Which game/s to pick?


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My buddy just got an xbox 360s 4gb. He wants some sort of shooting game to play on xbox live until either Halo:Reach or COD: Black Ops come out.

I told him he could use some of my games, however, he wants to buy one that we can both play online. So we are looking at either online co-op or multiplayer games.

My first question, if I have Halo 3, and Halo 3:ODST, can I give him Halo 3 and keep ODST and play against him online in the same matchmaking? Or is the matchmaking on a different server for ODST?

Another game we have considered is Borderlands for the online co-op. We both like anything from Diablo to MW2, so would Borderlands be a good game for us? We tend to like the rpg elements in games, however, are slightly more geared towards shooters.

Would Borderlands be a fun game for us to co-op? If so, how long is the game, and is it worth $40?

Also, any other game suggestions for online play until reach or black ops would be appreciated.

Thanks for taking the time to help!
Borderlands is worth $60 even though it's price has been reduced since it's debut. You could finish the game in a weekend if you did nothing but play the game together but to finish all the side missions, remembering to eat, shower, and sleep it may take you a bit longer...but that's just the 1st playthrough. The game gets considerably more fun and rewarding during your 2nd and even your 3rd playthrough as you level up and find more rare and unique gear.

Diablo 2 w/guns pretty much.

While Halo series is very rewarding and has excellent gameplay, you don't really revisit areas/levels you're essentially redoing your save. where as w/borderlands you're going back to either farm or just exact revenge when those pesky bandits used to pwn you at lower levels.

Castle Crashers is also mind numbing rewarding button mashing for multiplayers to enjoy w/tons of character unlocks.
Borderlands is an amazing game and from your description of what you like it sounds right up your alley. Run, don't walk, to buy it. :)
borderlands is great. get it.

also yes he can use your halo 3 to play online with you, but he will not have the map packs of course. not like that matters since the fucking game only cycles like 4-5 maps now. but yes you can do that. also if hes interested in black ops.... maybe mw2? unless he just wants to hold off on that for black ops
Borderlands is an A+ in coop, with tons of replayability. Unless you REALLY love mindless grinding and mediocre stories though, don't buy all of the DLC. Just Knoxx's Armory.

I also recommend:

Lost Planet 2
(definitely want to get this used, not everyone likes it, there is also a COOP DEMO available!)

Left 4 Dead 2
(or 1) (COOP DEMO!!) (I didn't care for it though, but I don't like most FPS' on 360.)

Bad Company 2
is also great, if you haven't played it. It also has a COOP DLC with 4 maps against scripted AI, but it's still fairly fun (probably not worth the $10 though.) Playing with even one friend makes the whole experience much better.

Gears of War 2
(probably able to get this cheap) has a full coop campaign, as well as the ability to play against bots in an MP setting. Not to mention the class 'Horde' mode, where you try to survive 50 waves of enemies on the MP maps.

Red Alert 3
has full coop support, and is VERY cheap (~$5), but you may not like RTS games on the console. (Demo, no coop in demo though)

Too Human
(Third person shooter/Diablo esque retelling of Norse mythology in the future) -- Has two player coop, loot grinding, leveling, talent trees etc. Probably want to try the demo several times before buying though. It's also very cheap.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 has up to 2 player coop campaigning, and 4 player terrorist hunting. Great game available for dirt cheap. Has basic RPG elements like leveling, grinding, and customization.

I'm sure there are more, but those come to mind immediately. I'm also a heavy coop gamer. I also recommend looking at www.co-optimus.com for a good listing of all coop games for any platform.
Everything the previous poster said, I agree with. Also, Ghost Recon 1 and 2 have coop campaigns as well as single player, and tons of MP options, and can also be found dirt cheap as well. Splinter Cell Conviction has some coop levels in it, if you like stealth games. Resident Evil 5 is coop throughout as well, if you want a slower paced yet still pretty action shooter-heavy game. The new Transformers game is coop too, yet I haven't tried it yet.
Whatever game you want to pick is up to you.

Games to consider:

Halo 3 and Halo 3 ODST
Rainbow Six Vegas 1 or 2
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare(GRAW) 1,2,3
Battlefield Bad Company 1 or 2
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Left 4 Dead 1 or 2
Gears of War 1 or 2
Lost Planet 1 or 2

There's so many shooters you could look at but those are the more popular and better ones.
I have to give a full recommendation to Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. Also Army of 2 is another co-op game to consider.
Thanks for all of the opinions!

My buddy and I went with RSV2 right now for terrorist hunt and online play.

So we will be playing RSV2 and Halo 3 Multi.

I think if/when a Borderlands GotY edition came out we would purchase that.
Most people nailed it right on the head with all of the retail co-op games (I would also toss in either Army of Twos or Unreal III), though you should also look toward the XBLA for some titles as well (though they are not shooters, just awesome co-op games for future reference)

I have played Castle Crashers and 'Splosion Man, plus the newer Summer of Arcade titles Hydro Thunder Hurricane and Castlevania Harmony of Despair and I have enjoyed hours of multiplayer fun from all of them. Monday Night Combat seems promising as well (it comes out on the 11th). Plus, just do not underestimate the Arcade because there are great multiplayer and single player games on there.

Then for other co-op games that are not simply shooters, I must throw a few others into the mix. Marvel Ultimate Alliance, the entire LEGO series and Transformers WFC are the others that come right to mind.
Well, my buddy had a change of heart and decided to go with Borderlands. I am pretty excited as I was very much looking forward to playing this game!

So looks like for now we will play borderlands and halo 3 online (co-op/team deathmatch respectively).

Most likely we will get Halo Reach and/or Call of Duty Black Ops when they come out.
bread's done