Which overpriced store will go under next?


13 (100%)
With Tower records about a month or so from going completly under, which overpriced store will go under next? I say FYE is next. Any thoughts?
[quote name='bdgskarulz']COMPUSA. No doubt about it. Everytime I go into one it looks like a graveyard....[/QUOTE]

doubt it. They tend to have some really good deals every few weeks, and sometimes there pc/vg software drops like crazy.
CompUSA hands down. I hate that place. A few good deals, but a crappy store layout with crappier employees at every one I've ever been to.
[quote name='djkunai']CompUSA hands down. I hate that place. A few good deals, but a crappy store layout with crappier employees at every one I've ever been to.[/QUOTE]

I'm honestly surprised they are still in business now that BB / CC got huge. CompUSA offers nothing you can't get at those two stores and it'll probably be cheaper to boot.
[quote name='ZForce']Does Blockbuster count? Everytime I go in there looking for used games, then place is D-E-A-D[/QUOTE]

This might actually be it... Blockbuster has been struggling for a long time now.
i wouldnt say blockbuster will close up. Maybe move to mail order only but you will never see blockbuster go belly up. The total access thing will bring tons of people in. I say you will see netflix go belly up before blockbuster.

I would have to say FYE as well. The only one we have here is in a mall and i have no idea how they hell they make enough to pay rent. noone is ever in there.
I'd like to say FYE - I don't know how they make their money with the prices.....but they just bought Sam Goody and they are part of a bigger company, Transworld - who must have deep pockets.
I used to work for CompUSA before they brought in TV's and such. Never much cared for it when I worked there, they just happened to pay more at the time. I'm surprised as well they're still around.
You know, I'm also surprised that CompUSA is still around. Their prices are quite inflated, and there hasn't been any growth (to the best of my knowledge) for some time.

Blockbuster is struggling.. but I predict them to be around for a long time. I'd say Movie Gallery will die long before they do, and their online/mail distribution seems to be going ok. I'm unsure as to revenue generated from ownership of Gamerush & Rhino.

FYE... I had a funny thought about them recently. Seeing as the big green eyed monster of Gamestop merged with EB.. why not merge with/aquire FYE to expand their business model? There is a Moviestop chain floating around.. and being that most FYE's are in malls, it'd be a good fit. Gamestop could sell movies and music much the same way as they do games... I think it would work.

As to FYE making money, they do in rural markets. Many towns exist with an FYE as the only source for explicit music. Also, they likely generate some revenue from new releases.. for some reason, people still go to the mall to get their new mainstream over-produced garbage when it comes out instead of Best Buy or CC. However, that trend is diminishing as well.

Another one that hasn't been mentioned yet is RadioShack. They recently closed some stores, and their market is now saturated when compared with online retailers that offer similiar products. Their prices are kinda high on things, so people go there usually for parts or cell phones. Their business model has changed very little in the past 10 years (beyond offering cellphones, that is).
[quote name='62t']I hope FYE doesnt go out of business. I have like $100+ credit there.[/QUOTE]

i got around 250 credit there. nothing to buy. Thinking of getting a wii and just selling it on ebay and hopefully get 250 for it (that is if FYE ever gets the wii)
[quote name='javeryh']Sam Goody.[/quote]

In March 2006, Trans World Entertainment announced the purchase of Musicland and 400 Sam Goody and Suncoast stores. Trans World will keep 345 of the stores open around the country and close 55. As of May 2006 Trans World Entertainment Corp. will soon begin changing the names of mall-based Sam Goody stores to FYE, the company's signature retail store. Trans World will retain the Suncoast Motion Picture Co. name on about 170 stores
All the FYEs and Sam Goodys have closed around here and so have most of the Suncoasts. With good reason. I hope Suncoast gets knocked out for good. Their business model is so terrible. "Hey I know why don't we sell video games for retail price and never ever have any discounts on them!!?!!??! People will definitely buy them from us instead of the 2 other video game stores in the mall!!!!"
My son tried to apply at CompUSA last week.
They said they were not hiring, as they thought they were closing.

One of the bigger stores by us has already closed.
wow so a lot of you say CompUSA.

I never saw CC as being BIG compared to BB.

FYE needs to go. The near by mall has 2 FYE's..one on the top level, one at the bottom level. You start from the bottom FYE , take the escolator up, make a quick right and bam another SMALLER FYE...WTF!!?!?

If it does go, it might be a bitch to get some good shit as we all know teenagers live off Mall air. The Sam Goody close out netted me an xbox and a ds fat, but no 360 or PSP thats cause all teh fuckers took them before I got a chance.

