Which order should I play these in?


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Ok, so I've been looking at my current PS3 backlog, and I really can't decide what order to play through the games in. I want to get to them all, but I just can't pick which to do first. So, I turn to you all for help :D Here's what I've got in the backlog, please help me try to sort out an order. Thanks :)

Dead Space
Final Fantasy XIII
Metal Gear Solid 4
Red Dead Redemption
I would make sure you get Dead Space out of the way before the sequel and all its accompanying games start coming out. If I rememeber correctly, DS2 is a direct sequel, so having a chance to play through the original unspoiled is probably a good idea and will contribute to your enjoyment of the sequel.

I would put Blur off. I find few games are worthy of a a dedicated run through and tend to be better off being completed in between other games.

I recall Prototype being one of those games that is great for awhile but most people never complete, so I would probably start with it, get as far as I could and then take a break to beat something else before coming back.

The rest of the games are all good, long-term plays so theyre pretty interchangeable. RDR does have some good multiplayer, so I would recommend starting with that so you can get some in before the multiplayer dies off.
I'd do online games last, since you might get caught up in them and forget/ignore your other games. I'd do Darksiders last since I thought it was boring, but you might want to do whichever one you find the most boring last.
If you are a fanboy of the MGS series, prepare yourself for a treat and multiple runs through, trying to achieve new rankings. If not, you can easily put it off to the bottom of the list.

Dead Space is the coolest game on that list. I thought the atmosphere they created freakin rocked, even if some of the missions got repetitive towards the end.

I don't know how the MP is in Blur right now, but you will want to hop into that as soon as possible. The game is made for MP, it's pretty mediocre by yourself.

The rest you can hit up at your leisure. I didn't think the MP was very impressive in RDR, but it is still a good SP game. There is no particular order, other than what interests you the most.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']Ok, so I've been looking at my current PS3 backlog, and I really can't decide what order to play through the games in. I want to get to them all, but I just can't pick which to do first. So, I turn to you all for help :D Here's what I've got in the backlog, please help me try to sort out an order. Thanks :)

Blur #7
Darksiders #5
Dead Space #4
Final Fantasy XIII #2
Metal Gear Solid 4 #3
Prototype #6
Red Dead Redemption #1

That looks right
You should start Darksiders first and when you inevitably get bored after an hour then move on to another game and after you beat that other game Darksiders will seem fucking AWESOME. That's what happened to me.
You should try to play those games depend on your feeling to be. They all are very good games and expect for the Red Dead Redemption.
1. Untold Legends
2. Haze
3. Hannah Montana

Play those 3 first, then anything on your list will seem like it is bling-bling. Just make sure you play Dead Space in a dark environment and have the popcorn ready for MGS 4.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']
1: Red Dead Redemption
2: Prototype
3: Metal Gear Solid 4
4: Dead Space
5: Darksiders
6: Blur
NEVER: Final Fantasy XIII[/QUOTE]

Playing FFXIII will make you physically ill.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']
Final Fantasy XIII
Metal Gear Solid 4
There's your order for you. ^_^
I'd put some distance between FF13 and MGS4. I don't play a lot of only stuff- so here is my order not taking into consideration online play dying off:

Prototype (because it's the weakest of the bunch)
Deadspace (to be ready for the sequel)
Read Dead

I'd play Blur throughout to break the tedium of all of these games. I picked this order not because one game is better than another, but because of the style of game / gameplay involved or the overall approach package. Darksiders after FF13 so that you can come out of a boring long game with some fun, cliche adventure action.
Finish Dead Space as early as you can, as the sequel will come out soon.

I say take your time with MGS4, especially if you followed the Metal Gear series, don't want to spoil too much here. FF13, its not the o'skool FF you played before, so be aware of that.

Prototype, critics did pan this one and loved InFamous, which you should add to your PS3 collection if you can. RDR is for you if you like GTA but want something really different.
1. Dead Space
2. Darksiders
3. Red Dead Redemption
4. Metal Gear Solid 4 (farther up if you are a big fan, farther down if not)
5. Final Fantasy XIII
6. Prototype
7. Blur
bread's done