which game to buy assasins creed or bioshock


i never really got into assassin's much. had to sell my copy. got very...repetitive, i guess?

bioshock, on the other hand, provided hours of pure enjoyment! hiyaa!
Bioshock. You can find it at most places for around $30. There's been plenty of deals for it as well dipping close to $20.
Bioshock is probably one of the best games on the 360. Its amazing, you should buy my copy with the strategy guide :)
I've had both since their respective release dates and I would pick Assassin's Creed. They're both fun, but Assassin's creed is more expansive. Assassin's Creed has some repetitive side quests, but you don't have to do most(they give you like 6 per town and you only have to do like 3) and the free running is just too fun. Bioshock is awesome in its own right, but Its assassin's creed all the way for me.

I got bored with Assassins Creed, but I still have it and would like to revisit it someday.
appreciate all of the feedback so far i have been thinking all along that bioshock is the choice, although since they are both dropping in price might have to pick up both if i can for about 60 together. anyone have any idea when bioshock is gonna drop to 20 bucks or less and when assasins creed will do the same? also what is the most each of u would pay for both of these games?
[quote name='bigscoot4269']what is the most each of u would pay for both of these games?[/QUOTE]

BioShock is definitely worth the full price of $60 imo.

Assassin's Creed is only worth like $20.
i personally wouldn't say bioshock is worth $60. it was a fun game, but i could only take the story one time through and that was it. i couldn't even do that for assassin's creed though and i paid full price for both games when they came out.

i would personally say $20 for assassin's creed since it gets so overly repetitive and $30 for bioshock. i can see these games hitting those prices this year too since there will be plenty of big name games out this year and places will be looking to move these games.
BioShock is one of those games where you only have to play it through once. There's not a whole lot of reason to do it again, but the story is fantastic and there's so many different ways to play through it. You don't know how much fun it is until you get the telekinesis ability and start bitchslapping bad guys with their dead friends.
I loved, loved, LOVED both of them. Note that Assassin's Creed's plot is a little more abstract and that while the ending doesn't suck, it's not very mainstream.

That said you should buy both of them. Sorry. I didn't really help you much there.
[quote name='Dingleberry']Bioshock. You can find it at most places for around $30. There's been plenty of deals for it as well dipping close to $20.[/quote]

Does anyone know where you could get Bioshock around $20? Thanks :D
I'd pay more for assassin's creed then bioshock. Bioshock has little to no replay value, even with 2 endings. In assassin's Creed I could have fun just freerunning around the huge cities. I think Assassin's Creed is worth the $60 price tag, but at this point cause of age I'd prolly got for like $30-ish
Amazon has them both for 29.99 new. Free shipping. If you cant wait Kmart has Assasins creed for 29.99. Bioshock 39.99.
Bioshock was a blast.. I didn't hear of it until 2 days before release.. bought it cheap at CC and played until I was through. I have AC but yet to play it. From what I hear neither game is one you'll play through more than once.
I've been through Bioshock 3 times. Love it every time. Something about the electric plasmid and the wrench just does it for me. You can get it for $30 new this week at CC. A definite buy at this price if you haven't played it. Sure, it'll go down eventually, but it's definitely worth its original retail. At half that it's a no-brainer.

Assassin's Creed is $30 everywhere now, I think...$25 or so used. It's fun. As other folks have said, it's repetitive...ridiculously so if you're going for all the achievements since a few are just "collect a billion flags" or "rescue a zillion innocents from hoodlums". Either way, it's worth a play because it's still very well done and the play mechanics are more fluid than any game I've ever seen. Simply running around cities climbing and jumping off stuff is almost as much fun as the gameplay itself.
I agree with Bioshock. I played and beat them both, and Bioshock was great fun. Assassin's Creed, however, became a "I'm playing it just to beat it" and even then the ending wasn't worth it. I wouldn't be bothered one bit if I had never played it.
[quote name='Brak']Bioshock.

I got bored with Assassins Creed, but I still have it and would like to revisit it someday.[/quote]

Same here. I keep saying I'm going to finish it eventually but now that GTA4 is here it's not looking likely...
[quote name='redgopher']Note that Assassin's Creed's plot is a little more abstract and that while the ending doesn't suck, it's not very mainstream.[/quote]
It would if there wasn't going to be a sequel. I hate cliffhangers.

I'd say rent both since they're both games that don't have a lot of replay value, but if you have to buy one: BioShock.
Despite what many people say both are great games. However, I am probably going to have to also lean towards Bioshock if you have to pick just one. But you owe it to yourself to rent A.C. and give it a fair shot. A large gripe with people is that the game is repetitive, but the game is so fun it makes up for it in my opinion.
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