Blockbuster...after years of running smaller video stores out of business perhaps its there time...but what the hell are people going to get out of a BB closing? 1.99 previously viewed movies and games? I don't go to block buster ever so no biggy.
As much as I'd like to see the crappier stores fold up, it bothers me just a wee bit that the retail market is becoming focused on the big corp's and only them. Sure, there would still be smaller chains and independent stores, but it'd be terrible for business if you only had 3 large stores as your choices for electronics nation wide.

Compusa went belly up near my old home, would not be surprised if they got swallowed up in a merger.
FYE does well in my area even though they are overpriced. I don't know if it is a national chain but I am going to say Movie Gallery. They are always empty and one closed in my area recently. They are very overpriced on both rentals and games for sale ($9.99 for a used 2003 sports game?!)
comp usa sucks. i tried to buy a tv for the ps3 preorder twice. but i couldnt get a freakin employee to wait on me. i told the kid the first time point blank that i wanted to buy a flat screen and he practically ran from me as soon as i turned around. i take it they dont get a commission.
[quote name='thagoat']comp usa sucks. i tried to buy a tv for the ps3 preorder twice. but i couldnt get a freakin employee to wait on me. i told the kid the first time point blank that i wanted to buy a flat screen and he practically ran from me as soon as i turned around. i take it they dont get a commission.[/QUOTE]

I have the worse luck with CompUSA, CC, and Microcenter people. They never come up to me and ask if I need anything.

Slightly off topic but a few years ago at my local CompUSA, I walked into the store and the alarm went off. The security gaurd, dressed in a suit stopped me and asked if I had anything from another store and I said no. He asked to check my shoes because there are certain things in shoes that cause the alarm to go off (never heard of that shit before). This was shortly after that Shoe Bomber thing on the news. WTF!! I really should have complained to the GM ... oh yea that's it, I am a terrorist with a shoe bomb wanting to blow up a CompUSA because they are over priced...uh huh.... fuckers.
[quote name='Skylander7']You know, I'm also surprised that CompUSA is still around. Their prices are quite inflated, and there hasn't been any growth (to the best of my knowledge) for some time.

Blockbuster is struggling.. but I predict them to be around for a long time. I'd say Movie Gallery will die long before they do, and their online/mail distribution seems to be going ok. I'm unsure as to revenue generated from ownership of Gamerush & Rhino.

FYE... I had a funny thought about them recently. Seeing as the big green eyed monster of Gamestop merged with EB.. why not merge with/aquire FYE to expand their business model? There is a Moviestop chain floating around.. and being that most FYE's are in malls, it'd be a good fit. Gamestop could sell movies and music much the same way as they do games... I think it would work.

As to FYE making money, they do in rural markets. Many towns exist with an FYE as the only source for explicit music. Also, they likely generate some revenue from new releases.. for some reason, people still go to the mall to get their new mainstream over-produced garbage when it comes out instead of Best Buy or CC. However, that trend is diminishing as well.

Another one that hasn't been mentioned yet is RadioShack. They recently closed some stores, and their market is now saturated when compared with online retailers that offer similiar products. Their prices are kinda high on things, so people go there usually for parts or cell phones. Their business model has changed very little in the past 10 years (beyond offering cellphones, that is).[/QUOTE]

Are you saying Gamestop / EB should merge with FYE?

Gamestop owns Moviestop, it just hasn't expanded very far yet because, to the best of my knowledge, it's just in test markets. The Moviestop's I've seen are already in malls, as well... strip malls, but still malls.
Didn't CompUSA buy or merge with Good Guys? The one near me did. They closed their large store, and merged with the Good Guys store which was about 1/10th the size of the larger store. Aisles were ridiculously cramped, the lighting was still setup for more of the home theater environment so it was dark, and they couldn't keep anything in stock that people wanted to buy (GeForce 6xxx series cards, for example).

They closed up within 2-3 months.

As for Circuit City, I hate them. They pile videogames into shelf bins, and put all of the A/V equipment you would want to look at into individual complete setups with TVs, stands, and such. Makes it very difficult to browse and quickly compare features. It's all closely guarded by salespeople that patrol the setups like guard dogs waiting to attack anyone that goes near them with their sales pitch. It's like they are taking on more of a car sales person approach. :bomb:

I saw an FYE once, and saw no reason to go in. I think the name is stupid.

