wise, Mass Effect is great. Not as good gunplay because of all the RPG goodness so you wont have 20 min firefights, but great otherwise. It is long though, so if you want something short, Halo and Gears are better choices. And I tend to agree that they both have a tendency to be better co-op. Oh and crackdown is good for some mindless fun. Kinda like a mix between GTA and the newer spiderman sandbox games. Just fun running around with powers.
[quote name='slickkill77']Call of Duty 2, Bioshock, The Orange Box[/QUOTE]

OH damn, I forgot about Bioshock. Although techinically its not exclusive anymore. Greatest game ever.
Call of Duty 2? that's interesting. i'll go try to find some videos. do you think it holds up pretty well?

i'm definitely considering BioShock now too even though it's also on PS3. i think i'd rather the controller on the 360 since it's an FPS.
Since this is CAG, and you want a game on short notice, I'd go with Gears of War or The Orange Box, both which can be had for $20. Both provide an excellent gaming experience with significant length (although Orange Box prevails over GoW in the length category).

I like the game/gameplay of GoW, but you get more bang for your buck with The Orange Box, which includes the positively stellar Portal. Heck, go to Target and use the $10 coupon on these two titles, and you should walk out only paying $30 + tax. That's a steal.
Although I really liked Mass Effect, you won't have enough time to get into it if you're going to get sucked into MW2 like the rest of us. I'd go with Call of Duty 2 or Bioshock.
If you're looking for something fun in groups without the necessity of Live, I'll throw out Marvel Ultimate Alliance. The first one can be had for around $5 at Gamestop, and it's really easy to pick up and play.
[quote name='shorj998']Call of Duty 2? that's interesting. i'll go try to find some videos. do you think it holds up pretty well?

i'm definitely considering BioShock now too even though it's also on PS3. i think i'd rather the controller on the 360 since it's an FPS.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't agree with the CoD2 reference. TBH they are all pretty much the same thing just updated graphics and weapons. WaW is basically CoD2 with updated graphics (strictly MP wise), and if you are getting a CoD game for the single player get CoD4. But since you are getting MW2, I dont see the point in getting another CoD game unless you want to know some back story.
Call of Duty 2 was amazing. I think most people here would agree. It was the game that everyone got on launch day.

Waw blows and its more expensive. Cod 2 is much cheaper, made by the better developer and well it wasn't made by Treyarch. Period
Of the games mentioned I'd say Crackdown. It's good lighthearted fun that you can have fun with for 5 minutes or 5 hours. It's just as fun single player as co-op.

Bioshock is obviously great, but given the setting (visiting family) isn't ideal because it is a game you need to immerse yourself in without any distractions.

One that hasn't been mentioned that fits the bill perfectly is Dead Rising. Like Crackdown you can have fun blasting zombies for a few minutes or dive in deeper if you have the time.

One last one, maybe not perfect for the family getaway, but put the original Condemned on your play list. ONLY play late at night with the lights out and with the 5.1 turned up, if you have it.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']It may've just been me, but Gears 1 had very little replayability and is one of the shortest games I've played this gen besides MUA2.[/QUOTE]

It was just you. I played the original Gears right up until the day Gears 2 came out.. which is why I'm obviously recommending GOW to the OP.
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