My bet is on CompUSA being bought and liquidated the way Tower Records was. (RIP Tower Records :cry:)
I went in Media Play about a month ago and I saw several tumbleweeds rolling through the aisles and I swear I tripped over a skull.
I would have to say CompUSA since they seem to be a company that has some of the most illogical running of business in general that even makes K-Mart look fucking amazing.
[quote name='ZForce']Does Blockbuster count? Everytime I go in there looking for used games, then place is D-E-A-D[/quote]

I went to blockbuster last week and picked up 3 used game for $15 and they are always busy.
I actually like Compusa so I hope they don't go out of business. I buy quite a bit from them. Within the last year I got a computer case, PSU, keyboard, and quite a few games so I would be sad if they went out of business.
[quote name='ITDEFX']doubt it. They tend to have some really good deals every few weeks, and sometimes there pc/vg software drops like crazy.[/quote]

There's only one left in Indianapolis and that may be the only one left in the state for all I know. It's always empty when I go in there, which is usually around the holidays when the other nearby stores like Circuit City and TRU are packed with hundreds of people. I can't see that store staying in business another year. I'm not sure how the chain as a whole is doing, but their nation-wide clearance on just about everything in their stores probably isn't a good sign.

I liked their video game clearances and manager specials, but the Compusa here reduced their video game section to 1 aisle, with maybe 10 games per system and most of those aren't even new releases. Pretty sad setup really. I won't really have any reason to ever go in there again.

No, just kidding..

You know what? Target, I'd love to see Target go bankrupt

But other than that..the most logical choice would be FYE...it seems NONE of us shop there.....and when we do..it's to rip them off with trade ins and crazy clearances...

But maybe the kids keep it alive, going to the mall, looking for dates, buying Madden 2004 for $19.99
[quote name='sarausagi']INCREDIBLE UNIVERSE!!!!!!

No, just kidding..

You know what? Target, I'd love to see Target go bankrupt

But other than that..the most logical choice would be FYE...it seems NONE of us shop there.....and when we do..it's to rip them off with trade ins and crazy clearances...

But maybe the kids keep it alive, going to the mall, looking for dates, buying Madden 2004 for $19.99[/QUOTE]

You know I never got a chance to go to Incredible Universe when it came to this area... it was here and gone in a short time. Anyways yea FYE needs to go. Overpriced shit with stupid MIR.
CompUSA is my answer as well. The store on 82nd and Johnson Creek Blvd. here always looks dead.

Though they aren't overpriced (at least when it comes to games), I think Toys R' Us has another 10 years at best.

A few Blockbusters in the area closed a while ago, most likely due to a franchisee pulling out. Despite that, there are still a lot of Blockbusters in the city. I don't see them going under for a long time though, if ever.

Btw, Movie Gallery is a national chain - they recently purchased Hollywood Video.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']FYE does well in my area even though they are overpriced. I don't know if it is a national chain but I am going to say Movie Gallery. They are always empty and one closed in my area recently. They are very overpriced on both rentals and games for sale ($9.99 for a used 2003 sports game?!)[/quote]

The one thing about Movie Gallery is that it's really easy to accumulate credit. Last year I think I bought around eight used, excellent condition DVDs from them during their own promos for a grand total of around $30 and ended up getting a solid $5 of credit in my account. After they started repricing some of their used games as well I was able to nab some KoF 2K/3K action for a good $10.

Most of their prices are still pretty blah for their used games but used movies...if you wait, they reach fantastic prices. The stores around here are somewhat dead most of the time too but once a weekend hits you can't keep throngs of people out of the store.
[quote name='Demontooth']I went in Media Play about a month ago and I saw several tumbleweeds rolling through the aisles and I swear I tripped over a skull.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, I wonder why that is?

I say Radio Crap.
This is an interesting thread... good idea OP. Anyways, my thoughts:

Radio Shack: definitely a likely candidate. Personally, I live about 20 miles from Fry's and I have a Radioshack 20 feet from my front door. Guess what... I'll drive the 20 miles to Fry's everytime. And the sad thing is- so will everyone else I know around my neighborhood. I've been in that Radioshack once to buy some speaker wire when I first moved out here a couple years ago. Since then I've never stopped in. However, in areas where the only other electronics retailers are Best Buy and Circuit City, Radioshack is still a semi-viable option for those hard to find electronic pieces (transistors and other small doo-hickeys).

Blockbuster: Not a chance in hell they're going down anytime soon. THe last coupld of years the CEO has definitely made some questionable, if not outright retarded, calls. However, with their big push for the online market, the Big Blue has shown the major shareholders that they do, in fact, still have a very large push with the moving watching community. So while Blockbuster is losing money giving away all these free trials and free rentals, they are getting it back through bigger investments. The temporary loss is offset by the investments and once Blockbuster has a solid ground to stand on with the online community, they'll actually start turning a profit with it and can start making money for the investors again.

CompUSA: Definitely my first thought before reading anyone else's responses. They are so many things they carry that just never sell at a profit. Games and game systems don't turn them a profit. I doubt they make any money on the TV's. The only thing they possibly make money on is computers and computer hardware. But with BB's and CC's popping up everywhere, CompUSA is going to quickly fade into the shadows with higher prices than everywhere else.

FYE (and all other Transworld subsidiaries): Transworld owns all of the following companies- FYE, Coconuts, Wherehouse, Strawberries, Spec's Music, Planet Music, Saturday Matinee, Sam Goody, and Suncoast. Everyone has (or had) at least one of these somewhere close to them at one point. And anyone who has been into one knows how overpriced they are. Transworld has always been a company that barely makes a profit. I worked for Spec's Music in Miami, FL in 1999 right when they were bought by Transworld. Before the buy out, the only things we carried were CD's, tapes, and CD binders (and maybe a handful of movies). Our prices were higher than BB's, but only by a dollar or so. Once we were bought out, our prices almost immediately jumped up a couple dollars on everything. We started carrying all sorts of non-music related items to crowd the register area for impulse buys. We started pushing suggestive selling. It just seemed like the company was so desperate to make any kind of money that it didn't matter what we carried, as long as someone would buy it once in a while. So rather than relying on ticketmaster sales and CD sales, now we were relying on suggestive selling and some clueless people to help keep us afloat.
To cut the rambling short, I say Transworld is definitely on the brink, but I don't think they'll give up before CompUSA. We'll one or more branches shut down (just like what happened with many Sam Goody's), but the company will keep it's head above water just a little longer than CompUSA.
While it is impossible for them to go out of business anytime soon, I hope best buy gets a scare when they see their 2006 4th quarter earnings next year.
Ugh, I think CompUSA and Radioshack are the two worst electronic stores. I hate the layout of most of the stores; I will drive ten or twenty extra minutes just to go to Best Buy or Circuit City.
You know what I love about FYE, is when a new DVD comes out they put it on "sale" for the low low price of the MSRP at ANY OTHER STORE.

Let's say Mission Impossible III, other stores charge $19.99 normally, they put it on sale for $13.99. FYE charges $25.99 normally, and puts it on "sale" for $19.99.

I'm not sure how the hell they stay in business... I've gone in there a ton and never once bought anything.
Fye - crappy store, jerky employees, and no good deals or prices on anything at all. No thanks.

[quote name='Roufuss']You know what I love about FYE, is when a new DVD comes out they put it on "sale" for the low low price of the MSRP at ANY OTHER STORE.

Let's say Mission Impossible III, other stores charge $19.99 normally, they put it on sale for $13.99. FYE charges $25.99 normally, and puts it on "sale" for $19.99.

I'm not sure how the hell they stay in business... I've gone in there a ton and never once bought anything.[/quote]

Once they had San Andreas "on sale" for $49.99
I just hate how FYE have their new and used games together. Makes it hard to find things. I do like how they have rebate for games and the high trade in credit.
[quote name='Porksta']CompUSA is the only place I know of to buy cases of Bawls.[/quote]

Hmm...interesting. The only place I can find Bawls is at this one 7-Eleven a few miles from my house and they nearly started phasing them out until I started buying them there. Unlike others who have reported that everyone of their 7-Elevens have Bawls, very few in my area actually do.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I actually like Compusa so I hope they don't go out of business. I buy quite a bit from them. Within the last year I got a computer case, PSU, keyboard, and quite a few games so I would be sad if they went out of business.[/quote]

You must be one of the few. I'd rather buy from BB or CC. Actually, to tell you the truth I'd just order from NewEgg. Or for a real REAL computer/computer parts/electronics store I'd go to the grandaddy of them all, Fry's. Until you've been in a Fry's, then you can 't say you've been in an electronics store.
[quote name='62t']I just hate how FYE have their new and used games together. Makes it hard to find things. I do like how they have rebate for games and the high trade in credit.[/quote]

You like rebates?????? :shock: O.K.

Anyway, throw my vote in with CompUSA. That store sucks. I don't know how it's gotten by for the past 6 years, especially after 9/11 and all the BBs/CCs competing against each other. And in markets where Fry's has been springing up they must be losing my money by the wheelbarrowful (not a word but I don't care at the moment). Hell, they're probably shipping all there money to Fry's/BB/CC for free.

FYE sucks also.

I must be in the minoriy, but I always have liked Radioshack. Simple and knowledgeable people and there are plenty of them. They know exactly which wire, fuse, transistor, chip, etc. for what you need. A bit more expensive, but you're paying for the service.
[quote name='Rozz']Fye - crappy store, jerky employees, and no good deals or prices on anything at all. No thanks.

Once they had San Andreas "on sale" for $49.99[/QUOTE]

NYC FYE had Jedi Starfighter for the xbox used for 44.99 back in april..fuck THAT!
bread's done